
Humans Shrunk 300 Times

Have you ever seen a fly larger than a human? Have you ever witnessed an ant mightier than a human? Have you ever encountered a sparrow resembling an ancient colossal beast? Everything I knew has undergone an earth-shattering transformation! Ji Chang was at a loss for words on how to describe it, but there was one word that fit most appropriately: immense! Immense! Tremendously immense! Astonishingly immense! To the extent that even a small blade of grass has turned into a towering tree! However, the cause behind all these changes wasn't that objects themselves grew larger, but rather Ji Chang discovered that he had become smaller. Tiny! Incredibly tiny! Unbelievably tiny! So minuscule that even a gentle breeze could send a person soaring through the air!

DaoistqbwX4g · Sci-fi
Peringkat tidak cukup
60 Chs

Chapter 57: Chains of Spiritual Bondage

Guiding the wolf spider to the ground, Ji Chang observed the motionless cat lying there from a distance.

The cat's belly was slightly bulging, but its breath seemed incredibly faint.

Perhaps the sound of the wolf spider landing caught the cat's attention.

As Ji Chang watched the cat, it lifted its eyelids slightly, casting a weak glance at both the spider and Ji Chang.

Soon after, it closed its eyes again.

Although the cat's condition seemed fragile to Ji Chang, he dared not let his guard down even a bit, maintaining a heightened state of vigilance.

After a few minutes, once he felt assured that the cat wouldn't attack him, Ji Chang surveyed the kitchen environment.

The kitchen floor was in complete disarray.

Earlier, there had only been scattered flour, grains of rice, and the like on the ground.

But now, all sorts of food were strewn around, and Ji Chang even spotted broken peach cans among the mess.

"What's happened to the cat?" Ji Chang pondered as he gazed at the chaos, curiosity stirring within him.

In Ji Chang's estimation, there was no shortage of food in the kitchen.

So, he dismissed the idea that hunger had driven the cat to this state.

Could it be that the cat was sick?

Doubt crept into Ji Chang's mind, and he turned his attention back to the cat.

After this prolonged period, the cat still lay motionless, occasionally casting a few glances his way.

Given this, Ji Chang deduced that the cat didn't currently pose any threat to him.

Hence, mustering his courage, Ji Chang coaxed the wolf spider to approach the cat once more.

As he neared the cat's body, Ji Chang's brow furrowed suddenly.

Behind the cat lay a considerable pool of filth.

Judging by the appearance, it seemed to be the cat's excrement.

However, Ji Chang, having experience in cat care, knew that a normal cat's waste shouldn't look like this...

As Ji Chang was lost in thought, he suddenly noticed some clumps stuck to the cat's mouth.

There were even a few bits clinging to its whiskers.

Moreover, Ji Chang observed a collection of vomit near the cat's mouth.

Was it experiencing both vomiting and diarrhea?

"What has it eaten?" Ji Chang mused aloud.

Soon enough, he spotted a corner of a wrapper peeking out from under a cupboard.

Upon closer inspection, it turned out to be a package of chocolate!

And judging by the scene, it appeared the cat had been gnawing at it.

Having made this discovery, Ji Chang looked at the cat nearby with understanding.

Chocolate contained theobromine.

It posed a significant threat to pets like cats and dogs.

Excessive theobromine consumption could lead to poisoning, causing vomiting and diarrhea in cats. Taken to the extreme, it could even be fatal!

Having deduced the cat's predicament, Ji Chang couldn't help but let out a sigh.

If this were before his powers had been reduced, perhaps he could have found a way to help.

But now, he was entirely powerless.


Just as Ji Chang pondered and regretted, a weak cry from the cat reached his ears.

In that cry, there seemed to be both reluctance and remorse.

"I wonder if I can make the cat my spirit beast? That might provide a solution," Ji Chang thought as the cat emitted its plaintive cries.

Amidst the cat's continuous cries, Ji Chang suddenly had an idea and turned his gaze towards the cat, which was groaning helplessly.

However, he quickly shook his head with a wry smile.

Setting aside the fact that the cat, despite being a kitten, was many times larger than the wolf spider, which Ji Chang controlled, there was another issue. Ji Chang had previously controlled ants, wasps, and now the wolf spider, all of which were active participants. But actively controlling a spirit beast was something new to him, and he wasn't entirely sure how to go about it.

One thing Ji Chang was sure of was the strength of his spiritual power. After the events of the day and a hearty meal, his spiritual energy had surged significantly. However, he believed he had not broken through the level of the fourth layer of spiritual power. At most, he was nearing its peak, still some distance from attaining the fifth layer.

Then again, in the past, whether he controlled ants, wasps, or the wolf spider, they were all creatures in their prime. Considering the cat's current weakened state, it probably wouldn't last much longer.

Contemplating this, Ji Chang couldn't help but wonder, "In this situation, could the conditions for control be lowered?"

These were all speculative thoughts in Ji Chang's mind; he wasn't sure if they would work.

As he looked at the cat, its eyes pleading, Ji Chang firmly decided and softly muttered, "I don't know if it will work, but desperate times call for desperate measures!"

Afterward, Ji Chang carefully guided the wolf spider closer to the cat's body. Then, he extended his palm and gently touched the cat's fur.

With his eyes slightly closed, Ji Chang focused on the energy within him, as well as the unique connection he had with the wasps, spider, and the cat.

Minutes ticked away, Ji Chang's palm resting on the cat's body, maintaining his position.

The cat appeared to sense that the spider and the tiny figure on it posed no threat. Moreover, it seemed to realize they were trying to help. Thus, the cat remained motionless, even ceasing its earlier groaning cries.

Ten minutes went by.

Ji Chang remained unmoved.

Twenty minutes passed.

Ji Chang still kept his eyes shut.

Thirty minutes.

Forty minutes.

The sky gradually darkened.

By now, Huang Mang, who had feasted to his heart's content on the kitchen cabinets, had integrated with the cabinet's material and had crawled onto the stove.

Watching Ji Chang's actions, although Huang Mang had no idea what he was up to, he dared not disturb him.

After a while, Huang Mang, who was growing bored, leaned against the stove and began to drowse off.

Time passed, and suddenly, Huang Mang was jolted awake by an abnormal fluctuation!

Having woken up, Huang Mang realized that the peculiar disturbance he had faintly sensed came from the spider's back and, astonishingly, from his big brother Ji's body!

Upon seeing this clearly, he couldn't help but hesitate, muttering, "Is that... a chain of spiritual bondage?"

As Huang Mang discovered, Ji Chang's body was surrounded by three faintly radiant chains, formed by his spiritual power. However, these chains appeared and vanished in an instant. If not for the darkness of the kitchen and the faint light they emitted, Ji Chang might not have even noticed them.

These chains weren't ordinary; they were woven from his spiritual energy. Among the three chains, one linked with the wolf spider at his feet, another stretched towards the void.

The direction of the third chain was slightly different. It seemed more like an ethereal existence compared to the other two, more intangible.