
Humans Shrunk 300 Times

Have you ever seen a fly larger than a human? Have you ever witnessed an ant mightier than a human? Have you ever encountered a sparrow resembling an ancient colossal beast? Everything I knew has undergone an earth-shattering transformation! Ji Chang was at a loss for words on how to describe it, but there was one word that fit most appropriately: immense! Immense! Tremendously immense! Astonishingly immense! To the extent that even a small blade of grass has turned into a towering tree! However, the cause behind all these changes wasn't that objects themselves grew larger, but rather Ji Chang discovered that he had become smaller. Tiny! Incredibly tiny! Unbelievably tiny! So minuscule that even a gentle breeze could send a person soaring through the air!

DaoistqbwX4g · Sci-fi
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60 Chs

Chapter 59: Ant Illusion

In a short while, Ji Chang selected 'yes'.

As the window in front of his eyes disappeared, Ji Chang suddenly shivered all over. Immediately after, he felt an invisible spiritual force spread throughout his body, and then it quickly converged towards a certain point.

After a few breaths, this invisible spiritual force gathered together, forming a sphere in his dantian.

Sensing the swirling sphere, Ji Chang vaguely perceived the presence of a phantom within it.

This phantom was none other than the ant he had previously controlled!

While Ji Chang sensed the sphere in his dantian, he also noticed that his spiritual power was continuously pouring into it.

The sphere seemed to breathe, exhaling and inhaling spiritual power in a continuous rhythm.

Witnessing this situation, Ji Chang's mind stirred involuntarily.

The next moment, the sphere suddenly trembled, and a large amount of spiritual power surged out.

Simultaneously, Ji Chang felt his body fill with strength, and not only that, he also discovered a phantom appearing on his back.

This phantom was that of an ant!


Just as Ji Chang unleashed the boundless power of his skill, a loud crash suddenly echoed in his ears.

Turning to the side, he saw a bottle of mineral water falling from a height and landing on the ground.

Gazing at the falling water bottle, Ji Chang couldn't help but smirk and quickly walked forward.


Approaching the water bottle, Ji Chang shouted.

He actually lifted the mineral water bottle directly!

At that moment, Huang Mang and the Wolf Spider also arrived on the ground.

Seeing this scene, Huang Mang couldn't help but exclaim in astonishment, "Holy cow, Ji-ge, what you just did..."

When they were on the shelf just now, it had taken significant effort from both him and the Wolf Spider to push the water bottle down from above.

But now, Ji Chang had unexpectedly lifted the mineral water bottle with his own strength!

However, Huang Mang soon noticed that a faint red light was emanating from Ji Chang's body, especially on his arms.

And on his back, there was a phantom that he was familiar with.

Upon careful observation, Huang Mang recognized it as the phantom of an ant!

My big brother Ji has awakened a new extraordinary power again?

Looking at Ji Chang at this moment, Huang Mang thought so and was momentarily frozen in place.

At this moment, Ji Chang was also incredibly excited.

The skill of reciprocal empowerment, boundless strength—it displayed power beyond Ji Chang's imagination.

In his view, even if Huang Mang were to go all out while on the shelf, he wouldn't match Ji Chang's current prowess when using the boundless power of his skill!

In no time, when Ji Chang embraced the bottle cap and effortlessly twisted it open, he felt his strength begin to wane.

Moreover, the spiritual power sphere with the phantom of an ant in his dantian trembled slightly, and the previously full spiritual power within it was almost depleted.

"The effect lasts for about a minute!"

Calculating in his mind after using the boundless power of his skill, Ji Chang murmured to himself.

To prevent the recently restored full spiritual power level from depleting again due to the sudden expenditure, Ji Chang decisively ended the effect of the reciprocal empowerment skill.

With his current level of spiritual power, being able to gain immense strength within a minute was a satisfying outcome for Ji Chang.

Furthermore, he believed that as his spiritual power continued to grow stronger, he would be able to maintain the effect of the boundless power of the reciprocal empowerment skill for an even longer duration in the future!

"Ji-ge, what just happened! Did you... Did you unlock a new extraordinary power?"

Yellow Mang, who had witnessed everything firsthand, looked at the cat drinking water beside him, Ji Chang whose ant phantom had disappeared and the faint red light slowly fading from his body. He couldn't help but speak up, "What just happened? After the power increase earlier, I felt something odd in my body, and then it happened as you saw... Maybe it's related to the spiritual energy of the ant that returned to my body when it died before!"

Ji Chang looked at Yellow Mang and, after a brief contemplation, added, "It probably doesn't count as unlocking a new extraordinary power."

"Erm... Ji-ge, you're just... way too amazing!" Yellow Mang exclaimed in awe.


After the cat drank some water, its condition visibly improved. However, it was still in a weakened state. Under these circumstances, Ji Chang instructed Yellow Mang and the Wolf Spider to fetch some bread from the cabinet. After that, Ji Chang, accompanied by the Wolf Spider and Yellow Mang, rode on the cat's back.

Guided by Ji Chang, the cat walked towards the kitchen door. Although the cat was small in size, it was not as likely as the Wolf Spider to pass through the vent of the range hood. Additionally, the front door of the house was guarded by a large dog. Therefore, Ji Chang planned to lead the cat through the window that had a narrow opening, the same way they had entered earlier, and then return to the writing desk.

Before long, under Ji Chang's guidance, the cat reached the bedroom with the assistance of Ji Chang's spiritual energy. With the support of the wall, the cat climbed onto the windowsill using a chair.

"Ji-ge, this opening... the cat probably can't get through it, right?" Observing the window gap that only allowed the Wolf Spider to pass through, Yellow Mang furrowed his brow.

"It can't, we need to make the window opening larger!" Ji Chang glanced at the window and nodded.

Ji Chang had already considered this possibility.

"Mangzi, you and the Wolf Spider stay outside the window. I'll stay inside with the cat. Let's try together!" Ji Chang directed Yellow Mang.

Subsequently, the Wolf Spider emitted a large amount of silk. As Ji Chang continuously infused spiritual energy into the Wolf Spider, the silk increased, gradually twisting into a rope.

Following Ji Chang's orders, Yellow Mang and the Wolf Spider held onto one end of the silk and passed through the gap in the window to the outside.

Ji Chang then guided the cat to grasp the other end of the silk.

Not only that, Ji Chang once again unleashed the boundless power of the reciprocal empowerment skill. A few minutes later, just before the spiritual energy in Ji Chang's body was about to be depleted, the window pane finally moved back enough to allow the cat to pass through.

Woof woof woof~!

Woof woof woof~!

The sound of the window pane moving caught the attention of the large dog outside the door, causing it to bark wildly.

In the dim evening light, the dog's eyes emitted an eerie glow, appearing incredibly supernatural.

"This dog hasn't starved to death after all these days, and it's still so spirited!" Yellow Mang, who had once again climbed onto the cat's back, couldn't help but sneer.

Although he knew that the dog at the door couldn't pose a threat to them due to the chain, the frenzied barking coupled with the eerie gaze still sent shivers down his spine.

At this moment, Ji Chang also looked towards the dog by the door, lost in thought. However, he soon shook his head. The dog appeared to be in good spirits. Just as Yellow Mang had said, it hadn't starved to death despite all these days...

Afterward, Ji Chang paid no more attention to the dog. Amidst the barking and the sound of the chain scraping the ground, he guided the cat towards the gate of the courtyard.