
Humanity Rising

My name is Nuke. I am called many names. The guardian and destroyer of worlds, the headless horseman of Death. But I don't mind that much. I had saved humanity from destruction in just a few years. Took control of the worlds nuclear arsenal and stop the aggressors who wanted to use them for harm stop. That led to the Third World War, which I help crush the enemy Roque states and finally, in years, humanity and peace were united for the first time. I am leading Humanity to a great age in space exploration. I had recently discovered a new way to travel across the universe. Worm holes. They can help us expand farther into the galaxy. There's the chance for life, but nothing that could get as close as to us. Right? My name is Scootaloo. I don't have any parents. I have to live at the nearby orphanage. It sucks and the other foals there are Jenks and bullies because of my poor flight skills. At least I have my Scooter and my two best friends, Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom and my idol, Rainbow Dash. At least until I discovered a robot landing near Ponyville that is from another world. What have I got myself into?

Nothing2007 · Televisi
Peringkat tidak cukup
7 Chs

Into the Unknown

Log #number 9753... Progress.... Nuke online. You ready, sir.

Well, I really wasn't expecting Mission Blackhorizon to work so FREAKING well.

The rocket went through the wormhole we founded earlier and manage to cross over. Base on the data we found, it is in a Star System called "Unicorn", close to the Galactic Core.

This is so FREAKING Awesome!

This will allow us to habit planets close to the core and we could harvest it energy, allowing us to control the galaxy.

In other news, The Valkyrie Space Shuttle is almost ready to go. It can fly easy for this long distance mission. It just needs some more gear before she can fly.

The rocket should be dropping satellites in any planet it comes across. So this should be fun.

Nuke signing off.

End of Log.

"Nuke." "Nuke," said Delta, his personal AI. "WAKE UP NUKE!" she yelled in a loud voice.

"Huh," said Nuke as he struggle to get up. His face was red from sleeping at the computer again.

"You feel asleep at the computer," said Delta. "Again."

"I need to stop this bad habit," groan Nuke as he drink some of his soda he had next to him on the stand, though it had long fizz out.

"Delta," said Nuke half asleep. "Please set up the lab. I need a shower."

"Very well sir," said Delta as she zap to the lab as Nuke reach the bathroom.

After getting undress, Nuke step into the shower and let the hot water drip on his head. "I really needed this," said Nuke as he begin to wash up.

Nuke walk into the lab, freshen up from his shower. He quickly spotted Delta by his computer, looking concern.

"Sir," said Delta. "You might want to see this."

Nuke sat down at his computer and stared. And Stared... And Stared...

"Sir?" ask a concerned Delta as Nuke countied to stared at the computer. On the Screen, it showed through the rocket's cameras and one of the newly latched satellites all showed the same thing.

A small, Rocky planet, with oceans of blue surrounded by green and brown landmasses, with some white towards the south and north poles.

"Sir?" ask Delta again as Nuke' hands begin to twitch.

"YES!" yelled Nuke as he leap out of his chair and begin to dance around the room, though he couldn't dance.

Delta shook her head as she look down at the floor while the other AI bots laughed at their Creator's silliness.

"Are you done Sir," said Delta unamused. Nuke stopped and looked at her.

"Yes," said Nuke smiling as he catch his breath. "Have the rocket put it's satellites in orbit around the planet. The President is going to be excited about this."

Nuke left the room to go to the White House while Delta ordered the Rocket to release the rest of it's satellites.

Meanwhile, in Canderlot:

Princess Luna was about to finish setting the moon. She was really tired and look forward to go to her bed when she felt something small. A lot of small things enter the upper astrosphere.

"That's odd," though Luna. "I wasn't expecting small meteors so close. All well."

Once the moon was finally settled, Luna left for her quarters, unknowing of the objects true identity's.

Back on Earth:

"So what is this about a new Earth like Planet you found," ask the Secretary of Defense.

Nuke, President Macaw, the Secretary of Defense and several other presidential advisors were sitting at a round table in one of the White House's many rooms.

"I would like to hear about this planet, Mister Nuke," said President Macaw.

"All right then," said Nuke as he stand up. He shiver a bit. He hated doing presentations.

"So, early this morning," said Nuke as he set down his hologram device. "My Rocket that I had send through the wormhole to investigate has founded a almost Earth-like Planet near Star System code name "Unicorn."

The Hologram glowed a blue hue as it showed the Earth like planet. This left the Advisors and the Secretary of Defense in awe.

"It's almost an actual replicate of Earth," said Nuke with a worried glance. The Secretary of Defense noticed this.

"Why do you sound so concern? ask the Secretary of Defense. "Is their something on your mind sir?'

Taking a Deep Breath, Nuke regain his posture. "There's something strange about this planet sir," said Nuke.

The Group wondered in Agreement. "And what is "Strange" about this planet sir," asked the Secretary of Defense.

Nuke took a deep breath. "Somethings off with its gravity Mr. Secretary," said Nuke. "The Sun seems to be Orbiting... Around the Planet."

The Entire Room fell in silence. Even President Macaw was silent after hearing this.

"Let me get this straight," said one of the scientists as she stand up. "You're saying that the Sun is orbiting the planet?" ask the Scientist.

"Yes," said Nuke. He quickly activated his hologram, showing the diagram of the system. "I currently have no answer for this."

As Lunch came, Nuke left the room, as the Advisors talked in low tones and nod their heads in agreement.

"Hey Nuke." Nuke turned around and saw President Macaw walking up to him.

"Yes Mr. President?' ask Nuke as the two countied to walk down the hallway.

"Have you founded signs of life?" ask President Macaw. Nuke stood still like a brick wall.

"It's... difficult," said Nuke. "Sure, it's like Earth, but we needed to go down on the surface to find out. The whole Gravity Issue might not allow it. What I do now is if there's life down their, it's not advance enough to show stuff like factory smog."

After chatting some more, President Macaw left, as Nuke got into his car, he couldn't help but worry what life on this planet could mean for Earth.


After he got some lunch.