
Humanity Rising

My name is Nuke. I am called many names. The guardian and destroyer of worlds, the headless horseman of Death. But I don't mind that much. I had saved humanity from destruction in just a few years. Took control of the worlds nuclear arsenal and stop the aggressors who wanted to use them for harm stop. That led to the Third World War, which I help crush the enemy Roque states and finally, in years, humanity and peace were united for the first time. I am leading Humanity to a great age in space exploration. I had recently discovered a new way to travel across the universe. Worm holes. They can help us expand farther into the galaxy. There's the chance for life, but nothing that could get as close as to us. Right? My name is Scootaloo. I don't have any parents. I have to live at the nearby orphanage. It sucks and the other foals there are Jenks and bullies because of my poor flight skills. At least I have my Scooter and my two best friends, Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom and my idol, Rainbow Dash. At least until I discovered a robot landing near Ponyville that is from another world. What have I got myself into?

Nothing2007 · Televisi
Peringkat tidak cukup
7 Chs

First feet Into Hell

Log in... Password.... &$%&()%*(_*….. User recognized. Proceeded... Hello Nuke...

"Not again..." Groan Delta. She had been trying to wake up Nuke for the last half hour and still he slept on his desk, again. He should know that isn't healthy.

"Nevermind," said Delta as she programmed one of the robotic arms in the lab. Moving over to Nuke's side, it shoved him out of the chair.


"What?!" yelled Nuke as he woke back into continuous once again, rubbing his head.

"You feel asleep at your computer, again." said Delta. She had a non approving face.


"I know..." Mumble Nuke as he rise up from the floor. "You know what, I need some time off."

"I think that's a good idea," said Delta. He had spent way too much time down here in the lab after the discover of Earth #2.

That's what they are calling it until they give it a proper name.

A while later...

Nuke opened the garaged door. He hadn't been here for a while. Now he was ready to get out.


The Ford Mustang roared out into the streets, out of the garage and towards Washington D.C.

Driving past the other cars on the road, Nuke laugh at himself. He had almost forgot what made him like cars so much.

But his fun won't last long. As he past a building, two big Black vans pulled out and begin to trail him.

"That's odd," said Nuke as he look at his rearview mirror. "Why ae they following me? Need to keep A eye on them."

As he countied to drive down the road, three more of the Black Vans appeared and also beginning to trail him as well.


"Ok, something's up," said Nuke as he watch the vans. To his surprised horror, the hatch on the roof of the lead van opened up, showing a masked mercenary.


The man quickly pulled out a RPG-7. Nuke quickly dodge the blast as the rocket barely miss his car.

"I hate those things," yelled Nuke as he floored the gas, causing him to speed up.

That was the least of his problems, however. The men in the Black vans were seeming trying everything to get to him. Even trying to slam into him.

But while trying that, Nuke saw a familiar, but hated symbol he knew too well.


They were the Russian Ultranationists. Rebels of the World. They had preach about destroying Democracy and the West and restore the Russian Empire. They had been fighting the New Government for about a year now.

"Why am I even surprised," thought Nuke as he swung his car around a curb, causing one of the vans to smash into a concrete wall.

Pulling out now Machine guns, the Ultranationists begin to shot at him. They wanted him dead. Probity for what happened during the Ukrainian War, thought Nuke as the bullets dent the glass.

Years ago... Ukraine... in the Donbass Region...

A loud roar appears in the skies above Donbass City.. or what's left of it.

The city had been bombarded with just about everything. Missiles, Drones, Bombs, you name it, you'll find it here.


High in the air, the U.S's new F-16 fighter drones, old jets turned into deadly drones, inside sat Nuke as he flew in.

"Sir," said Delta. "I'm getting reports of high amounts of Air defense systems in the area."

"Good," said Nuke. "More things to destroy." He quickly punch some buttons as a red glow filled the cockpit.

Suddenly, a loud alarm sound blared into his ears. "Incoming missiles!" he yelled as he drop from the pod.

Above his head, three missiles of the S-300 air defense system struck the Fighter drone, causing it to exploded in a million pieces.

"Nothings perfect," said Nuke as press a button on his arm device. "But we can dam well try."

Folding out of his back came two metal wings. Moving them relied on the fusion core that powered the entire Mk 3 suit.

"Delta," said Nuke. "Power all systems."

A bright blue flume blew out of the back of the suit as it blast Nuke off, close to the sound barrier, but under it enough not being pounded by shockwaves.

Nuke scanned the surrounding area as he flew through the area. He was looking for survivors to take back to the Ukrainian Front lines alongside Polish Ground Forces.

Yeah, in 2024, when Ukraine needed help the most, Poland decided to step in and end it once and for all. The Russians were terrified.


But so far, nothing was appearing on his visor. He wasn't surprise, though. There wasn't many people that weren't fighting left here.

As he was about to leave though, he quickly noticed a faint red spot on his visor. Someone was here and base on what is was showing up as. Whoever it was was dying.

He quickly flew closer to where the spot was telling him and he saw a young lady tied to a piece of concrete. Probity the Russians were torturing her, but he had a job to do.

He landed near her. "Are you ok?" He ask. Luckily for him, his helmet was able to transfer what he was saying into another language, as in this case, Ukrainian.

However, she didn't respond. This was making him worried, so he smashed the concrete holding her in place. What he founded was pure horror.

As he turned over the body, Nuke quickly realized what was causing the sudden heat. A bomb had been concealed within her chest. She was already deceased.

"Damn..." muttered Nuke as the bomb detonated, propelling him and fragments of his suit through the air.

Nuke collided with the side of a solid concrete wall, surrounded by scattered armor pieces. He also struck his head, causing pain at the back.

"Ouch..." mumbled Nuke as he regained his balance. Then he became aware of his surroundings. Numerous Russians stood before him, armed with various weapons. There was even a T-72 Main Battle Tank.

"Hello, old friend," spoke an aged but recognizable voice. Emerging from the shadows of a nearby building was a middle-aged man, donning Russian Battle Armor, more commonly known as a Chinese knock-off.

"Frank," Nuke said, his voice filled with coldness.

"So you do remember me," Frank chuckled. "Be completely honest, I thought you all had forgotten me after all these years."

"You betrayed me and the United States," Nuke said with a snarl. "I wish you had died."

"Well," Frank said, "I'm already aware of that. You are referred to as the angel of Death, the World's killer." "But now, that angel is returning to its rightful place."

"To Hell."

He unsheathed his exquisite sword, its gleaming blade aimed directly at Nuke. Following orders, the Russian Soldiers unleashed a barrage of gunfire upon him.

It occurred with astonishing swiftness, yet not swiftly enough to catch Nuke off guard. He promptly commenced doing what he excelled at: eliminating them all.

He targeted the T-72 Tank initially, normally relying on his armor to shield him from a tank's direct shot. He had even tested it against the Army's Main Battle Tanks.

Unfortunately, his armor was torn to shreds and would not withstand a direct blast. It was barely able to keep the bullets at bay.

He attacks the men guarding it first, shooting them with a Desert Eagle XL, an enhanced model of the well-known pistol he prefers because to its one-shot capability. Fortunately, the military gave him permission to tinker with it, which led to the creation of the new XL handgun.

The Russians didn't stand a chance.

After swiftly taking down those soldiers, Nuke dove beneath the tank to avoid being blown to pieces. He exited the tank and set a few C4 explosives on its underside before running.

The tank exploded after five seconds, displaying its "Special" ability by latching into the air before plunging back to the earth.

Pulling out his M4/Ak47 Hybrid gun, he begin to slaughter the rest of the soldiers until there was multiple bodies, but Nuke left standing.

Once all of the ammo was depleted from his gun, there was no one left. Surrounding him were the bodies of the dead soldiers. Nuke put the gun away.

Frank stood where he was and observed everything. He had anticipated that he would kill every single one of them. And he intended to murder him himself.

He charged at him while yelling something in Russian as he pulled out his blade. Frank raced into Nuke and knocked him to the ground, he was still attempting to handle the issue.

Nuke shouted "Bitch!" as he jumped back to his feet and drew his own sword, which Delta had helped him craft specifically.


The two gleaming blades collide with one another. They battled one another. Yet since they were both adept swordsmen, it was difficult to make any progress.

Frank grinned as he saw Nuke's furious face. His habit was to triumph. He has now met his match.

Frank swung his right arm and struck Nuke in the jaw, sending him flying against a nearby structure. Frank's quick actions caught Nuke off guard.

Nuke groaned in discomfort as he stood back up. He turned around and saw that he was perched on top of a nearby structure, looking down on a nearby settlement.

Frank soon emerged, landing on the roof with his jetpacks dying. After drawing his sword, Nuke prepared to kill him.

Nuke was confused when Frank remarked, "Well wait your horses." You first need to pay attention to something.

He raised a black iPhone to his ear after taking it out. The caller appeared to concur in Russian while also speaking it before hanging up.

With a sly smirk, Frank replied, "Now watch the show.

"What the sh... Initially, Nuke asks. But before he could finish, a blinding light nearly blinded them.

Nuke watches in fear via his visor. He understood what he was referring about.


Frank chuckled vilely. He placed his palm on a shaken Nuke and said, "Now watch what you cause." "You could have simply left us alone to do as we choose. Now innocent people must perish."

Right now, Nuke's mind was on fire. He just stood by while a man used the deadliest weapon in the world to murder thousands of innocent people.

His face jerked abruptly. Then it appeared like his eyes had turned red.

With a demonic voice, Nuke declared, "You are dead."


Before Frank could complete his question, Nuke spun around and knocked him head first off the building.

As the building's top collapses around them, Nuke leaps off the building after him. The nearby city must have been affected by the shockwave.

Nonetheless, he was unconcerned about that. He was focused entirely on one objective.

Kill him.

Frank landed Hard. His armor fractured to protect him, but not enough to kill him; just enough to injure him.

Leaping back onto his feet, he barely able to pull his blade as his clash with Nuke's. His eyes were full of fire.

The two exchange sword blows as the nearby buildings collapse around them. Only now Frank was at a disadvantage because Nuke was determined to kill him.

And he had a idea of just how to do it.

Using what was left of his engines, Nuke grabbed Frank and latch himself in the air.

"What are you doing!?" yelled Frank as they were now higher then even the buildings.

"This," said Nuke as he kick Frank in the face as he fell towards the earth, and towards a spike of steel.

"No!" yelled Frank. "This is not the end!"

That was his final statement before the spike pierced his chest. Blood drip everywhere.

Nuke landed near Franks corpse. He grinned at his dead body before he snap back into reality.

""Nuke," yelled Delta. "Radiation is coming down fast. Your armor won't protect you!"

Nuke turned and look at the mushroom cloud that loomed over the ruined city. The bastards did it.


No. He was not going to allow THAT to occur once more. He needed to escape the trap that the two vans had set for him first, though.

About that, yes. He was pinned between the two of them by the vans, which were heading straight for a wall.

Nuke said, "Well. When he tapped on a few buttons on his wheel, he added, "I always wanted to try this.

He had been experimenting with the ability to jump higher, faster and better, along with a few others. Yet, a breakthrough wasn't made until recently, and the technology hadn't been put to the test.

"There is only one way to learn", remarked Nuke. Suddenly, the bottom of his car was flooded with a blue glow. The Russians in the vans were very perplexed when they observed the brightness.

That would be the end of them.

Suddenly, Nuke jerk a lever inside the car, latching the Mustang up and over the wall.


But, the two black vans loaded with Russians weren't so fortunate.


Fortunately for him, the final two vehicles got caught behind the wall and were unable to climb over it, allowing the Mustang and Nuke to continue on their way.


"Delta!" yelled Nuke as he stumbled through the front door. "The Jump Boost works!"

Delta was surprised. The ability had not been tested yet. The only way he figured out was...

"What happened?" she asked. "Oh, some Russians tried to kill me," said Nuke as he handed his jacket up. "But it was easy to take care of them."

"I worry about you," said Delta as Nuke yawn. He was too tired to work on anything else.

"I'm heading to bed."