
Humanity Rising

My name is Nuke. I am called many names. The guardian and destroyer of worlds, the headless horseman of Death. But I don't mind that much. I had saved humanity from destruction in just a few years. Took control of the worlds nuclear arsenal and stop the aggressors who wanted to use them for harm stop. That led to the Third World War, which I help crush the enemy Roque states and finally, in years, humanity and peace were united for the first time. I am leading Humanity to a great age in space exploration. I had recently discovered a new way to travel across the universe. Worm holes. They can help us expand farther into the galaxy. There's the chance for life, but nothing that could get as close as to us. Right? My name is Scootaloo. I don't have any parents. I have to live at the nearby orphanage. It sucks and the other foals there are Jenks and bullies because of my poor flight skills. At least I have my Scooter and my two best friends, Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom and my idol, Rainbow Dash. At least until I discovered a robot landing near Ponyville that is from another world. What have I got myself into?

Nothing2007 · Televisi
Peringkat tidak cukup
7 Chs


Log Number 8 DATA FOUR: Progress...

Well. Things got REALLY weird today. I better explain myself.

I sent the protype rocket to the wormholes suppose location and IT WENT THROUGH THE FREAKING THING!

This changes everything for the space industry as we know.

We could finally travel to other places in the gaxlay without it taking millions of years to get there.

However though, it didn't have a tracking beacon or a transmiter on it, so I don't know where it went.

So... back to the drawing board again.

End of Log...

Nuke was asleep on the couch when he heard the door bell ringing like crazy.

"Coming..." yawn Nuke as he threw off the blanket and stumped towards the door, half asleep.

Nuke opened the door, but was suprise to find a familiar face at the door.

"Agent C," yawn Nuke. "What are you doing?" ask Nuke as he took a drink of his soda.

"Nothing much," said Agent C. "The President wants to see you, though."

"It's not those dam Terrorists again is it?" said Nuke as he put down his drink. "Not yet anyway, he just wants to know what you been doing," said Agent C.

"Is there a time I need to get there?" ask Nuke. "At 10am," said Agent C. Nuke look at the clock.

It was 9:30am.

"Oh Krap!" yelled Nuke. "I will be right there," yelled Nuke as he slam the door on the agents face.

"That never gets old," mutters the agent as he walks away.

Meanwhile in anothe...(Wait, you now where we're going. Never Mind...)

"Alright everypony, we will be going other..." said Cheerliee as Scootaloo groan. She had better things to do. Like...

She stop. She couldn't do that. Her scooter broke.

"What am I going to do now," ask Scootaloo as she put her head on the desk, nearly falling asleep serveral times.


"Scootaloo?" "Wake up Scootaloo," said Cheerliee, shaking Scootaloo awake.

"Huh?" mutter Scootaloo as she look up. "What happen?"

"You fall asleep in class again," said Cheerliee, signing. "This has been happening a lot lately. Is something wrong?"

"No, its nothing," sutter Scootaloo. "Just have a heard time sleeping, thats all."

"Well, you can leave now," said Cheerliee. "It's been a hour."


Scootaloo walked down the road, groaning that she fell asleep in class, AGAIN.

She walk into SugarCube Corner, her thoughts weighting her mind down. She need some sweets.

"Hi Scoots," said Pinkie Pie as she jump up from behind the counter. This made Scootaloo giggle. She like Pinkie's overhyper behavior. It help her not think about her problems.

"Can I get one of those shakes again," said Scootaloo, smiling. "Sure thing," said Pinkie Pie. "Coming right up," as she zoom off to the back.

Scootaloo look at the window, listening to the breeze of the nearby mountains and watching the forest that look far away.

"I wish I could be someone," said Scootaloo. "Where I'm free from all of this."


"I'm going to be late," said Nuke as he drove down the highway into the Captial of the U.S, Washington D.C.

He finally arrive at the White House. he felt nervous, though he shouldn't be. He had been here before to recieve the medal of honor.

Taking a deep breath, he walk down the grand hall of the White House before arriving at the door to the President's quathers, where he meet Agent C.

"Sure took you long enough," said Agent C. "I lose place of my stuff," said Nuke, his face red with embrassment. "Is he..."

"Yes he is," said Agent C. "He is waiting for you," as he opened the door.

Nuke walk into the room. Sitting behind the table was President Macaw, looking at Nuke.

"Hello Nuke," said President Macaw. "We meet again after all of these years. Please sit down. We have much to discuss."

"Yes sir," said Nuke as he sat down into one of the chairs with his stuff in hand.

"Sorry I got here later sir," said Nuke as he look through his stuff he was holding. "I overslept and didn't wake up until 9:30am."

"Not a Problem," said Macaw as Nuke pulled out some papers. "We have been just curious about what you been doing."

"I found something so Great it will blow your ears off," said Nuke as he give the President his files.

President Macaw looked through the files Nuke have given him.

"I see you have been watching the strange anomalies that are close by to Earth," said President Macaw. "It seems you have found something about them."

"Oh yeah," said Nuke as he activatied a hologram that showed the area of space.

"I recently discovered a new way to travel among the stars," said Nuke. "It will allow us to expand into space without taking much of the time otherwise to get their."

President Macaw remain silent throughout the prestation. He was very curious about this project.

"However, though," said Nuke. "It could take a while, since the rocket I sent through it didn't have a transimeter in it, so I don't have a clue of its whereabouts."

"I want to parnther with NASA and other space agenies," said Nuke. "But I need more money to do, Mr. President."

The President sat their in silence for a moment. They had bases on the moon and Mars and were hopeing to reach Titan soon. But they could use this to colonize entire planets.

"Nuke," said President Macaw. Nuke look at the President, nervous.

"I love it!" yelled President Macaw as he stand up. "You'll get the funding required. This will change Humanity forever!"

"Thank you, mister President," said Nuke, breathing a sign of relief. "I hope you have a spacecraft you can use," said President Macaw, shaking Nuke's hand.

"I do," said Nuke. "I call it the Valkyrie."