
Human Mate With Surprises

The wolf just looks at me and then looks to his own back as if saying hop on. "Yeah no way that's happening. You get your paws on me, a human. Who knows your secret. And what's stopping you from killing me? Come on like I barely escaped 2 vampires last night who are basically human with extra speed and umm a want for blood. I'm not sure if I have the energy to put up with you right now. Let alone the 2 other guys who I am assuming are werewolves and are with you and should put some clothes on if they want to be on my property." I hear two gasps and ooh she's good. And then bones cracking, popping, and breaking. Both wolves jump from the bushes behind me. I am not fazed by them and start picking a bunch of blueberries. -------------------------- Layla May Wolf has been on the run for awhile now. Ever since she started seeing vampires and werewolves who've taken interest In her for her being immune to a supernatural ability called a charm. Its where they can get any human to listen to then just by talking to them. But Layla isn't one to be told what to do. So she packs up her life in California and runs. She doesn't have an aimed direction but she just wants to leave thinking that the werewolves and vampires want to kill her. She makes it to a dense forest in Idaho only to be found again. But this time only to be found by werewolves. She's scared out of her mind but refuses to go down without a fight. She has nothing left in this world. Her parents died awhile ago if shes going to die as well she's taking as many of these "things" as she can down with her. But these supernatural things she's grown to hate. Are about to be the next thing she's going to come to love. She's got a mate and more to her life story then she knows.

LINKINPARKfreak44 · Sci-fi
Peringkat tidak cukup
29 Chs

Chapter 25

It takes them hours to finally give in and fall asleep. Sadly Jed is still awake and watching me. Stupid nocturnal ass vampire.

Knowing my chances are a bit better with one supernatural. I make my move.

I tear my bubble away. And jump to the next tree.

And of course my bad luck strikes and all of them wake up.

Bentley is the first one on the scene trying to look intimidating enough for my human instincts to bow down to him and listen. But that's not me.

I stop and put the bubble back up. Its to dark and I'm no werewolf. I can't see in the dark. Ill end up falling right into their arms.

Right as I think that the branch snaps.

Thinking fast I teleport another part of the ground before I can hit the ground.

I go to run. But in a blur. Im suddenly surrounded.

I try teleporting. But it wont work. Meaning Jarod's stopping me from doing so.

"Fuck all of you! Just let me be."

"No can do sis. I promised I'd protect you. And I can't do that if your not around me." Jarod says to me as he walks towards me and lifts me up bridal style and walks towards Bentley who's still in his wolf form.

Funny timing when my brain starts singing bring me the horizons song throne.

So I start screaming it like a crazed maniac

"So you can throw me to the wolves

Tomorrow I'll come back

Leader of the whole pack

Beat me black and blu-"

Before I could finish Bentley does a warning growl... No he did not just do that to this crazed white chick.

"I'll leave you chocking on every word you've left unspoken!"

I'm suddenly thrown out of Jarods arms. As another werewolf grabs hold of me with his massive jaws around my waist but not hurting me.

All three of them. Take a second to figure out what happened but then all eyes are on me as the wolfs jaws Im in is a shadow wolf.

Jarod is the first one at the scene.

"Put her down Carson and we'll let you go."

"What do you mean?"

They must be mind linking as all of the supernatural including the vampire and witch seem to be in on the conversation. But little Ole me is left out. Thinking she's gonna be eaten.

The second I think that Carson whines around me.

I'm still just scared at how he can pick me up with his mouth as his shadow wolf. He's Fucking huge.

I'm lowered to the ground. But right before I could get myself free. An arrow flies past my head. Just barely missing my head. As it slices straight through a tree.

I'm suddenly picked up again. But not before I'm linked by Carson begging me to trust him. That he's not going to betray or hurt me in any way.

All around me I am flanked by 3 wolves with one carrying a witch and a vampire flying as Carson runs at super speeds causing me to want to barf.

Then is dawns on me. My grandfather. The last male full blood Enchanseon. The coward who wants me dead. That arrow must somehow relate to him or his army somehow.