A more powerful, knowledgeable and much better trained Harry -but not Super!Harry, there won't be any suddenly acquired powers here just improvement of a preexisting talent and many years of effort- a differently evolving Severus as I believe he could have been had things turned out differently. After all, you must keep in mind, Lily lives in this story. Yet, you shouldn't expect he will get over his issues that easy. This story is Harry and Severus centered but it's not slash; it's a father/son relationship in every meaning of the word. For the rest? Just read on!
Voldemort briefly considered what a pity it was that the parents weren't there to be dealt with too. But having to suffer the death of their children, for people like the Potters, would be worse than death. "Good-bye little Adrian." Voldemort said sarcastically as he pointed his wand at the green eyed child.
The green light that had claimed the lives of so many before headed this time towards the child. And there, just seconds before it touched his forehead, the killing curse reached what appeared to be a golden bubble that surrounded the baby, the impact creating vine like patters on the unexpected shield, before the curse rebounded. And with his crimson eyes wide in shock and terror, the man once known as Tom Marvolo Riddle, could only watch as his own magic turned against him.
Upon impact, his body was reduced to fine dust, his soul being forced out but not departing the world of the living as it should. And as the soul of the Dark Lord fled from the now crumbling -due to an immense whiplash of raw magic- house and a traitor followed suit, trying to save himself from the damage he had caused, the shield that surrounded the young wizard expanded momentarily to shelter his brother as well as himself from the falling debris. As the roof came down the shield took hit after hit, the only sound in the room being the cries of the hazel eyed boy and the crumbling walls.
The shield started to flicker and fail, small unprotected patches being created on it surface as the last parts of the roof came down on the two children. And it was through one of those cracks that a sharp piece of concrete fell - surrounded with the soft light of the shield as it scraped it passing trough- and caused a deep gush on the right hand of the hazel eyed Potter boy.
By the time when the shield failed completely, the ceiling had given its place to the dark starry sky; the two boys were saved. Two frantic figures chose that exact moment to appear, seemingly out of nowhere, being informed of what had chorused inside their house from a dozen of alarm spells triggered by the collapse. With screams of "Adrian!" and "Harry!" they trotted over the remnants of what had been their house for the past year and a half, following the loud cries of their son. "Adrian!" Lily screamed as she ran to cradle her crying boy, observing with terror the bleeding on his hand.
"Where's Harry?" She asked scared as her eyes searched for her younger son.
James ran over to Harry's crib to find his second born child passed out, seemingly sleeping. His heart almost broke considering his son was dead, until he perceived Harry's soft and steady breaths. "He's here Lily! He's alive!" He said holding his son to his chest where Lily could see him.
With tears in her eyes but laughing in relief, the two young parents made their way out of their destroyed house, questions beginning to burn themselves into their minds. How could the boys be alive? What had happened to Peter? And where in the world was the Dark Lord? Unable to answer any of the questions themselves, they headed to the one person who they could trust in enlightening them.
They apparated, each with a baby in their arms, to the gates of Hogwarts. It was over fifteen minutes and a message delivered by a silver doe -Lily's patronus- later when a positively panicked professor McGonagall came towards the gate running. She was completely out of breath and had to inhale deeply for a few moments, uncharacteristically audibly, before she could utter the password to unlock the gate.
"James, Lily!" She screamed and hugged both her once students as hard as she could while trying not to wake the now sleeping boys. "You're alive! All of you! By Merlin's beard, it's a miracle!" "Slow down Minerva!" James ordered once he escaped from the head of Gryffindor house's death-grip. "What are you talking about?" She stepped back and looked at them surprised, her eyes wide behind her glasses. "You don't know?" She muttered before shaking her head distracted, finally regaining some of the calm countenance she was famous of possessing. "Please come with me." She simply stated and entered the school's grounds, closing the gate behind them as the Potter family followed her inside.
"What is going on Minerva?" Lily asked as they walked in a fast pace. "We were in an Order meeting when the alarm charms we had placed over the house were activated. The house was in ruins when we got there!" Minerva's only answer was to hasten to the castle. "Minerva!" James exclaimed as they ran to catch up, thankful that his boys were still asleep. "I will not take another step if you don't give me at least a summary of what happened tonight!" And to prove his point he stopped, his wife immediately following his example.
Seeing the determined look in both Potters' eyes, the Transfiguration professor sighed and motioned them to keep walking. "I'll give you the basics but we have to get to Albus immediately. He has been searching for all four of you for the last ten minutes; he should have guessed you would come here, but it's only normal for him to be distressed in a night like this." Minerva explained. "Your sons were attacked by the Dark Lord tonight