A more powerful, knowledgeable and much better trained Harry -but not Super!Harry, there won't be any suddenly acquired powers here just improvement of a preexisting talent and many years of effort- a differently evolving Severus as I believe he could have been had things turned out differently. After all, you must keep in mind, Lily lives in this story. Yet, you shouldn't expect he will get over his issues that easy. This story is Harry and Severus centered but it's not slash; it's a father/son relationship in every meaning of the word. For the rest? Just read on!
They were what?" Lilly asked feeling the blood draining from her face as the world started spinning around her, only walking still because of the adrenaline coursing through her body. She looked at her husband to find him looking paler than death and holding onto Harry tighter than was necessary. She easily mirrored the movement with Adrian as Minerva kept talking. "He went there to kill them personally." She then stopped and turned around to stare at the two frightened parents. "There has been no news of him since. His Death Eaters are fleeing. The Dementors returned to Azkaban. Rumor has it…" She stopped to steady herself and looked intently at the two sleeping children.
"Rumor has it that he's dead."
"Dead?" Both Potters' asked in shock.
"How?" James questioned without missing a beat.
"I don't have the faintest idea." Minerva admitting as she began walking again. "That's exactly why you have to go to Albus's office." Being too shocked to even question her anymore, they did as commanded and the rest of the walk was spent in silence. When they reached the Headmaster's office, they found the old man pacing up and down impatiently, almost jumping in surprise when the door burst open.
"Lily, James!" He exclaimed and ran to them leaning closely to examine the twins, his eyes standing at Adrian's no longer bleeding wound and widening momentarily before he was shaken from his thoughts by an agitated Lily.
"What happened Albus?" She simply asked him and he motioned for them to sit down. It was going to be a long explanation and besides, he felt his own legs giving up on him.
"First of all, I believe we have to get our hands on Sirius Black before he disappears." The Headmaster stated.
"What does Sirius has to do with this?" James asked confused. "It's a full moon tonight and he's out with Remus."
"Voldemort managed to find and enter your house, disregarding the fidelius. That can only mean that the secret keeper, Sirius, has betrayed you." The old wizard answered gravelly. The shock he received upon learning the true secret keeper was only surpassed by the two Potters' horror upon realizing they had trusted their two sons to a traitor and worse yet, one they had thought to be a close friend.
"I can't believe Peter betrayed us." James muttered almost incomprehensibly. Lily's face was wet with tears.
"I'm afraid it is true." Came the grave response from Albus. "But he will be dealt with." He added decisively. "What is of the greatest importance right now is tonight's assault against your sons."
"So it's true?" Lily asked with voice thick from crying. "The prophecy… it really happened didn't it?"
"Yes, I believe it did."
"So is the Dark Lord truly gone?" James
asked in disbelief.
"For now yes." The Headmaster offered. "But not forever, I fear."
"He will return then?" James asked confused and even more scared than before. If he did, then what would that mean for his children?
"I'm afraid that's inevitable; Voldemort always had too much a great wish to live to stay dead." Albus said closing his eyes and rubbing them tiredly, looking for a moment exactly as old as he was. "But that's where Adrian comes in."
"Adrian?" Lily asked looking at the sleeping boy in her arms.
"What do you mean by that? Is he the Chosen One then?" James asked never taking his eyes of his eldest son.
"I believe so." Albus said standing up.
"But how can you be so sure?" James insisted, not wanting to even consider his boy would be facing such a difficult destiny.
"I'm afraid it's quite clear." Albus stated and, with a soft flick of his wand, removed the blood from the wound on Adrian's palm, healing the wound in the process. His charm was followed by two gasps of terror; there, on the sleeping boy's palm, a red jagged scar, somehow resembling a lightening bolt, was clearly visible. "The scar is infused with magic. Very strong magic indeed, that feels nothing like Voldemort's."
"So it is true then." James said resigned as he slummed back into his seat.
"It is. And young Adrian saved himself and his brother tonight and with him, the whole country." The Headmaster offered.
"What does that mean for Adrian, for his future?" Lily asked, hot tears trailing down her cheeks.
"He will live a normal childhood, as normal as can be, he deserves that." Albus said after a short pause. "But after he reaches a certain age… he will have to be trained; we will do everything possible to assure Adrian will survive this." Both Potters nodded, not seeing any other alternative. The night at the Headmaster's office was spent in talking and deep contemplation as the wizarding nation celebrated the downfall of a Dark Lord and the birth of a hero.
And as they toasted to Adrian Potter, hailing him the Boy Who Lived, Harry was sleeping peacefully in a conjured crib, blissfully ignorant of how that very night would affect his life. Nobody bothered to check the youngest Potter for any scars that night. And in all truth, there weren't any. But if anyone had known were to look and had done so in time, they would have noticed a strange black mark appearing on the young boy's hipbone, before fading away. And unknown to the people discussing in the Headmaster's office, the two sleeping children and the celebrating crowd, the wheels of Fate had began to turn, signaling the time had come for a much older prophecy to start unfolding.