
HP: A Whole New World

In this alternate reality, the Wizarding World is more than just England and Voldemort and Dumb-as-a-Door. In this fic, we explore the world with Derek, the protagonist who is a ball of angry, horny, soft, and hungry emotions into one guy. Derek can't wait to explore this world. ----- We start by South America! Romance? Read my name. Don't tell me i didn't warn you!

DaoOfGay · Derivasi dari karya
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16 Chs

09: Test of Might

The test was simple - it was made by Giants, why wouldn't it be? It had the finality of showing off his skills and "genius" mind to prove his superiority as a Descendant of G'halyth, Titan of Ice and Storms. Which is kinda of a cock measuring contest- Which, by the way, if it was a cock measuring contest he would win in a few years.


Get it? Okay, that was bad.

He, sadly, had to go through education for Halves, he learned from both his mother and father both sides of his biology; How his human biology influenced his Giant biology, which was simple: it made things less but also more. He was less tall, less strong, less aggressive (It would've been if he wasn't fucking cursed forever), and less prone to violence like Giants are. But he was also more- His magic was more flexible on one side, contrary to Giant's magic, which tends to follow an element or concept, this makes his magic much stronger! Exactly like how Veelas have a higher affinity for flames as they are Descendants of the Velar Queen of the Court of Feathers and Flames!

Fey, men, they're weird.

"So... I just have to beat the shit out of the chosen by the other families, huh?" His dad had this grin- He has trained his son, and he is fairly confident in saying that Derek is as strong as an adult Giant, and he'll only grow stronger as his magic matures with his body and makes him stronger! "Just pure martial skill or added magic into the mix?" His dad made a 'both' gesture as he explained further what was required of him: "Well, you'll have to fight representatives of the other families and they can choose either Pure Skill Combat or Mixed Combat, which is the norm actually, but you have to be prepared for Pure Skill Combat too my son." Derek groaned internally, feeling his ever constant migraine grow a little bit worse as he felt the pressure of his father's expectations on his shoulders- there was also a little crowd to watch him either beat the shit out of someone or have his shit beat. "Porra..." (Fuck) He muttered under his breath as he stepped forward into the courtyard where the majority of the guests were awaiting for his performance.

The first thing he had to do was show off, which he could do so easily!

He stayed quiet as he brought his feet to the ground, sending a ripple of magic and making this thin veil of ice form in a 30-meter radius around Derek. "Silencio." (Silence) A simple word was muttered by Derek's mother as she clapped her hands, sending this wave of pure power everywhere, silencing everyone. "Now we're ready for the traditional Giant's ceremony of coming of age... First, our son Derek shall show you his skills, and only then you shall choose his opponent. For the sake of everyone's safety, I recommend not using any spells that provoke or anger the target... I can not guarantee your safety if you do so. Heed my warning, and let the ceremony begin!" Derek took it as a clue. He spent all his free time practicing to try and steel his mind into becoming a fortress that would not be dominated by the never-ending burning fury within. The negative emotions he felt were greatly amplified and therefore fueled his magic even more, which gave him a very corruptible soul for Dark Magic.

Dark Magic, true Dark Magic - Not the ones the Englis, American, Canadian, and Australian magic government say are dark magic - corrupts the soul of the caster to make so their negative emotions are greatly amplified, which brings the desire to use more dark magic, which in turn corrupts more and more of the soul until you are something some call a Leech. That's where the word Lich also comes, because a Leech and a Lich share many things in common: They hate living things, they can use dark magic, and they generally want immortality or are immortal in a sense. Leeches suck magic out of living things, which makes them a hated being by nature itself, Nature rejects them and they will die a very painful death, with their souls being consumed by their own magic unless they feed it magic from the outside world.

From very intense and negative emotions, it also turns into the negative soul parasite known as an Obscurus. Derek actually would've developed an Obscurus if it wasn't for Raymond. The stingray was a very protective guy, able to keep his soul safe from these little buggers that are attracted to souls that have deep hatred- Either for magic in general, or their own magic, which is why it also targets children seeing as their magic hasn't developed fully yet and they can latch onto the child and drain them of their magic much more easily. Alongside Dementors, Boggarts, and Lethifolds, these beings come from a specific negative dimension, also known as Darkunder.

'First Form- Ice Breaker Fist.' Ice Breaker Fist is the first form of the G'halythian Martial Arts passed down generation by generation. There are many ways one could use this form since this is a simple move: Concentrate a lot of magic into your fist, and punch something! The strength really varies. His dad said he was able to not only able to break an iceberg but also freeze 6 kilometers of ocean water all around him. That's a more advanced use of this technique called 'Ice Breaker Fist: Release.' In which you release the magical energy concentrated on the fist, magic it explodes outwardly and freezes as many things as it can as far as possible! To do this, you need a higher degree of control over your magic, which many Descendant Giants only get after years of training and fighting.

But hey, it counts as Elemental Magic of Ice, which he has Affinity towards. Not comparable to his [Mind] and [Body] magic affinities, but he still has it! If it could be put in percentage, it would be about 25% - Meaning he could learn Elemental Spells of the Ice variety 25% faster than others, while his dad would be about 50% or maybe 100%.

Back to the showing off - the moment Derek's fist hit the thin layer of ice, it cracked, the wave of magic was released from the concentrated point in Derek's fist, spread across the entire courtyard, giving the air this chilly feeling and freezing the breaths of the guests as the breathed in and out, creating this mist around them. It might not look like much, but the discipline required for a giant of the G'halyth Family to learn how to do this was high! Otto himself didn't like training his magic control as a child and would only learn as an adult how important that control is! Sadly, Derek learned through tragic means that it is important to control his own magic, as he ended up hurting his mother due to one of his rages.

She was fine really, but this did an impact on the poor boy's psyche, as no one wants to hurt the ones they truly love.

"Send you challengers, one at a time-" From the V'klava Herd that was present, the leader by the name Ver'nia V'klava, of the Descendant of Ignius, the Titan of Fire and Ash, was the first to step forward, her fiery long red hair that faded to orange and then yellow as it reached the end fluttered in the cold wind as it was set ablaze, her face had a grin plastered as if it was glued to it. "Ah, Örthun Ottórøg Nevênno G'halyth... It's been a while, hasn't it?"

"Ah... Ver'nia V'klava Vieron Ignius, it truly has been a while since i beat the sh-" With a look from his beloved wife, Otto coughed on his fist before correcting himself: "-oes out of you."

"Heh -" She scoffed: "Today, our children shall fight - A traditional rivalry between our herds shall once again rise from the ashes." This wasn't much of an aggresive rivalry, more of a frenemies situation in which they are highly competitive. They have been for over a millenia for now! "This is my daughter -" Slapping the back of a tall young teenager-looking girl, the giant fire hair woman continued: "- she is the one I choose to fight your little kid." Her daughter was a giant, while Derek was a Half-Giant, their sizes were very different! And since this was a battle in which they will train the power of their family's martial arts, other magics are frowned upon unless it is accidental magic. Since, you know, this ceremony is generally fought by children between the ages of 5 and 8 from the Giant Race.

"What would her name be then?"

"This is Valkiray V'klava Verian Ignus! My pride and joy."

"Then, this is my son, Dë-rek Örthun Nevênno Afonso Correia Biọhrĝn G'halyth Oriundo- But you can call him Derek."

That day was the first day Derek and Valkiray met. Little did everyone know that a genuine friendship would be born out of this.

-Scene Ends-

Author Notes:

Nother chapter. Short.

Not gonna say sorry because I don't feel sorry