
HP: A Whole New World

In this alternate reality, the Wizarding World is more than just England and Voldemort and Dumb-as-a-Door. In this fic, we explore the world with Derek, the protagonist who is a ball of angry, horny, soft, and hungry emotions into one guy. Derek can't wait to explore this world. ----- We start by South America! Romance? Read my name. Don't tell me i didn't warn you!

DaoOfGay · Book&Literature
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16 Chs

08: Party before Trial

A birthday party isn't nice when those your parents invite are annoying kids who your brain tells you to break the spine of. "I welcome you to my 5th birthday party- As long as no one provokes me-" He eyed a certain Half-Fey kid, who looked away embarrassed: "-I will do my best to behave, so have fun, and please don't make me want to want to murder you." Although his warning was valid, all it made was the adults (Especially the Warrior races) laugh out loud as if he had told them the best joke of the century- Which, okay? Rude.

The party was a simple one- Food, drinks, and presents. Derek himself received many presents, most of which he knew to be either useless or of little use, like the presents he got past year. He was more focused on keeping his temper, his anger locked away- He had built solid foundations inside his mind, his Occlumency was really complex thanks to his continuous work on it. Past the accurately named Barrier of Pain were the 9 Temples of Emotions, meant to confuse and break away the concentration necessary of the one peering into his mind to make them break the spell and not be able to even get into his mind. They were represented by intense emotion and color, the first after the Barrier of Pain was the Temple of Confusion, when someone passed the Barrier of Pain somehow they would be assaulted by the overwhelming sensation of confusion that would hopefully break their concentration and make them unable to continue their Legimency or they would get lost inside the Temple of Confusion and the flashing psychedelic colors meant to break away the defenses of someone's mind over time and drive the feeling of utter Confusion deep into their psyche.

This would make them unable to think without being confused ever again.

The second Temple was the Temple of Sorrow, this one was the deep blue color that was like an ocean, drowning you with the sensation of sorrow and sadness, the weight of Derek's depression pushing you deep into your most sad and depressing memories, trapping you inside them- Yeah, he weaponized depression, why wouldn't he?

The third Temple was the Temple of Hate- Not to be confused with Angra's Temple of Hate, although Derek can play the guitar solo -where one of Derek's most intense emotions would assault the mind of the one who somehow managed to get this far, their only option was to protect their mind or suffer the burning fury that would eat away at every single positive emotion the person had until they were left a husk of themselves, and if someone managed to get trapped inside this Temple, eventually even their own mind would burn and they would become mindless beings. The color of bright red is seen in this temple.

The fourth Temple was the Temple of Agony, where Pain once again came forth but this time it was accompanied by the powerlessness of agony and the overwhelming need to give up- If someone got trapped inside this area, they would just stop and not try to go forth as the pain damaged their psyche and mind slowly until they died or became catatonic. The color grey is seen in this temple.

The fifth Temple was the Temple of Misery, in this area you would feel Derek's misery at being in oain constantly, you would feel the drag of his feet each and every day as he fought to have reasons to get up at days and days where he didn't get up at all but only stayed still, feeling absolutely nothing more than misery at his circumstances. The color light blue predominates here.

The sixth temple was the Temple of Despair, where you would be crushed by one of the heaviest things Derek carries every single day- Well, the increase is gradual seeing as your own despair would amplify the weight in your mind inside this area, because after traversing each and every single area, you would be suddenly "teleported" to the beginning, when in fact this just an illusion to make you feel despair, this would repeat endlessly until you gave up. At this point your mind would be engraved with the most negative emotions and words. The color green predominates here.

The seventh Temple was the Temple of Freedom was a weird one since this one didn't hurt you, in fact, this one gave you the sensation of flight, of being free, of being able to fly as high as you can- Just to fly too close to the sun on the next temple. Everywhere was white too.

The eighth Temple was the Temple of Fear, where the ones who enter feel like they are being watched by endless beings, they see things that aren't there and feel the Instinctive need to flee, to leave, the fear of the unknown. The black void color predominates in this area, but sometimes there are these bursts of white dots that make the paranoid intruder think they are endless eyes. Thanks to the Temple of Freedom, the effects of this Temple are greatly amplified, being able to draw memories and fears out of people to shape itself into the worst fear of the intruder, like a Boggart.

And the last but most powerful temple was the Temple of Bloodlust, where the ones who entered would be crushed by Derek's shackled desire to kill and go rampant on destruction, where said desire is not shackled at all but free to destroy the intruder. The color of blood predominates in this area, where your mind is actively met with aggressive attacks and relentless bursts of mind magic at all strengths- The whole road to this point was meant not to stop you, but to wear your defenses down to the point of being easily shattered by extreme assaults from Derek's own mind last protection.

Like playing a game and applying several debuffs to someone, their defense would be so broken down that even a normal attack would make them weak enough that one tap would kill them.

"-Now, let the festivities begin and whatnot." He could see his mother's exasperated expression while his father had the same grin as he always did- Derek hated being the presence of more than four people at once, it made him anxious and that anxiousness would spread out and trigger many other negative emotions that would be amplified by one another. But he could hold without wanting to kill either himself or someone else, as long as they don't attack him or his first... 'What does he want?' Watching as the boy he almost killed got closer to him, Derek sighed. "Don't worry boss, I'll take care of him!" His subordinate- or rather, friend (He was the only one Derek dared call that) Agarothon grinned as he flexed his right arm- Where did this come from? Agarothon was 8 years old now, but even so, he was smaller than Derek.

No, it's safe to say that Derek was growing faster than other normal Half-Giant, almost as if he was a complete Giant!

"What do you want, Gorok!?" Gorok, the Son of Gerok the Green, a Curupira- A guardian spirit of the forests in Brazilian mythology and folklore, but in reality, just like the Caipora, they are Fey in nature. Their feet are turned backward and their red flame hair, from the Tupi language Curu, is the contraption of the word Corumi meaning Boy and Pira meaning Body- So Curupira means Body of a Boy, which is how these fey creatures look like. Extremely young, looking between 10 to 14 years old forever. Gerok was one of the Barons of the Fey Court of the Amazon Forest, alongside many other Fey too! "I-i wa-want to apolo-gize." Stuttering, the boy who looked like he was 6 years old was actually between 12 to 14 years old, Derek couldn't remember.

"Apology Rejected." Derek spoke quickly- This guy was a threat, even though Derek has been put through many sessions to learn and strengthen his mind, he was still afraid of magics that made him lose control, like Confundus, Ira, Concutio, and Luctus. Spells to Confuse, Irritate, Shake up (Literally, it makes your whole body shake like you're having an aneurysm, and Derek hates it because it makes his pain worse for a little while, because it shakes body, mind, and soul to make someone momentarily stunned) and cause someone to feel sorrow or sadness, which makes his depression just stronger. "Wait-" Derek actively looked at the boy and used his new magic creation-

[Mind Spell - Link (A)

Description: You link your mind to someone else's, being able to share anything from memories, emotions, sensations, thoughts, and others as you wish. Can be used both to heal and harm.

+ Mind Attack Spell

+ Mind Mending Spell]

Derek pushed the emotion of fear, amplifying the already sensation of fear the boy was feeling, making him pale: "Boo." In a second, the boy vanished in a clutter of green leaves with the sound of the breeze blowing- This was one of the Curupira's abilities, to teleport short distances and vanish in a cluster of leaves.

Uh, he still has to meet the fucking children of the other Giants who are here to witness Derek's trial- He wasn't told what this trial entailed other than he had to show off his skills as much as he could, make the others have their jaws dropped, or that's what his dad asked him to.

I mean... It should be fun if that's it.

But when is his life ever easy?