
How to teach someone a lesson

Lydia and Mark are two people who are very desperate to be parents but cannot do so because their partners have different views from theirs. In this story we see how they both help each other to overcome this hurdle and maybe fall in love.

Kolobe · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
17 Chs

Chapter 7: Do you still want to be married

Do you still want to be married

"What did the Doctor say about you ever falling pregnant?" Mark asks facing his plate of food. "She said I can fall pregnant as long as my body is detoxed." I respond not looking at him. "How long will it take to do that?" He asked facing me this time. I looked at him and said "Between a month and a year depending on how fast my body can get rid of the toxins." I respond. The silence continues and I can see him thinking. He puts down his utensils and looks at me straight in the eyes. "Lydia?" He calls me and my heart skips a bit. "Do you still want to be married to him?" He asks me and I fell in to silence.

"To tell you the truth George has always been part of my life. I have never seen myself living life without him." I look at Mark, he is stunned. He looks at me with wide open eyes and I can see a little bit of disappointment in his eyes. He evades my eyes and looks back to his plate. Jay can feel the awkwardness of the situation and goes to the living room. After a few minute he returns with Mark's laptop. He places it in front of me and there I see my husband and my best friend feeding each other breakfast, naked I might add. I look at the monitor and wow, I have never, I mean in a million years have I ever thought I could see both of them so intimate. All this time they acted as though they don't like each other, but…

I look at the monitor again and I can clearly see that these people are in bliss.

They are enjoying life and here are Mark and I miserable. I look at Mark and ask "What do you have in mind?" He shrugs his shoulders and says "You need to divorce him as soon as possible." "How is that teaching him a lesson? That is probably what he wants." I said.

"Well since they like secrets we do it in secret." I look at Jay as he spoke. He can see that I am clearly lost. "You can file for divorce secretly and we can help you finish the process without him being aware" He continues. "Is that possible? Is it not illegal? We will make it legal because we have all the evidence of his infidelity right here." He says that pointing at the monitor. "Okay I'm in let's do it!" I say nodding my head.

"Good I will start with the preparations as soon as possible." Jay says with a smile on his face. I look at Marks and he asks me, " When can you start with detoxing?" I scratch my head and look at him awkwardly. "What?" He looks at me with a questioning gaze. "I don't know how will I do that with him around. I don't want to have his child anymore and when he comes back home he will expect us to have se* and he will get me to drink those contraceptives. So I do not know how I can get out of that one." I explain. He looks at me and I see Jay tactfully leaves leave's us alone.

Mark comes close to me and holds my hands in his. "Look Lydia." He starts. He looks straight into my eyes and says. "Look, we both have been hurt big time and we both want the same thing." "Huh!" I wonder what he means. "Look we both want children and both our partners have been playing us for a long time now. So Lydia, will you have my child?" He asks and it feels more like a marriage proposal. I look at him and he is serious. Well it is true we both want children and our partners are preventing us to do so. I close my eyes and nod "Yes." I agreed. " Yes I agree to have your baby but how are we going to do that with George close to me?" "Don't worry about George I will sort him out for you." I nod and wonder how the hell would he do that.

"You said it will take from one to twelve months to detox yes?" He asks again and I nod my head. "That's what Doctor Ross said". I confirm. "Good. I want you to go to the clinic and ask more on how to detox this" I agree and I call Doctor Ross for an appointment.

Mark's POV

After sending her to the clinic, I wait in the waiting room for to do her check up. My pacing around is making me dizzy and I believe it is making the other people in the room dizzy as well. Well they won't say anything to me as I probably look scary to them. As soon as the doctor's door opens, I rush in front of it. Lydia pulls me in and makes me sit on the chair facing the doctor.

The doctor smiles at me. 'At least that's reassuring' I thought. "Mark I presume?" The doctor asked. "Yes ma'am" I respond with a high pitched voice. "Don't be nervous Mark, everything is good. Lydia tells me that you both plan to have a child. Is that correct?" "Yes…yes if it's still possible we would like to try." I respond while nodding my head. "As I have told Lydia before that she needs to detox her body for it to be ready for pregnancy". We both nod our heads. "Lydia told me it's been a while since she had sex, so I think you can start trying to get pregnant." "YES!" I screamed so much so to the doctor's amusement.

After talking about different procedures, Lydia and I go back to Jay's place which we took over since I picked her up from the clinic. "Lydia we need to talk about our situation." "What do you mean?" She asked looking at me with her big eyes. "Your marriage, you are still married to that prick and we both want to have a child soon." I point out. "Well, I have divorce papers already drawn but I cannot get his signature since you sent him away on business remember?" Sh*t! I forgot that I sent George on a security training course that will take him at least two months to complete and told Celia that I was out of town for business.