
How to (supposedly) survive a zombie apocalypse [Completed]

This is basically a translation made with Google of my original history. I will change some things, but is basically the same. -The image and the histories I make reference don't belong to me (obviously). -I made this history with the purpose to entertain, so don't burn my house if you get offended please. -If I have any mistake or I can improve in something, tell me, I'm here to learn

Grim_Jester · Komik
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47 Chs

I hate you again

Indeed the protagonist is now a zombie and I have no idea what abilities he has.

The roar was so loud that I had to cover my ears, it was almost 7 times louder than the AB-.

This scream has a strange frequency and I don't like that at all.

Immediately after the scream, the O- attacked his girlfriends in total anger as he covered himself completely in fungus.

But unlike the others, his entire body has a perfect ratio of armor and agility.

The O- moved at a speed similar to that of the AB+ and was able to even maneuver while he ran.

"W-wait Max, this is not you" said one of his girlfriends as she dodged.

The O- seemed to react to his name and slowly approached his girlfriend.

"Brat get out of there, the power of love is useless in real life!" I yelled warning her of the danger.

"Don't worry, Max would never hurt us" said the other of his girlfriends approaching him as well.

Being both in front of him, the zombie opened his hands in the form of a hug.

But right afterwards he slammed them shut, crushing their heads next to each other and killing them instantly.

At that scene I was completely horrified, almost as much as that night.

"Damn, soldier you have to keep him away from the camp, shoot!" Emma said reacting quickly.

"Engineer you should get out of here, this won't end well at all" Emma said putting her hand on Ken's shoulder.

At the touch I was able to get out of my state of shock and think clearly again.

"I would like to leave, but there is a girl that I want to protect and at least for today, I will risk a fight" I said with determination and a little fear.

"I see, any ideas engineer?" Emma asked curiously.

"Aim for the eyes, also he is not as armored as the O+, it will be difficult, but not impossible" I said seriously.

"I'll keep that in mind" Emma said as she reloaded her gun.

The O- finished off his prey and turned to us ready for his next attack.

I pulled the bat out and held it with both hands this time, the bullets probably won't do much to him, so this is my best option.

The zombie got ready and came running towards us.

Indeed it's not as fast as the AB+, but I would say that it runs at about 15m/s.

Being close enough, the sergeant shot him in the face causing him to lose his vision for a moment and we can dodge him.

But this made me realize something, this zombie is not as stupid as the rest.

It was a moment, but I saw how he closed his eyes and covered his face with his forearm, which is a bad sign.

"Sergeant, did you see that?" I asked worried.

"That's right, apparently this type of zombie retains some kind of consciousness" Emma said with the same concern.

The O- recovered quickly, but this time instead of just running and ramming us, he stared without doing anything, almost like he was waiting for something.

Quickly turning around to take a look, I noticed an AB+ running towards me.

'This zombie can definitely think' I thought in shock.

I held the bat with both my hands and just like last time and hit it hard enough to knock it out.

"Look out engineer!" Emma said warning Ken.

As I turned around I realized that the O- was in front of me, ready to hit me.

It was too late to dodge, so I put the bat on as a shield.

The zombie hit me causing the bat to have a dent and I was thrown into a wall.

"*Cghh*" I let out a pained complaint as I spat a bit of blood on the mask as I hit a wall with my back, as well as dropping the bat.

Damn, I hate you again, you damn harem protagonist.

The sergeant and the other soldier kept him busy while I recovered a bit.

This is a good time to think about what to do with this guy.

His body is properly proportioned and armored, but still not as fast, strong, or resistant as the others specialized in that.

I think the only thing we can do is win with brute force, if it were an O+ it would be impossible, but maybe it will work with him.

I waited a few minutes to recover as much as possible and thought of a plan that might work.

I took the bat and started walking in the direction of the shots, there I could see that the situation is not very favorable.

The O- was about to kill the last soldier (who looked badly wounded), but I pulled out the Weekend and shot him behind the knees, causing him to fall for a moment.

Apparently they ran out of bullets, this is going from bad to worse.

I approached the sergeant and told her.

"Sergeant, look for the idiot's shotgun, I have a plan" I said nervously.

"Are you sure?" Emma asked suspiciously.

"It's the best option we have, trust me" I said confidently this time.

"Ok" Emma said to then look for the shotgun.

The O- got up shortly after that and glared at me.

"The promised is due, your story will have a very unexpected plot twist" I said with a smile for some reason as I put the bat on my back.