
How I,Vandal Savage's brother, became a pirate king too early

A One piece fan gets the chance to reincarnate into One Piece World with no extra power or into DC world of his choosing with a few perks. Now what will he choose? MC: "I am a 100% OP fan so there is not even a moment of doubt... I choose option 2." ROB1: HUH?! But you could meet Luffy, Roger and even find the ONE PIECE. Why did you not choose that option. MC: If I don't have any extra power I'm as good as dead with the Yonko, admiral or even if a Celestial Cunt finds me while i'm still weak and there is no guarante that I would become stronger I migth be just a random character" ROB2: "HAHAHAHAHAHA. HE got you there. Well Done mortal as a thanks for showing me the sight of him losing you will have extra perks at his expenses!" All other ROBs: Agreed!! It's my first writing so don't expect some 10th level literature as Oda. I don't own any DC or One Piece or there respective Characters Edit: I added the "Too early" cuz I forgot to put it there

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34 Chs

Chapter 26: The Scythe Of Kronos

The Justice League was fighting Doomsday and was losing against him. They needed Superman's help to defeat this terrible foe. Clark had told Lois his superhero identity thus raising a death flag. He was waiting for Lois' to say something when he noticed a young boy entering the dinner and walking up to them. The boy was Invincible in civilian clothes.

Invincible: Are Lois Lane?

Lois came out of her shock when she heard her name from Invincible.

Lois: Yes, that's me! Why are you looking for me, little kid?

Invincible: I need you to contact Superman for me. It's kind of urgent.

Lois was shocked but after a few seconds started to laugh.

Lois: HAHAHA! You almost had me Smallville. If this little kid didn't come here, I would've believed your joke.

Clark felt cheated. He had mustered the courage to tell her his biggest secret and she was laughing at his face. Invincible did not seem to have any more patience as everyone but the three of them fainted.

Invincible: Look! It's important! This is a matter of life and death! I don't know where is Superman while the Justice League is getting- Hm?

He looked at Clark as if he was shocked.

Invincible: You have a strong will. Not many people have that and all of them are not normal which is weird because you look completely normal to me-

Lois saw that everyone but them had fainted and could not help but ask.

Lois: Who are you kid?

Invincible: I'm Invincible! I don't have much time, so I need to talk to Superman quickly.

Clark was surprised that Invincible was looking for him but seeing that he was urging Lois to meet Superman, it must be urgent.

Clark: I'm Superman.

Invincible looked shocked when Clark took off his glass. Seeing that everyone else was knocked out he could tell his secret identity safely as Invincible had just told his.

Invincible: WHA- Okay questions for later. I need your help with something but first, we might need to help the League.

As he said that, Clark received a call for backup.

Clark: Let's go!

They left Lois there as she realized everything Clark told her was true. While they were on their way Clark had asked why Invincible wanted to talk to him.

Invincible: Well, you see someone stole something from Marcus. It would have been fine if it was gold, money, or even personal information from Vought but the thing that was stolen was the only thing that would make him go hunt down whoever stole it.

Clark: You need our help to find it?

Invincible: No… I just need you guys to tell me if you have anything to do with this because I was able to stop his hunt until I ask you guys this question, but that creature seems more important right now, so I'll ask after we defeated it.

Clark nodded and was happy. It seemed that Invincible was not being manipulated by Marcus, as he thought for himself. Sure, he was still a little naïve, but Clark thought it was just Invincible being young. When they arrived, they were welcomed by the screams of a beast and the defeated bodies of most of the Justice League.

They started to fight Doomsday, but he was not an easy opponent. After realizing that, Clark and Invincible decided to each draw the attention of Doomsday while the other would go for the attack. Clark would use heat vision on Doomsday's back while Invincible would fire multiple jabs coated with Haki. Invincible would taunt Doomsday as if he could understand him while Clark would body slam Doomsday to the ground.

Doomsday; GROAWWW!

Invincible: Hey! Don't call me a coward! I have an urgent matter to discuss with them so if you want a one-on-one stop now, we'll fight tomorrow.

Doomsday; GROAWWW!

Invincible: I'm not lying, you prehistorical caveman looking-

Doomsday; GROAWWW!

Invincible: THAT'S IT!

Invincible used soru and kicked Doomsday's jaw with a Haoshoku-coated kick. He was sent flying into three buildings. After an hour of fighting, some of the less injured Justice League members joined in the fight. Since Invincible was here, Clark did not need to go all out and sacrifice himself. It took twenty more minutes of careful hit-and-run tactic to bring Doomsday down. They were happy that everything was over but Invincible brought everyone's attention onto himself.

Invincible: Okay guys! I need you all to listen to me! I'm going to ask one question and I would like for everyone to answer it honestly… Did any of you have anything to do with the theft that just happened in Vought?

The members were confused but all shook their heads as they knew they had nothing to do with it. Batman glared a little before talking.

Batman: What was stolen?

Invincible: Can't tell you since you're the only one that still hasn't answered?

Batman: … I had nothing to do with it. Now your turn.

Invincible took out a phone and called Marcus. He told him the answers of the Justice League and ended the call before answering Batman's question.

Invincible: Can't tell you. All I can say is that Marcus is pissed and is about to hunt that thief down. I just wanted to make sure you guys have nothing to do with it since he asked me to stay out of it. Now that you guys have nothing to do with it, I'm fine with this.

Clark heard Bruce's heart accelerate.

Clark: What will he do after finding that thief?

Invincible: I can't tell you that.

Batman: Why can't you say more than that?

Invincible: Because I don't trust you and that Green Lantern.

Martian Manhunter: You don't trust them, but you seem to trust us?

Invincible: I was told that trust is a two-way path. You can't trust those that would not even extend a little bit of it. That's why I don't trust Batman. I don't trust Green Lantern; I would trust the person but since he is a Green Lantern I can not trust him.

Hal: Why do you not trust the Green Lantern? I know that Viltrumites and we are technically enemies but-

Invincible: It's because I heard that most if not every guardian of Oa has blocked their emotional side and decided strictly out of logic.

It took a few seconds before Martian Manhunter clarified everyone's confusion by speaking his hypothesis.

Martian Manhunter: I see. If they were to find something that could be used against the Viltrumites they would not hesitate to sacrifice a few minor inconveniences such as a war on this planet for example.

Invincible: Probably! I was just told to never fully trust a Green Lantern no matter what.

This led to more of the Justice League members assuming Martian Manhunter's words were right as Invincible was most likely told by an adult Viltrumite not to fully trust a Green Lantern. The keywords being fully trusting a Green Lantern

While this conversation was going on, Bruce was trying to find a way to know more about Marcus' plan for the thief as he knew who the thief was. He had sent her after all.

Bruce: We do not know if we will standby if there is a potentially dangerous stolen object. We might even stand against Marcus. It would be best for both parties if the League knew what that object was?

Bruce had researched Marcus' past and thought he had found the key to neutralize him if needed thus he asked Cat Woman as he needed to make sure Marcus was oblivious to the thief's identity. He had anticipated this reaction but wanted to know what the object's purpose was as Invincible seemed to know more than he did. It was also a way to save Cat Woman if she was in danger under the guise that the object was too dangerous to be left in the hands of an untrustworthy individual.

Invincible: Hmm… Fine! The stolen object was the scythe of Kronos… If someone other than a selected few were to handle it. Chaos would be brought to this world.

Clark: CHAOS?!

Invincible: That's also why I wanted to make sure all of you have nothing to do with this because Marcus sent many people after the thief including Akainu.

Barry: Akainu? Should that matter?

Invincible: Well to put it simply. He makes Batman look like Superman.

Every League member was shocked as well as curious.


Invincible: What's scary about him is that he believes in absolute justice.

Clark: Absolute Justice? Somehow, I don't like the sound of it.

Invincible: If you fail at catching a criminal you should not need to be in this world. That's one of his mottos. As for how he deals with criminals… from what I've heard all of the lucky ones end up in prison but for this hunt Marcus gave everyone the green light as long as no "civilian" life is endangered.

Clark heard Bruce's heartbeat skyrocketing. Bruce knew who Akainu was as he had investigated him as well.

Clark: Are you okay with all of this?

Invincible: He's, my guardian. I delayed it long enough to ask you guys and since none of you have anything to do with this, I will not go against it as I have already made a deal with him.

Before Bruce could say anything, everyone heard a new voice. It was Marcus.

Marcus: Now that I kept my side of the deal, you need to do the same. I managed to find who did it and I would like to ask Batman, where I could find Cat Woman?

Marcus had a three-headed gigantic dog behind him that was growling.

It seems like some might be confuse about the three marcus This will be cleared in the next few chapters.

Isekai_enjoyercreators' thoughts