
How I Fell in Love with a College Girl and Ended with a 50k Bounty

Saki, the class beauty. As their unlikely friendship blossoms amidst the complexities of teenage life, they navigate the challenges of love, friendship, and danger. But when Leo's act of heroism attracts the wrath of a dangerous gang, their bond is put to the ultimate test. With a bounty on his head and their lives in jeopardy, Leo and Saki must confront their fears and fight for their future together. Will their love withstand the trials that await them, or will they be torn apart by forces beyond their control?

Zmeal_XD · Seni bela diri
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24 Chs

Facing the Consequences (Chapter 13)

Upon waking the next day, Leo and Saki found themselves lying close together on the bed, the warmth of Sunday morning enveloping them. Saki, with a playful grin, remarked, "It's almost like we're a couple, isn't it?" Leo's response was swift, almost reflexive. "No, no, no," he replied, dismissing the notion entirely. Saki looked at him, a hint of confusion in her eyes, before sighing softly. "I guess you're right," she conceded.

After getting ready, they made their way to school, where they were met with stares of shock from their peers. Moments later, two of Saki's friends approached them, confronting them about the situation. While Leo tried to brush it off, the intercom suddenly blared, calling him to the principal's office. Annoyed and frustrated, Leo complied, finding the principal waiting with military personnel. To his surprise, the principal greeted him and presented him with a medal of honor for his heroic actions, leaving him speechless.

Grateful but bewildered, Leo thanked them before preparing to leave. However, the principal's tone shifted as he mentioned the media coverage and the need to expel Leo. Shocked, Leo pleaded with the principal, but to no avail. The principal, unmoved, insisted that Leo's presence was too much for the school. Leo, upset and desperate, threatened to sue the school, prompting the principal to relent, albeit with a warning of expulsion should any further issues arise.

Leo agrees and walks towards his classroom, but as he does so, he can feel the gazes of many people admiring him and multiple girls who are fanboying over him. One girl even decides to approach him and says, "Hey Leo, you're quite the cool type. Would it be okay if I were to take your virginity?" Before Leo can even answer her question, Saki grabs his arm and immediately drags him to her desk, making him sit beside her. Leo's heart races, feeling the unexpected attention. As he sits next to Saki, he notices her grip on his arm, a mix of protectiveness and possessiveness. Leo can't help but feel a flutter of something indescribable in his chest, but he pushes it aside, trying to focus on the upcoming events.

Leo glanced at Saki, sensing her frustration, and cautiously inquired, "Why are you upset with me?" Saki met his gaze but offered a contradictory response, "I'm not mad." Yet, her tone betrayed her true feelings, leaving Leo uncertain of how to proceed. With a hesitant nod, he accepted her ambiguous reassurance.

As second period began, Leo's phone buzzed with an email notification. Curious, he checked the message, revealing a surprising offer from the District Prosecuting Attorney. The opportunity to avoid legal repercussions for his heroic act came with a challenging condition: he must testify against a high-ranking gang member, the very individuals who had targeted him on the plane. The weight of the decision hung heavy on Leo's mind.

Motioning to Saki discreetly, Leo suggested they meet in the bathroom. There, he shared the contents of the email with her. Saki's expression shifted to one of shock and concern as she grasped the gravity of the situation. "You can't do this," she protested, voicing the legitimate fears of retaliation from Japan's criminal underworld. The danger of being labeled a snitch loomed large, and Leo felt the weight of the dilemma pressing down on him.

"Suddenly, a boy barges in, looking at both Saki and Leo. Upon seeing them together and their interaction, he blurts out, "Oh, sht, sorry," before quickly running out again. Leo looks dumbfounded, realizing that the boy probably got the wrong idea about their relationship.

Noon arrives, and Leo and Saki head towards the prosecutor's office. Upon arrival, they are welcomed by an old man around the age of 56. He greets them and explains the situation: the gang member the police caught had escaped with Sauha but was found while shoplifting medical supplies in the outskirts of Tokyo. Leo looks at the prosecutor, asking, "Sauha is alive?" The prosecutor responds in a calm voice, "We don't know. Anyway, the gang member is refusing to talk, so I reckon you should witness, and then I can terminate all your prior incidents." Leo sighs, realizing he has no choice. "Well, alright, I'll witness," he says. Saki looks at Leo, concerned, before he reassures her.

When is the date?" Leo asks. The prosecutor speaks up, "The trial is set for next week." Leo looks at the prosecutor and asks, "Where?" The prosecutor answers, "Tokyo. I'm driving you there." Leo speaks up, "Saki is coming as well." The prosecutor chuckles and says, "Alright, alright, I'll take your girlfriend as well." Leo, flustered, corrects him, "She's not my girlfriend." Saki looks at Leo, surprised 

Leo returned home, accompanied by Saki, and they both slept earlier than usual. Leo lay awake, contemplating what his testimony should be for the upcoming trial. The next morning, local news reported about the case: "Local Prosecuting Attorney vs Unknown Defense Attorney." Leo sighed, feeling the weight of the situation. "I hope this is worth it," he murmured to himself. Saki's reassuring words broke through his thoughts, "Don't worry, it will be alright." Her optimism gave him a glimmer of hope.

Upon arriving at school,

Juko sighed, "Well, I'm going to be there at the courthouse, and I'm taking Rico with me." Leo looked at Juko, puzzled. "Who's Rico?" he asked. Juko explained, "Rico is my old buddy. He's coming to town. He's a police intern." Leo shrugged, "Oh, alright." Saki stood up excitedly, "Let's meet him." Juko agreed, "Sure, he should be here soon. He's coming from Kyoto."

Leo glanced out the window, "Is that him in the blue limo?" He looked at Juko, surprised. Juko simply shrugged, "Yeah, it's him." Leo was dumbfounded, "Is your friend a millionaire?" Juko laughed, "He isn't that rich." They all headed down to greet him, drawing curious glances from the onlookers.

Rico invited them to hop in. Leo turned to Juko, "Man, I'm going to be kicked out of school. My attendance is already low, and yours is even lower than mine." Juko brushed it off, "Haha, it will be fine. Just come on, Saki." They all hopped in, and they drove off to a small cafe.

Juko hopped out of the limo and ordered expensive coffee and croissants. "Hey, are you guys not getting anything? Rico is paying," he exclaimed. Rico confirmed, "Yeah, it's my treat. Guys, eat all you want." Rico, Leo, Saki, and Juko sat down, and Rico initiated the conversation.

"So, Leo, you're quite the hit across the country currently. I can't believe you also chose to witness. Quite crazy," Rico remarked. Leo responded faintly, "Yes, that's right." Rico continued, telling them about his work as a police intern. "I've been trying to pitch the case, but my boss won't let me receive funding and resources for the case, you know. It can be expensive and out of my budget, but I'm not giving up. Leo, tell me, I want your permission to work with you on bringing Sauha down."

Leo replied, "I don't mind. After all, more help is great. But isn't this dangerous for you? I mean, you could lose your job and even get yourself into trouble." Rico reassured him, "It's alright. I hold a grudge against Sauha as well. So, here we are, us four to bring down Sauha." Leo looked surprised but engaged, while Saki gazed at Leo happily. Juko, meanwhile, continued munching on the expensive croissants.

The waiter arrived with the bill, "25,890 yen, please." Leo and Saki looked shocked, and Rico gave Juko a hard stare before shouting, "Did you have to buy that many croissants? I'm not made of money, you know." Juko apologized, "Sorry, sorry. I'll pay you back sometime."