
How I Fell in Love with a College Girl and Ended with a 50k Bounty

Saki, the class beauty. As their unlikely friendship blossoms amidst the complexities of teenage life, they navigate the challenges of love, friendship, and danger. But when Leo's act of heroism attracts the wrath of a dangerous gang, their bond is put to the ultimate test. With a bounty on his head and their lives in jeopardy, Leo and Saki must confront their fears and fight for their future together. Will their love withstand the trials that await them, or will they be torn apart by forces beyond their control?

Zmeal_XD · Action
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24 Chs

Flight of Desperation (Chapter 12)

As Leo ascended to the deck, he entrusted Juko with the task of safeguarding Saki, handing him a knife for protection before venturing into the cockpit. He warned the pilots of the impending attack, prompting them to swiftly contact Japanese headquarters for assistance. However, upon learning that they needed to reach Japanese soil before receiving aid, Leo said go fuck yourselves before hanging up.

Meanwhile, chaos erupted among the passengers as Sauha's gang seized control of the plane. Their demands reverberated through the cabin, threatening harm if their demands weren't met. Without hesitation, Leo burst through the cockpit door, sending one of Sauha's men crashing to the floor. He swiftly subdued the attacker, his focus unwavering as he faced Sauha and his remaining cohorts.

With quick thinking, Leo seized a rolling food tray, hurling it at another gang member and momentarily disrupting their advance. Sauha's fury simmered as he confronted Leo, vowing revenge for the trouble he had caused. Careless Leo secured the cockpit door, instructing the pilots to head to Japan.

As the plane hurtled through the sky, Leo and Sauha engaged in a fierce battle, their movements hampered by the turbulence. Amidst the struggle, Sauha's men seized hostages, heightening the stakes of the confrontation. Despite Leo's valiant efforts, he was caught off guard and overpowered, his body battered by Sauha's relentless assault.

In a desperate bid to aid his friend, Juko joined the fray, engaging Sauha in combat as they grappled amidst the chaos. The turbulence added an additional layer of complexity to their struggle, making every movement precarious. As the hours passed, the plane crossed over Japanese waters, inching closer to safety. However, Sauha's grip on the situation tightened, his threats escalating as he sought access to the cockpit.

With tensions mounting and the lives of everyone onboard hanging in the balance, Leo, Juko, and the remaining passengers braced themselves. 

Amidst the chaos onboard, Leo's desperate plea to the pilots echoed through the cockpit, urging them to crash the plane into the water. The pilots, hesitant and shocked, hesitated to comply, but Leo's insistence persisted until Sauha intervened, silencing him with a menacing glare. As the tension reached its peak, the plane abruptly nosedived towards the water, sending shockwaves of panic through the cabin.

With Sauha and his gang members having to abandon the plane, Leo's voice was drowned out by the chaos. As the plane plummeted towards the ocean's surface, the passengers with their hearts pounding with fear and uncertainty.

The impact with the water was jarring, sending a violent jolt through the aircraft. Miraculously, Japanese warships swiftly responded to the distress call, their timely arrival ensuring the survival of everyone onboard. Amidst the wreckage, Sauha was nowhere to be found, presumed lost to the depths below.

As they were rescued and brought back to shore, relief washed over Leo and his companions, their families awaiting them with tears of joy and relief. Leo's parents, overcome with emotion, embraced him tightly, their worries dissipating in the wake of his safe return. However, Leo's gaze fell upon Saki, standing alone amidst the crowd, her expression solemn and distant.

With a compassionate gesture, Leo approached her, offering his support and comfort. Taking her hand in his, he led her towards his parents, seeking their approval for her to stay with them for a while. With a nod of understanding, Leo's parents welcomed Saki into their home, offering her a safe haven amidst the aftermath of their harrowing ordeal. 

Upon, arriving home they, went into leos bedroom. !

In the quiet bedroom, Saki gazed at Leo with pleading eyes, her voice trembling as she softly asked, "Leo, do you... want to...?" Leo's expression shifted from surprise to apprehension as he realized the gravity of her question. "Saki, we can't... WHAT.," he replied, his voice tinged with anxiety.


But Saki's gaze remained unwavering as she expressed her desire to be with him intimately. "I want to... with you," she murmured, her words filled with longing. Leo's heart raced with conflicting emotions, torn between his own fears and his desire to honor Saki's wishes. "Saki, we aren't even together, we need to take things slow," he urged, his voice wavering with uncertainty. 

But Saki's determination was unwavering as she pleaded, "Would you... at least touch me... to show me I'm... good enough?" Feeling the heat of the moment enveloping them, Leo hesitated before tentatively reaching out to caress Saki's body. His fingers traced the contours of her skin, feeling the warmth and smoothness beneath his touch. Saki's hand gently guided his, leading him to explore her body with a mixture of apprehension and desire. As his hand moved upward, Leo met Saki's gaze, his heart pounding with anticipation. With a small squeeze and a soft moan escaping her lips, Saki conveyed her appreciation for his touch. But overwhelmed by guilt and uncertainty, Leo withdrew, his heart heavy with regret. Saki's eyes softened with understanding as she reassured him, "It's alright, Leo. I wanted it... after all."

 Grateful for his consideration, she drew closer to him, seeking solace in his embrace. As they lay together in the dim light, Leo whispered to himself, "One day, Saki... one day." But before he could dwell on his thoughts, Saki surprised him by reaching for his arm, pulling him closer with a tender kiss. Caught off guard by her boldness, Leo couldn't help but smile as Saki blushed with embarrassment. "Hey, you can't just... do that," he teased, his heart lightened by her playful demeanor. With a contented sigh, they drifted off to sleep, , knowing that their bond would only deepen with time