
How do I stop being a fish.

Coming to, in a pet shop, inside of a glass fish tank, is not the ideal way to wake up on a Saturday. Of course, I’m not that unlucky, as to not know my situation, because I have this lovely thing right here, telling me what to do. [Emergency quest!: Reincarnation and fishes, You get the jest of it, you’re a fish, now get the hell out of there! Reward:??? Penalty: Death(cause of death will be neglect)] Ah, what a nice Saturday... Fuck.

Dead_Hekate · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
33 Chs

Phase two

As the octopus rapidly increases its pace, spinning over and over again, I'm left to wonder if an octopus normally does this.

Of course, I've never seen an octopus before so this could be normal behavior... Then again I've never seen an octopus before so it could be not normal...

Suddenly I'm pulled from my thoughts as a blade-shaped slab of ice shoots out from the small underwater whirlwind.

Dodging the sizable blade I watch as more shoot out of the whirlwind in random intervals.

Soon though it stops, only for a moment before a torrent of ice blades appear out from the whirlwind causing chaos and destruction in the surrounding area, kicking up some underwater dust.

As I dodge a large number of blades, only being able to do so with my senses due to the large amount of dust, I can't help but shiver as an icy aura radiates from within the cloud of dust, sending a shiver down my spine.

As the dust slowly settles, a chilling silhouette arises from within the dirt cloud, its menacing red eyes piercing through the dust.

As the dust finally lets up enough to allow for my eyesight to be effective again, I'm slightly shocked to see the once enraged octopus.

Standing in the middle of a crater is... A smaller octopus. The one before me now is a light blue in color, covered in lighter yet more plating, making him look more metal than pus.

He's slimmer as well, compared to his previous more bulky appearance and the shadows covering his red eyes only further accentuates their menacing glow.

And then... Shining in the rays of light, peering through the gaps in the tall forest trees, are four bright blades. In the grasp of its tentacles the octopus is wielding 3 equally simple and magnificent rapiers. He's also holding a massive greatsword behind him, poised like a scorpion's tail.

With a sudden flap of his tentacles, he suddenly jets toward me at a frightening speed, even for me.

Although with just my vision, it looks like he propelled himself with his tentacles, the truth of the matter comes from my senses.

For some ungodly reason, there is a water jet underneath him, propelling him to such an ungodly speed... Fortunately though, with such an unrefined way of increasing his speed it shouldn't be well controlled whatsoever.

Just when he reaches me, his propulsion suddenly increases by nearly tenfold, giving him a second boost of speed as his body is launched at me.

As he rapidly accelerates after me, he thrust one of his Napier's, and then...


All three of its tentacles start to move at an ungodly speed, each one thrusting in tandem with the other, creating a constant stream of piercing attacks.

At first, I easily dodge them, but then as he continues to rapidly attack it dawns on me that he won't let up.

After almost five minutes of constant attack, I'm left riddled with scratches as cuts, due to glances and near hits.

A let out a slight glub, as I see he stops attacking, believing that he'll stop attacking for a moment to let me weather myself.

As the octopus backs off, giving me some room to breathe, my mind starts to race, trying to figure out how I'll get out of this one.


Yet, it seems that my habit of planning mid-battle has bitten me in the ass this time. Without proper time to react, the octopus suddenly activated his water jet, sending him straight at me, skewering me in the process.

As the blade pierces me completely, I let out a strangled glub as the air is forced out of my skewed fishy lungs.

This... Is my first real injury since coming here... And it hurts like hell!

Quickly getting over the anger brought on by the pain of the stab, I finally start to realize what's happening as dread starts to fill me.

'Shit shit shit... I'm such an idiot... I can't believe I'm trying to fight shitheads almost twice my level... What, just because I happen to have some sort of advantage towards everyone so far I think I'm hot shit? Of course as soon as I meet someone actually skilled in out in my place...'

As my mind starts to race, filled with self loathing and ridicule, a thought starts to fill my mind, slowly becoming more prominent over the incessant self hatred filling my thoughts.

'I'm going to die, skewered by some bumfuck octopus swordsman, as a fucking fish. I'm going to throw away my second chance at life without even getting out of this shitty ocean... All alone...'

Then, a sudden determination comes over me, a determination to survive, to live! To beat the shit out of this four-armed tentacle head.

'No, I'm not alone! If I can't survive for myself than... I'll do it for him!'

Unbeknownst to me, my skin started to crack, a bright pink and blue light peering from the cracks, alerting the octopus, startling him.

The cracks expand ever so slowly, the light growing even brighter, blinding the octopus.


And with a last proclamation, the proclamation for my life, for my survival, and for my friendship... Everything shatters.

--- --- ---

Lol, me when, the power of friendship:




Anyways, again late chapter, sorry.

Hm, yes this is bullshit protagonist power up, I don't care.

Ah ha, spoilers ahead SPOILERS AHEAD.




So basically, I finally decided on her powers and... I'm sorry?

I know before I said I wanted her to be a mage or a brawler but then I decided 'well what if she was a ranger instead?'

And so here we are.

Anyways her main powers will be called 'Reforge' 'armory' and 'mental down'

Reforge will allow her to take a weapon and change it into another weapon. Basically, she changes magic swords into magic guns. She'll also be able to take certain property out of one weapon and put it in another.

Armory is pretty simple, it just gives her an inventory space, only for weapons. It'll be infinite in space, as well as automatically repair weapons. Also, infinite ammo too because not having infinite ammo is too much of a hassle.

Mental down, is a bit different than the other two. Essentially I was thinking she needed an escape skill, and this is what I came up with. It basically fills her enemy's mind with a bunch if useless information, until her opponents brain stops working, imitating the effect of a time stop or skip. In simpler words, she shuts their cognitive functions down temporarily, forcing them to stop. If that was also too complicated than...

It's a bootleg time stop or skip where only the people are affected and everything else continues.


One more thing. She won't only use ranged weapons, though they will be her main ones.

Also she will only be using basic magic, :0.

That's all.




Fuck you