
Chapter 5:The talk

everyone woke up Kaleigah was still shaken up about the noises Rose noticed and dragged Kaleigah away from the group "are you ok?" Rose asks Kaleigah shook her head "I heard a noise last night it was of a knife slicing through skin it wasn't the t.v. because it was off I think you were not crazy after all" Kaleigah explained Rose laughed awkwardly "you guys thought I was crazy but now you are hearing it too. does that mean you and me are both crazy?" Rose asks Kaleigah shook her head "No I know when something is stuck in your head it must be like a monster doing it" Kaleigah explained Rose was not happy to hear that "DON'T IT'S IN OUR MIND'S NONE OF THE OTHER PEOPLE HEAR IT SO IT MUST BE IN OUR MIND'S" Rose yelled tears appearing in her eyes Kaleigah hugs Rose "it's ok don't cry we are not the only ones who can hear it I promise" Kaleigah reassured.