
Chapter 4:The realization

"Rose are you ok" Maddie asks Rose looked at her 3 friends and shook her head "Why does no one beleive me" Rose cried out hugging her anime body pillow "Nobody thinks your crazy we just are concerned" Sedaya said the other 2 friends looked at Sedaya like seriously "KIDS TIME FOR DINNER" Erna yelled getting Sedaya,Maddie,Kaleigah, and Rose's attention all 4 of the girls left downstairs and walked into the white walked dining room witha brown tablethat connects to the kitchen "oh Rose it's your turn to clean the kitchen" Erna said picking up on her phone Rose nodded "of course mom" Rose said sitting down getting a plate of food and so did my friends Chance was sitting next to Rose. Rose's friends got the blankets and set it in the living room Rose had a pink blanket and she was next to Chance, Chance had a red blanket he was in the middle of Tyson and Rose, Tyson had a blue blanket in the middle of Chance and Sedaya, Sedaya had a purple blanket in the middle of Tyson and Tucker, Tucker had a orange blanket in the middle of Sedaya and Kaleigah, Kaleigah had a violet blanket in the middle of Tucker and Maddie, Maddie was on the end of the line with a rainbow blanket. Rose took the romote for the T.V. she turned it on and put on some random show "time to sleep" she cheered as she fell asleep easily Chance cuddle up against Rose everyone fell asleep suddenly Kaleigah shot up from hearing the sickening noise of a knife cutting skin she looked around but the T.V. was off so it couldn't be the T.V. she shook Maddie, Maddie woke up groggily "what Kaleigah why did you wake me up?" Maddie asks Kaleigah was scared "I heard a knife being shoved into skin" Kaleigah answered Maddie looked at her concerned "it must of been a nightmare go back to sleep" Maddie answered and went back to sleep Kaleigah shakily fell asleep to thinking of happy thoughts.