
Chapter 2


DOCTOR MONTGOMERY'S words rang in my head two or three more times as I sat in front of her trying to make sure my mouth didn't hang open in shock. Wasn't it customary to buy the girl a burger before you talked sperm?

My balls twitched, not liking the attention as her eyes fell to my junk. I stopped myself from laying a hand on top of my groin, but just barely. Too much scrutiny would put a man in an early grave.

When neither of us spoke again Priscilla opened the side drawer of her desk and pulled out an opaque small round cylinder with a white screw top. The cups we used for pee samples in the ER... or semen collection if you were at the hospital for other reasons. Her office was dead quiet, so as the cup hit the desk, the almost inaudible tap echoed through the room.

"Whoa," I said putting up a hand. "This is third date material." Plus, I'd never been a fan of leaving my little guys out in the world to fend for themselves. I much preferred a different collection method.

Priscilla scowled, but she still looked gorgeous. I'd found her attractive from the first day she showed up after completing a residency in the Midwest. Women doctors often had a harder time of it than men, and I felt like our plight was similar. There's not a lot of respect for male nurses in the field, and even though I tried every day to prove my worth, somebody was always looking at me like I failed at being a doctor. A med school drop-out wearing scrubs.

The truth was, I never wanted to be a doctor. Most people assumed I'd failed out of school or something, but in reality I graduated at the top of my class in nursing school. I didn't want the liability and insurance problems that came with the fancy letters. Plus, doctors were the number one profession to claim bankruptcy. I knew from an early age I'd make a killing as a nurse, work fewer hours, have fewer problems with patients, and still enjoy a great field in the medical profession.

Priscilla and I marched to our own drum. As a general practitioner ER doctor, she hadn't gone the route many female doctors do in by specializing in OB/GYN or pediatrics. She was tough as nails and out to claim her spot in the world-all things I admired because I recognized them in myself. We were kindred spirits. I had just never asked her out. The timing hadn't been right.

Turns out at least one piece of me met Priscilla's high standards. It's not that I found her request too far-fetched, but I more disagreed with her method at that moment.

She jerked her head in my direction. "Well?"

"Frankly... I'm flattered, but why?"

Confusing didn't come close to describing the situation. How could she take a nurse's sperm but not date me in public? Did she have a problem with me only being a nurse? I'd hate to think she thought like so many others. She found me appealing if she wanted procreate with me. I knew Priscilla. She would've researched every aspect of the person she had children with, so my brains weren't the problem either. She knew I had brains. So what kept her away?

How many children would she want with me? I'd always considered having children at some point in the future. But at twenty-seven I had years left before I had to make those decisions, even if I wanted at least two. Did Priscilla want two? Would she want me in their lives to help raise them? I wasn't a jerk it and go guy. Even when I'd been hard up for cash in nursing school, I hadn't made a dump in the cup for cash.

Priscilla sighed. "It's not you, Kenton. It's me," she said, pulling the standard line. "I'm too busy for anything serious. I'm making a career for myself here. You're wonderful choice. You have a great personality, your looks are divine, and I know you're the smartest person on your floor."

A man couldn't help but preen a little.

"So you'll make a baby with me but not date me?"

"There's no time to date. I'm trying to make something of myself in the field. You understand how competitive it is out there."

Her argument made no sense at all. How'd a woman so smart not see the clear flaws in her logic? "You've already made a career for yourself, Priscilla. You're the best doctor here. Have you thought about how much easier it will be to parent a child with help? You can't work all the time and raise a baby."

At least not my baby. I would never ask Priscilla to quit working. Her job meant the world to her, and that was clear to see, but the workload would be better with two adults working together.

"Yes, I'll make a life for the baby. I've already contacted a nanny service, Helping Hands, and when the time comes, I've gotten approval to step down to a three on four off schedule."

I nodded in understanding. The schedule had become common at the hospital these days. A person worked three twelve-hour shifts and then had four days off in a row. It sucked because you worked nonstop for those three days, but you were home more often than you weren't. Many parents here made the sacrifice.

"I'm sure you've read the statistics. It's better if a kid has two parents."

She lifted a shoulder in a high shrug. "My dad left two days after my tenth birthday and I survived."

I couldn't argue that. She'd done well in her life. It was easy to see Priscilla had attacked this problem from every angle and had an answer for everything. She'd be a hard nut to crack, but a plan formed the longer we talked. My decisions were becoming more solid and the emotions I'd pushed to the side for months took root in my heart. I would win Priscilla over one piece at a time. I'd lay on the charm and show her how wonderful a life with Kenton Sacks would be, but first I had to get inside her pussy.

"Okay," I said with a smile. "But I have one condition."

"Anything," she promised.

I stood and leaned across her desk, making sure we were close with our faces only inches apart. It would have been easy to leave her with a quick kiss, but I wanted her feeling the suspense of our moment-a hint of what would come. Priscilla had controlled so many aspects of her life for probably as long as she remembered. Determined women like her were used to making the rules, but all that would change now.

"I want to deposit my baby-making juice the old fashion way."