
Chapter 3


MY BODY JUMPED as a knock sounded at the front door, and my heart rate spiked with excitement. Ever since Kenton told me he wasn't going to just give me his sperm, I'd been on edge. Hell, before that even.

He was a great guy. It wasn't a fluke I'd asked him to be my baby's dad. Anyone who worked with Kenton knew he was not only easy on the eyes, but he had a work ethic like no one else. I'd also done a little light stalking and found that he came from a solid background. Both his parents seemed to be in good health and were still alive.

Another knock reminded me I'd stalled long enough. Kenton was coming to my place so we could do things the old-fashioned way, as he put it. I was perfectly fine with getting his sperm in a cup and going to a doctor, but he insisted that no baby of his would be conceived that way. Kenton seemed to be awfully demanding for a guy who wouldn't be in the picture. I didn't mean that in a rude way or anything, just that I didn't expect him to be around because I planned on doing this whole thing solo.

Before Kenton knocked again, I made my way to the door, gave myself a quick once over, and pulled it open. I wasn't sure what I was expecting, but I guess I'd gotten it wrong. I had dressed in slacks and a nice shirt. Kenton was in jeans that looked like he'd worn them for years-those jeans that are your favorite pair-and an ordinary shirt. By looking at us now, it was easy to see just how opposite we were.

On the other side of that coin, we were a lot alike. It was why I had picked Kenton to be my baby's father. He wasn't just a nurse. He was the top nurse at Paradise General. He had graduated top of his class in nursing school, and if he wanted, he could do much more. The man had a terrific bedside manner, and he was the guy everyone wanted to work with.

"Hello," I said, and held a hand out, motioning for him to come in the house.

"Hey, how are you?"

Nervous. "Fine."

"My mama always told me if the woman I was with said she was fine, I needed to apologize."

"No need. You're not with me."

Kenton pulled me into his arms. My skin against his body like this sent tingles through me.

"That's where you're wrong," he said. "As long as we're doing this thing. We're together."

My lips tipped down in a frown. I didn't want Kenton to get attached to me because I was doing this parenting thing alone.

"I see that pretty head of yours working overtime. Relax. This is the fun part."

"Fun?" He was losing his mind. The few relationships I'd been in always ended because of how busy I was with work. Sex had never been fun. It always seemed to happen even if I wasn't sure I was in the mood, and it hurt, which made me happy it ended quickly. All these people who raved about the act-they'd lost their minds.

"Yeah, the part where we can explore and see what we like and don't, but there isn't much we won't, I'm sure."

I could feel my face heating. I was a damn fine doctor, but I'd be the first to admit my life, and body, had taken a backseat to my career.

"Doctor Montgomery, is that a blush?"

I was opening my mouth to lie, but before the words escaped, Kenton's warm, full lips were brushing against mine. I felt him everywhere and as my core clenched, I knew I needed this man, right then.

He must have agreed because the next thing I knew, I was in his arms, and he was carrying me, my legs around his waist, through the house.

"Hall on the left," I said, giving him directions. "Door at the end of the hall."

"Glad this is one of those with the main-floor masters."

I hadn't given much thought to it, but it did come in handy.

"What do you like, sweetheart?"

None of it, but I didn't think Kenton wanted to hear that.

"You with me?" he asked, as he laid me down and came down on top of me.

I nodded, not trusting myself to speak. Nothing said I needed to like it. I only needed his sperm. I would pray it took the first time, and we'd be finished.

I was so lost in my head that I spaced out as he removed my clothes, and then his, but then, I caught a glimpse of his chiseled abs.

"Where did those come from?"

An easy smile tipped at the corner of his mouth. "You like that, huh?"

My eyes landed on the deep hip dips, and I went stupid. Men could be ugly and have that chiseled v and get any girl they wanted. Kenton not only looked amazing, but he had them too. Yeah, I wouldn't be able to tell him no.

"You ready?"

I nodded because his muscles were demanding it, and it shocked me when instead of going for the grand prize, he started making his way down my body.


"You okay?" he asked, his head tipped to one side.

"What are you doing?" Not one of my finer moments.

"Thought that was obvious. No? Well, I was about to go down on you. I've been wanting to feast on your cunt since the first moment I saw you."

His words sent a rush of liquid through my core, and suddenly I wanted that too. That's not what this was about, though. We were here for one thing, and one thing only. To create a baby. He had been the one to insist that we do things this way when I had been fine letting another doctor do the whole turkey-baster thing.

"No," I said. "Let's just do what needs to be done."

I could see hurt flash on his face, and I wasn't happy either, but things were already complicated.

With a quick nod, Kenton pushed inside of me, filling me full. I also noticed that it didn't hurt the way it had with other guys.

"You're so wet and tight. It's like a glove."

I pinched my eyes shut, warding off the emotions trying to invade, but with every thrust, it was becoming more and more difficult.

Kenton's fingers found their way to my love button, and it only took a light rub over my delicate flesh for me to come harder than I ever had before, harder than I had even with all the battery-operated dicks I had.

"Open your eyes," he gritted out.

I didn't want to open them. It was too much.

"Do it. I wanna see you when I come."

My eyes cracked open, and as Kenton filled me with his seed, he filled my heart as well.