

Hope, a Nigeria fantasy, is a story that centers on a land that existed years ago. Ajewole was a land that prospered in Agriculture and hunting but whose foundation had been stained with ancestoral sins. Hope, the first child of Queen Ewatomi, was born in the era when the law that opposed female child, the first born in the royal family stood firm. Saved out of mother's love and bestowed upon powers of her late mother, she was eloped with by Wuraola, a Palace maid. After Ifaoku, a priest, sacrificed half his powers to open the gate to The Land of Strangers {Future}. Years later, Ajewole could not tell what peace tasted like. Sickness and death were their greatest enemies. Peace was out of grasp, hope was out of their thoughts. Hope, now grown to be a 19 years old beautiful girl, is incognizant of her past, but always dream of people of her race imploring her to save them. Will she discover her true story, accept who she is, and return to Ajewole?

Akinsiku_John · Fantasi
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5 Chs

Chapter 4

(Ajewole; A different realm)

'The only way out is to journey into the evil forest and recover the staff of peace.' Fakunle declared as he shifted his gaze from the white cloth he spread on the floor to everyone one in the court. He seemed to be relaying the message he got from the gods.

'The same message again? How many times will the gods tell us this?' Otun, who was the right hand chief to King Adegoroye asked frustratingly.

'Fakunle, I believe you as the chief priest of this village, know everything that is going on.' The Iyalode paused, adjusting the Aso òkè hung on her shoulder. 'We all know countless hunters have been given the task of entering the evil forest and none of them returned. None! Who else should we send on this journey? Or the gods will leave us to keep suffering?' She finalized.

'Maybe you should ask them again Fakunle. Things are getting worse day by day. We can't keep suffering like this.' Òsì, the left hand chief added.

'Were you not here when the villagers gathered in front of the palace lamenting and cursing us impatiently for watching them suffer?' Said Balógun, the war chief.

'I'm aware of all these my chiefs, but I only speak what the gods tell me. Your Majesty....' Fakunle paused and directed his gaze to the King. 'There is no other way than to go on this journey.'

King Adegoroye who had been watching his chiefs in silence sighed deeply. His jaw rested on his fist as he looked like someone who had lost the ability to speak. The argument in the court was what he had been processing in his mind the whole time. Ajewole was no longer what it used to be years ago.

It all began the day after the king celebrated his 30th birthday. The king's new age was greatly celebrated with the hope that his reign would forever bring them happiness and prosperity. But they were wrong, it marked the emanation of sorrow and death. Sickness of unknown source began to visit and took many lives across the bar. As if these were not enough, Ajewole lost her trust in other villages and was attacked consistently by foreign clans which enslaved some villagers.

Sacrifices were carried out as many times as consultations were made to the gods. But the end of the tunnel still seemed to be covered with thick darkness.

Ajewole no longer stood by her name; wealth had failed to recognize its home. Peace was out of their grasp and all hope seemed lost.

Still and all, it is the elders that say, "when there is life,there is hope". After years of suffering, a dim of light seemed to have shone at the end of the tunnel. Fakunle, who went on a journey to other villages seeking for solution to these problems, returned with what seemed to be a good news to the land of Ajewole.

He reported that the gods gave him only one solution. And the solution was to choose someone who would journey into the evil forest, and restore the staff of peace. After it is restored, the staff must be plugged at the market square.

This, King Adegoroye and his chiefs had been working on for the past three years. Several powerful hunters from Ajewole and other clans had been sent into the evil forest, but no one returned from the perilous journey. Maybe the gods really wanted them to suffer? They thought after countless vain efforts.

Things got worse day by day with several bizzare reports. Starting with the village's river turning into blood, to evil spirits that visited the villagers' huts, taking away the breaths of their firstborns. When the villagers couldn't take it anymore, they started evacuating to other villages. This they did for some time until other villages stopped welcoming them to their land, due to the ill-luck they carried. When they had nowhere to go anymore, they decided to storm the palace with anger and laments. The King and the chiefs tried to persuade them but they discarded and stayed in the palace for several days and nights, lamenting and protesting until King Adegoroye promised to find a solution to their problems within three days. After being convinced halfway, they decided to give him another chance.

'Mother Queen, my chiefs. We promised the villagers that we would find solutions to our current situation within three days. What day is today?' King Adegoroye asked after a long period of silence.

'Your Majesty, today is the third day. We only have today to find a solution to the current situation.' Replied Otun.

'And what solution have we found? Nothing! Nothing!! Is this how we will continue to suffer? Shall we suffer until no one is left alive? It is you elders that say, the gods do not forget those who do not forget them. But have they not forgotten us? Or do we not give them enough respect and honour?' He asked rhetorically and paused for a while before continuing.

'It has always been peaceful during Olugbon's reign. It has always been peaceful during Aresa's reign. Also has it always been peaceful during Onikoyi's reign. Why should it not be the same during my own time? My chiefs, Fakunle, won't you say anything? The gods chose me to rule over this land. Have they turned their backs against me already? Or am I not the rightful heir to the throne?' King Adegoroye asked frustratingly.

'Of course you are not!' A voice emerged from outside the court room.

Everyone in the court was shocked at the response of the unknown stranger who stood at the entrance. They couldn't recognize who it was until Fakunle asked.

'It is I, the stranger from hell. It is I, Ifaoku.' He responded as he walked into the court with his long staff. His appearance seemed to cause a stirr in the palace as many mouths were left agape.

Queen Ojuola and Fakunle stood up slowly, gripped with fear. One could see how unsettled they looked if paid attention to. So also were the chiefs except King Adegoroye, who didn't seem recognize the blind priest and seer that stood in his front.

'Who is this blind man standing before me the king? Where are the guards?' asked King Adegoroye.

'Oooh! I see you are the puppet these fools placed on the throne.' Ifaoku said, pointing to each person in the court. 'I hope you are not expecting me to pay you homage. Of course I will never do that. And the guards, they are probably taking a short nap including the ones behind you.'

They all turned to check the guards and to their utter dismay, they were sleeping and drooling while standing. They were shocked at this.

'How dare you call His Majesty such name! Have you lost your manners?' Scowled Queen Ojuola who tried to hide her fear.

Ifaoku smiled devilishly and faced the mother queen. 'How have you been Queen Ojuola? I see you're getting younger. Mmmmm.. Anyways I'm not here for you. I'm here to give you all a warning in guise of a solution to the problems on ground.

'What have you to say old man?' King Adegoroye asked.

'I have seen what the villagers are going through. And it is a shame the solution to their problems lies in front of them.' Said Ifáòkú.

'In front of them? And what could the solution be? Asked King Adegoroye


'That is where you got it wrong son. The question should be, who is the solution.' He replied.

'Are you saying the one who could end the problems we have in this village is close?' King Adegoroye asked.

'Yes. And he is right in front of me.' Smirked Ifáòkú.

'You mean the king? So you expect his Majesty to journey into that evil forest!' Said Ojuola defensively.

Ifáòkú bursted into laughter and left them wondering what was funny. Suddenly, he stopped.

'You got it wrong again, my queen. He wouldn't last a day if he were to go into the evil forest. I think I have to make myself clearly. The time has come for the rightful heir to ascend the throne. For the true king is the only one who can save his people. King Adegoroye, if you want to save your people, abdicate this throne for its rightful owner.' said Ifáòkú

On hearing this statement, the whole court was sent into humming and short-timed clap. Fakunle stood up furiously and replied Ifáòkú.

'Who are you to spit this nonsense in front of the King. How dare you tell his Majesty to abdicate the throne. I see you have lost your manners.' Said Fakunle.

'Old man, it is better you leave the palace now before I loose my temper.' King Adegoroye said angrily.

He didn't seem to understand what the blind priest was saying but was only raging his temper. He didn't want to listen to him anymore.

'I will leave willingly. But hearken to my words, the people of Ajewole will continue to suffer until the right thing is done. The throne belongs to the one who owns it not steal it. Till we meet again, rulers of Ajewole.' Ifáòkú finalized as he walked out. He paused for a while and faced the king.

'The insect that is eating a vegetable, it is in the body of the vegetable. I hope you realize that soon, King Adegoroye.' Said Ifáòkú as he walked out of the palace. Immediately, the sleeping guards sprang out from their slumber.

King Adegoroye on hearing this, wore a confused look. He looked at his mother, Fakunle and his chiefs as if they had the answers to his questions. Rather, they all wore the same worried face. Everyone remained silent for a while until the king left for his room angrily, leaving his subordinates.

From what he had heard from the blind man, his chiefs and Fakunle had been hiding something from him all along. Including his mother! He removed his crown gently and sat on his bed with his head down, filled with troubling thoughts. It was until he looked out of his window that he realized he was sitted in one position for a long time. The moon had taken over the sky with its glittering warriors. He felt cramps in his legs and decided to take some rest. It would be better if he called another meeting tomorrow to discuss what happened at the court that day, including the words of the strange blind man.

He tried to force himself to sleep but couldn't until he was finally slayed by the powerful slumber.