

Hope, a Nigeria fantasy, is a story that centers on a land that existed years ago. Ajewole was a land that prospered in Agriculture and hunting but whose foundation had been stained with ancestoral sins. Hope, the first child of Queen Ewatomi, was born in the era when the law that opposed female child, the first born in the royal family stood firm. Saved out of mother's love and bestowed upon powers of her late mother, she was eloped with by Wuraola, a Palace maid. After Ifaoku, a priest, sacrificed half his powers to open the gate to The Land of Strangers {Future}. Years later, Ajewole could not tell what peace tasted like. Sickness and death were their greatest enemies. Peace was out of grasp, hope was out of their thoughts. Hope, now grown to be a 19 years old beautiful girl, is incognizant of her past, but always dream of people of her race imploring her to save them. Will she discover her true story, accept who she is, and return to Ajewole?

Akinsiku_John · Fantasy
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5 Chs

Chapter 5


The evening sun casted long shadows on the ground and the sky was ablaze with the fire of the setting sun.The evening breeze blew with little force and Fakunle didn't seem comfortable with it. It was a cold evening and he wasn't the type to stay out at such time, unless he had to attend to something important. And indeed, he was there for something really important.

The other night, he got a message from the mother queen. She demanded they met at their secret place. He knew she wanted them to meet because of what happened at the palace the other day. He knew their secrets would be exposed in no time if they took a backseat. This he was thinking until he heard footsteps approaching.

He looked up and it was Queen Ojuola walking towards him alone. He stood up from the chopped-off tree he had been sitting on and bowed.

'My queen, why are you alone?' He asked curiously.

'I didn't come alone. I had the guards stay at a few miles and watch whoever is coming to this area.' She said satisfying Fakunle's questioning eyes that rolled in different directions.

'I hope you were not followed?' He asked again.

'I should be asking the same questions Fakunle. Will you let us discuss our reason for meeting here or you will continue asking me stupid questions.' She replied.

'I'm sorry Ègbón mi. I Know we are here because of that old man. His appearance has totally taken away my sleep. We have to do something before he does something stupid again.' Fakunle started. ' And how did he even make it back?' he asked rhetorically.

'And whose fault is it that the old fool is back? Uh! You've never done anything perfectly....' Queen Ojuola said and paused having noticed she had been raising her voice.

'But, my queen, I made sure everything went according to our plan that night. I was there when the final step was carried out. But I was really shocked to see him at the palace that day. It still baffles me how he survived that night.' Fakunle said worriedly.

'Me too. We both know what he is capable of. An ordinary person wouldn't have survived that. Those blind generations.' Said Ojuola worriedly as she walked around biting the tip of her nail.

'Which is why we have to do something before he blows the gaffe.' said Fakunle breaking the silence.

'Which also makes me wonder….

Ifáòkú mentioned the saviour at the court. Which means she is still alive somewhere.' said Ojuola.

'God knows where he could be hiding her.'

'Ifáòkú is not the easy type. He probably got all these planned while we were unprepared. Which means we have to prepare for her arrival.' Ojuola smirked.

'And what are you suggesting my queen?' asked Fakunle

She motioned Fakunle to come closer and whispered some inaudible words into his ear. He withdrew himself and they both wore a devilish smile.

'Permit me to ask my queen, what about his Majesty. Hope he's not close to believing what Ifáòkú said at the court.' asked Fakunle

'I've dealt with that already. He is my son, I Know how to handle him.' Said Ojuola confidently.

Suddenly,a cold breeze blew, causing them to shiver a little. Fakunle guessed that was the end of the meeting and immediately bowed, Ojuola walked away carefully wrapping her arms around her for warmth.

Fakunle quickly head home because it was getting dark. It was a long walk to his house but after a while, he could see a small hut which was a few metres away from the narrow path that led to his house.

Suddenly, he stopped and looked at his right side. He could sense someone's movement in the thick bushes but it was too dark to see; darkness had descended on the land.

'Who's there?' He asked but got no response. He asked the second and third time but heard nothing. "It could be the wind" he thought and hurried to his hut. No one could have figured out where he lived, not even the King. The only one who knew was queen Ojuola.

He quickly light up his palm-oil lamp, giving his room a yellowish light. He made sure his windows were closed and stretched on the mat placed on the floor. He gazed at the ceiling for while until he felt his eyes closing and within a few minutes, he was slayed by sleep.

The next day came with the beautiful sight of the sun. It shone brightly but was less scorching. Fakunle stretched himself carefully to avoid breaking a bone; probably because of old age. He wore a faint smile and began to sing praises to Òrúnmìlà. He walked to the other side of his hut to pick some leaves. He thought if he could find them, there would be a chance of curing the villagers from the strange sickness that had befallen them.

'Fakunle! I see that's another part of the requirement for the King's next bloody birth.' a voiced emerged from behind.

At hearing this, Fakunle slowly looked behind him to see who it was and indeed, it was his greatest fear standing right there; Ifáòkú.

'What do you want here old man? And how did you find out where I live? Fakunle asked, putting aside what he was doing. He tried not to show how scared he was but Ifáòkú could see it all.

'I was just taking a walk and noticed a lonely house standing from afar. So i saw you coming out of it and decided to pay an old friend a visit.' Ifáòkú teased as he walked closer.

He was tall, dark and had a strong jawline even though he was already old. He always wore an intense gaze, despite his blindness. He had furrowed brows that conveyed determination and focus. A countenance that exuded strength and authority. Basically, he was the kind of man who could stop one in his tracks with just a glance, even if he couldn't see. His appearance alone always scared Fakunle, which was why he abhorred him with great passion.

'I know you are here for something else. What do you want Ifáòkú?' Asked Fakunle.

'Nothing much. I just want to have a little chat. And lest I forget, how was your meeting with the queen yesterday?' He teased again.

At hearing this, Fakunle was shocked and out of words. He couldn't help but wonder how the blind man knew he met with the queen the other day.

'How did you…..'. He paused for moment and suddenly swam out of his thoughts. 'I knew something was off with the cold breeze. I see eavesdropping is something you do with your power now. And yes I met with the queen. What do you want to do about that?'

'You have no idea what you are doing, Fakunle. Sooner or later, the saviour of this land will return. And when that happens, I will expose all your secrets to the world.' Said Ifáòkú.

'I'm sorry old man, but I don't know what you are talking about.' replied Fakunle.

'Fakunle! Yelled Ifáòkú, 'Do not pretend you don't know what I'm talking about.'

'Of course, I don't have any idea of what you are talking about. At least I'm doing something to help the village. But you, what are doing to help? Uh!' Replied Fakunle frustratingly.

'Who is the fool here, Fakunle?' He asked. 'You can't hide a rotten fish with a sweet coating. Your sins will find you out. And I believe you know what I'm capable of, don't you?'

'I don't care about whatever abilities you possess or whatever you know.' Replied Fakunle bluntly. 'I think it's high time you find your way home.'

'I see you've got some nerves.' laughed Ifáòkú. 'I just hope you won't do something that will destroy the future of this village when her saviour returns. I won't even allow you to do that.' He replied and turned to make his way home.

'I know where you're hiding her, Ifáòkú. We both know she won't make it here.' said Fakunle.

Ifáòkú stopped and turned slowly towards him. 'Your time is almost up Fakunle, take some rest while you still can.' He said and made his was home.

After Ifáòkú had left, Fakunle began to worry about the trouble he could cause. He knew if Ifáòkú had gotten hold of everything he was keeping secret, there was trouble lurking around for him.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

{Somewhere in Lagos}

'Excuse me, could you tell me where the restroom is?' Wuraola asked as she walked up to a tall, fair lady. She was an employee of the supermarket. She had an elegant eye ball and wore a dazzling smile that could attract anyone.

'Of course! It's just down the hall to the left.' She replied with a smile.

'Thanks! I really appreciate it.'

'No problem at all. Hope everything is okay?' The employee asked out of concern.

'Oh, you know, just one of those things…. Thanks again'. Wuraola Chuckled nervously.

'No worries. Happens to the best of us!' She said as Wuraola walked away in search of the restroom.

Wuraola walked gently across the hall observing what was written on each door.

'I guess this is it.' She smiled as she pushed the door open in a gently. She quickly head inside one of the empty rooms there and excused herself. After few minutes she came out and walked towards the sink to wash her face. A woman came out of one of the rooms and greeted her. She responded and looked in the mirror for few seconds. Sighing heavily,she bent down and washed her face with the running water from the tap.

She raised her head up and suddenly noticed something strange behind her. She looked back only to find the woman who greeted her a while ago, standing lifelessly on a spot. At the sight of this, she was shocked, wandering what was wrong. She was attempting to walk towards her when suddenly, someone pushed the door open.

Immediately, all the lights went out except the one that stood right above her. As the stranger stepped into the dimly lit restroom, they were met with a chilling silence. The single light overhead flickered, casting eerie shadows across the tiled walls. She moved back slowly, frightened at the sight of this strange figure. She couldn't see the person's face but could tell it was a man. She leaned closer to the sink, holding it tightly and frozen, her senses on high alert as the stranger's footsteps echoed in the cramped space. She breathed heavily and beads of perspiration stood on her forehead as the strange man walked closer and closer until he finally came out of the dark. Wuraola had already shut her eyes and begging for mercy to see who it was. Until suddenly, she heard her name.

'Wuraola, the daughter of Apeke.' uttered the strange man in a familiar and soft tone.

She was shocked at hearing her name and her mother's. Who could have told this person and who could he be? She opened her eyes to see who it was and there stood an old man in a traditional attire, holding a long staff in his left hand. He had a clouded eyes and an intense look.

Wuraola was scared at the sight of him but decided to looked closely. Suddenly, her eyes grew wide with shock and finally uttered. 'Baba Ifáòkú?'

'It's been ages daughter of Apeke.' He said with a broad smile as she stood there with her jaw dropped.