
Chapter-38 : Concert

A concert is an important part of any singer's popularity. Because, no matter how popular your singles or albums are in the market, if you don't do well in concert, it is a big hit to your popularity.

A concert is proof of a singer's ability. So, Ric seeing that he can sing really well and his first album also sold excellently, he decided to hold a concert.

Concert can't hold abruptly, especially those involved in ticketing. It's a well planned, coordinated show like any regular live shows. So, from planning to the day of the show takes a lot of process and time.

So, when Ric declared about organizing a concert at the press conference. Let alone giving free tickets to the initial 5000 audiences was preplanned from the start.

Planning started a long time ago, including the location where the concert will be held.

Everything from the stage, lighting, necessary pieces of equipment were organized but discretely.

By the time of the press conference, preparation was done. All it was needed is people to know there is a concert and the time was just perfect.

The concert will take place in Madison Square Garden on the morning of March 28.

When the media published the news, it's like a wildfire spreading every corner of the US grabbing everyone's attention.

"Richard Jackson finally showed his face and apologized."

"Richards first concert. First 5000 tickets free!!! "

"Richard giving 5000 free tickets for his first Concert as an apology."

This was the common headline in every news media, although the tabloids took it a bit farther.

"Richard leaving the film industry and entering the music industry."

"Richard taking a break from the silver screen."

"Richard finally apologies!!!!"

While the media is clamoring or the general public heatedly talking about it. Or the fans celebrating and waiting for the concert. One thing is sure, the atmosphere surrounding this event is hot and hyped.

Meanwhile, in a kitchen of a penthouse,

"This newspaper these days can write about anything." David complied while tossing the paper on the table.

"Honey, they are tabloids, that's what they do," replied Hanna.

"It's no like the newspapers are any better," David said.

"Ric is a public figure. You have to a least expect this much from them. Besides, they are not badmouthing him or anything." replied Hanna while putting food on the table and also said,

"And now stop being grumpy and eat your meal."

"Speaking of him, where is he?" asked David while eating.

"Concert venue, rehearsing," answered Hanna.

"Looks like he will be busy again. I wish he had extended his break time a bit more and enjoyed life a bit more," said David with a sigh.

"Don't worry about him, David. He enjoys his life more than we do with ours.

That is not his job. That is his dream, his passion. He not only enjoys it but lives it.

And I am happy that he does something he enjoys. replied Hanna and continued mischievously,

"Besides, it's not like he is not enjoying his youth. After all, he brought his girlfriend home.... fufufu," replied Hanna.

"Wait, what!!!!"


The concert starts in about a week. The hype surrounding it didn't calm down a bit.

Even many people already booked a line week prior to the day ticket starts circulating.

You can never underestimate the public's love for free stuff especially if these were tickets for the front seats of an event where you can meet your favorite idol up close.

So, when the tickets started circulating people had a bitter fight to get those 5000 tickets.

It's not those tickets but the public fought a battle for all the tickets.

While the public fighting for the tickets, Richard is communicating with Sofie Merkel during a short break after a rehearsal.

She is Ric's personal assistant and manager.

As Richards's work expanding, It's getting difficult for Ari to manage everything. So, Ric hired people to reduce Ari's workload.

In order for Ric to have a smooth career as a celebrity, he needs an agent, manager, publicist, stylist, editor, trainer, dietitian, Bodyguard, Driver, and a personal assistant.

Ari now handles the job agent while shares the management job with Sofie who also handles the job of the personal assistant. They together manage others in the team where Ric handles them and the bodyguard plus driver, Daniel.

"Sofie have you talked with the organizer about the state of the ticket sales?" asked Ric while drinking water.

"Yes, the ticket has already started circulating on the next day after the press conference. It is estimated that all 5000 free tickets have already been sold within the next day and by now all the tickets have been sold out." Sofie replied.

"Looks like people are excited about the coming concert." Ric smiled.

"That sure looks like it. By the way sir, Ms. Barrymore called while you were in rehearsal. Would you like to call back?" said Sofie pushing her glass.

"Later Sofie. If she calls again tell her I will call her back at night," replied Ric while looking at his watch and said,

"Looks like it's Time for rehearsal again."

"Take care of the business here Sofie," he said while getting up from the sit.

"Affirmative sir" replied Sofie.

While going back to the stage Ric turned,

"By the way do know where Ari is? Last time I checked he was supposed to be here by now."

"Mr.Emanuel is stuck with the negotiation of an upcoming film for his client Ms.Julia Roberts. He has sent a message that he will be present just before the concert," replied Sofie.

Ric nodded and left for his rehearsal.


The rehearsal was trying but all for performing a good show and entertain the audience.

As time passed the day of the event arrived, now it's the time to show off the results of all the sweat shed in the rehearsal.

As the sun slowly rises from the horizon, fans and the audience slowly crowd in front of the Madison Square Garden gate.

The concert will start around 11 a.m, but during the time it was 10 o'clock the venue is already full.

There is no seat left.

People from all around the state are here talking, shouting, cheering, and getting all hyped.

Photographers and journalists taking photos.

Reporters from all types of media reporting, few coppers can also be seen circling the venue.

CBS is the event's media partner, showing the concert live so that people who couldn't come here can watch from their home.

By 10:30 am Ric arrived at the venue. His arrival created a massive amount of clamor among the audience which can be heard from far away.

Another set of shouting occurred when Ric finally arrived at the stage.

"Thanks for coming to my first concert. Now lets the show begin" shouted Ric.

A massive "Uoo", "Yaaa" can be heard across the venue.