
Hogwarts : leveling up the world

http://patreon.com/The_last_airbenderlibrary Would you like to see Rowling's world of magic and your favourite childhood characters in a different environment, more magical than we are shown in the original. Then join our protagonist on his adventure through the world of Harry Potter. Thanks to the world enhancement system, the world of Harry Potter will gradually change beyond recognition . Follow asmodeus and your favourite characters from different universes on a journey to create the strongest magical multiverse empire ! Yes, there were problems with the book at the beginning. I couldn't pick up the writing style, but if you look at the comments under the chapters after chapter 15, you'll realise that the book gets better with each chapter Worlds visited by the protagonist: Harry Potter, Marvel, Game of thrones For all those who are afraid that the author will jump between worlds forgetting about the previous ones - in the tags of the book there is a kingdom building. This is what the protagonist does, the world of Harry Potter is the main world that the protagonist will - develop, protect, conquer ! Important note: this is my original work and although it is fanfic. I in no way claim to be completely faithful to the original, be it the world of Harry Potter or Avatar. This is my story. And I believe that those who simply rewrite the book in their retelling without changing anything are just lazy. my patreon: The_las_airbenderlibrary http://patreon.com/The_last_airbenderlibrary

The_last_airbender · Filem
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134 Chs

Chapter 18 - Oh, So Many Old People

Hearing the voice behind the door, Asmodeus was puzzled.

Wasn't Dumbledore missing for two months because Grindelwald escaped?

Asmodeus knew that Grindelwald had escaped, and Dumbledore had gone after him, but he didn't think it was directly related to him.

He considered it just a butterfly effect, having little impact on the freedom of this lover of old bee.

So, being 90% sure that Dumbledore wanted to ask about the troll, he said to Professor

McGonagall, "Good evening, Professor. Do you know why the headmaster is looking for me?"

"Good evening, dear. I don't know, but it's definitely for something good," McGonagall said cunningly.

"Let's go; I'll take you to him."

"Uh-huh," nodded Asmodeus.

But the further they walked, the stranger his facial expression became.

He thought, "Isn't the headmaster's office in the tower? Why are we going downstairs?"

After five minutes, he understood where they were going but didn't understand why they were here and not to the headmaster's office.

Professor McGonagall's office was on the second floor of Hogwarts. Opening the door, McGonagall let him in and then closed the door behind him.

"Professor McGonagall, where is the headmaster?"

"We'll get to him soon. He's at the Hog's Head Inn."


"Don't look at me like that. I don't know either.

Wait a moment; I need to get Floo powder."

Saying this, McGonagall went to her bedroom to get Floo powder, leaving Asmodeus to ponder, "Why is Dumbledore waiting for me at the Hog's Head Inn and not in his office? Also, doesn't Aberforth hate Albus??"

His thoughts were interrupted again by Minerva McGonagall's voice.

"Are you ready?" she asked, shaking a pouch with green powder pouring out from the edges.


"Do you know how to use this?"

"Yes, throw it into the fireplace and clearly say the name of the place you want to go to."

"Correct. I'll go first, and you repeat after me."

Saying this, she took a handful of Floo powder and handed it to Asmodeus.

Professor McGonagall threw a similar handful into the fireplace and shouted, "Hog's Head Inn," disappearing in the flames.

Shrugging, Asmodeus did the same. "Hog's Head Inn."

A second later, along with a cough, Asmodeus emerged from the fireplace, shaking off the ash. Raising his head, he froze in place. (・_・;)

Do you know why?

Because fifty pairs of eyes were looking at him. Not the attention given to a new visitor. No. At the moment, tables and chairs were arranged around the fireplace, as if awaiting someone's arrival.

Asmodeus simply didn't want to think that fifty centenarians had gathered because of him, but his hope was interrupted by Dumbledore's voice from the middle of the room.

"Oh, here he is, dear friends, Asmodeus Noren Morningstar!"

"...Professor Dumbledore, may I ask what all this is about?..." Asmodeus asked uncertainly.

He was sure that no one knew about the method to make Muggles use magic. It's impossible. It's been just over two hours since he received it, and so many people already know? Impossible. And certainly impossible for these people to gather because of a troll. So, Asmodeus was extremely puzzled.

"Don't be nervous, boy. We're all here to get to know you, and most importantly, help you achieve your goals!"

What are the goals you are talking about? (-_-;)... Asmodeus didn't understand.

"Okay, kid, enough pretending. We know you can turn Muggles into wizards!" someone from the crowd shouted.

Asmodeus: "......." ( ̄ω ̄;)

"Alright, it seems I do have something like that. But first, can you explain why you need it, and how did you find out?" Asmodeus said firmly, gradually accumulating magic in his feet and palms.

"Calm down, kid, we're not your enemies. We just want to help."

"Who are you?"

"Allow me to introduce myself, my name is Gellert Grindelwald! A pioneer on the path to revolution and the one who started the first wizarding war!"

Asmodeus: (; ̄Д ̄) and raised his right hand, flames gathering.

"Don't come closer, though I know you handle fire well. I don't think you're better than me!" Asmodeus exclaimed.

Grindelwald: What did I do??? (╥﹏╥)

Everyone else in the room: "......."

Seeing that the situation was not going well, Dumbledore stood up and walked towards Asmodeus.

"Alright, Mr. Morningstar, calm down. We're here to help you and become friends, not to fight. Besides, I don't think your fire can harm anyone present," Dumbledore confidently said.

"Oh? Are your bodies stronger than trolls?" Asmodeus asked with a hint of sarcasm and surprise.

Dumbledore: "..." Turned around and looked at McGonagall (・・)?

Professor McGonagall: (ΦωΦ)

Everyone else present also turned to McGonagall.

"Ahem, um, yes, a troll recently got into Hogwarts... And Mr. Morningstar burned it to a pile of ashes... and the castle walls even blushed from the heat..." McGonagall's voice became quieter as she spoke.

Old folks: ".... Uh, kid, put your hand down. We really don't intend to harm you."

Asmodeus: "Then why did you bring him here? He's a hardened criminal," he said, pointing a finger at Grindelwald.

Grindelwald: "This world is against me" (╥_╥)

Old folks: "Well, he's already received his punishment..."

Asmodeus: "..." Your arguments are clear, but I don't accept them.

Dumbledore: "Alright, Asmodeus, we're here because of a prophecy."

Asmodeus: "What proph..."

And then he understood. Damn it, although Trelawney behaves like a lunatic most of the time, she's a real prophet. And all the prophecies she spoke in an unconscious state came true.

So, he asked, "Professor Trelawney?"

Dumbledore: "Yes and no. Not only her. For example, Gellert got out of prison because he saw something on the day you entered Hogwarts."

"And there in the corner, Nicolas Flamel also saw this prophecy, but a little later."

"We're all gathered here because of what we saw in the prophecy."

Asmodeus finally understood that these old folks gathered here because of the future made possible by the system. But he didn't expect even the old immortal Nicolas Flamel to be here. And he didn't understand what this hermit could see that made him come here. So, he asked.

"Tell me what you saw."

"It's easier to show," said Grindelwald, pulling out his hookah.

A couple of minutes later, the old folks were very excited. Although they had seen this prophecy many times, they couldn't help but be excited when they saw it.

Asmodeus was silent. He finally admitted the reason for all this. Although he expected the world to change dramatically thanks to the system, seeing it personally still surprised him. And naturally, he understood why even Dumbledore, whom he considered an opponent of any change, was ready to support him.

Everyone has their regrets in life. For Dumbledore, it's Ariana, or rather, the entire tragedy of the Dumbledore family. In the prophecy, he saw Ariana Dumnledore alive, meaning he managed to obtain a method to resurrect people. Moreover, even those who died decades ago.

"Well, do you believe it now?"

"Yes, but I am going to disappoint you. What you just saw is definitely not the immediate future. The only thing I can achieve right now is to make some talented Muggles learn magic,"

Asmodeus replied.

When he finished, he saw that the excitement did not leave the faces of these elders; on the contrary, it intensified.

Understanding the reason for his confusion, Nicolas Flamel said, "Child, you didn't think we expect instant changes from you, did you?

Honestly, we old folks should be ashamed of burdening you like this. But instead of saying you can't do it, you just confirmed the promised future. That's why they are all happy."

"Alright, kid, can you tell us how you planned to act and how you can make Muggles perform magic?" someone from the crowd asked a bit excitedly.