
Hogwarts : leveling up the world

http://patreon.com/The_last_airbenderlibrary Would you like to see Rowling's world of magic and your favourite childhood characters in a different environment, more magical than we are shown in the original. Then join our protagonist on his adventure through the world of Harry Potter. Thanks to the world enhancement system, the world of Harry Potter will gradually change beyond recognition . Follow asmodeus and your favourite characters from different universes on a journey to create the strongest magical multiverse empire ! Yes, there were problems with the book at the beginning. I couldn't pick up the writing style, but if you look at the comments under the chapters after chapter 15, you'll realise that the book gets better with each chapter Worlds visited by the protagonist: Harry Potter, Marvel, Game of thrones For all those who are afraid that the author will jump between worlds forgetting about the previous ones - in the tags of the book there is a kingdom building. This is what the protagonist does, the world of Harry Potter is the main world that the protagonist will - develop, protect, conquer ! Important note: this is my original work and although it is fanfic. I in no way claim to be completely faithful to the original, be it the world of Harry Potter or Avatar. This is my story. And I believe that those who simply rewrite the book in their retelling without changing anything are just lazy. my patreon: The_las_airbenderlibrary http://patreon.com/The_last_airbenderlibrary

The_last_airbender · Filem
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134 Chs

Chapter 11 - Reactions on all sides

After the minor incident, students quickly forgot about what had happened because the food on the table was much more important.

Having eaten and headed to the Ravenclaw tower accompanied by Prefect, Asmodeus had no idea of that how many people would struggle to sleep that night because of him.

While Asmodeus took a shower and prepared for bed, in the headmaster's office, all the deans and professors of Hogwarts were present except for Quirrell.

In the Headmaster's Office:

"Dumbledore, why did you call us? Let me rejoice in my new student," said Filius Flitwick.

"To discuss Mr. Morningstar," Dumbledore replied.

"What's there to discuss?"

"His potential and what the Sorting Hat said."

"What's so special about that? Surely there have been geniuses in the entire history of Hogwarts?"

The Sorting Hat intervened.

"There haven't been any. His potential is limitless. If I were to compare him with the founders, they wouldn't even come close. If you were to combine all the founders into one person, they might equal him. Frankly, if I were told to choose a successor to Hogwarts, there would be no one more suitable than him in the entire history. But do not dare to plot against him! This is the will of the founders embedded in me. He must fulfill his potential; he is the future of the magical world!" The Sorting Hat spoke and fell silent again.

"That's what I'm talking about. We must ensure he has a healthy childhood and prevent him from becoming the third dark lord," Dumbledore said.

Hearing this, the professors who had just been actively arguing fell silent.

"Hey, it's too much to compare him to a dark lord. Dumbledore, you're too wary!"

"He's not like Tom. He's already made friends with a Muggle-born witch," Flitwick said.

"Yeah, he's not Tom. He reminds me of someone else, my old friend - Grindelwald."

Hearing this, all the professors exhaled cold air.

"Why do you think that, Albus?" McGonagall asked.

"His gaze and behavior. Although he treats everyone amicably, I always feel like he looks at others as if an adult is looking at children playing in the sandbox."

Hearing this, none of the professors dared to refute it, as they, also, had observed Asmodeus during dinner.

Although he was friendly with everyone during the meal, actively engaging with his classmates from Ravenclaw, the seasoned professors saw in his gaze not an attitude of equality but rather a look towards those who needed protection and assistance.

Asmodeus seemed not to perceive any of the children as peers. Despite the care and friendliness in his gaze, there was something else, something only Dumbledore could understand, as he shared a similar perspective.

"But right now, it's just arrogance. He hasn't done anything wrong. Why should we be wary of him?"

"Because both Grindelwald and Voldemort were once like him. Believe me, I know what I'm talking about, though I'm not claiming he'll become one of them. I liked him a lot upon our first meeting, and I don't want him to repeat my mistakes," Dumbledore said.

The professors hadn't had a chance to add anything when they heard the sound of something falling to the floor. Turning around, they saw Professor Trelawney, the Divination professor, lying on the floor as if she had had a seizure.

When Minerva tried to rush over and help her colleague, Dumbledore stopped her and said, "Wait, she's prophesying!"

Dumbledore didn't finish his sentence before everyone heard Trelawney's voice speaking prophecy.

"Child of Flame... the magical world and the world of Muggles...... the future... his will... darkness or light... depends......choice"

Having finished the unconscious prophecy, Professor Trelawney lost consciousness.

Dumbledore approached to check on her condition and, exhaling with relief, said, "She's fine, just mental strain. Gully!" he called, and a house-elf appeared in the office.

"I'm here, Director"

" Go take Professor Trelawney to the school infirmary, tell Pomfrey she needs rest and quiet."

"Yes, Director," replied the house-elf, and disappeared with Trelawney.

Seeing the house-elf gone, everyone remained silent. Although not entirely clear, they heard most of Trelawney's prophecy. What they heard left them bewildered. The magical world and the Muggle world are going to be united, and whether it leans towards darkness or light depends on the choice of the child. Although the professors didn't really understand the part about darkness and light, Dumbledore understood it well; he knew Voldemort was not truly dead and awaited a chance to return.

Asmodeus Noren Morningstar's decision would determine the victory or defeat, be it Harry Potter or Voldemort. Dumbledore, taking away the tingling in his temples and removing his glasses, said, "Please keep what happened in the office today a secret. If the wrong people hear this prophecy, you can imagine what might happen."

This time, none of the professors argued.

"Alright, I don't want such pressure on my student from the first day at school"

"I don't care," added Snape.

"I'll try to guide him on the right path," said McGonagall.

"We must protect this child," Pomona said.

"Okay, you may go. Sorry for summoning you in the middle of the night," Dumbledore tiredly said. Alone in the office, Albus looked at Fawkes and asked, "What do you think, my old friend?" Fawkes chirped in response. "Ha, you like him because he, too, is close to the flame," Dumbledore chuckled bitterly, unaware that Trelawney wasn't the only one who prophesied tonight.


Austria, Nurmengard Castle:

The old man sat on the floor, tears were streaming from his eyes, tears of joy. He laughed and shouted, "Yes, here it is, a chance. A future where the magical world is not destroyed. I was wrong; wizards have a chance!"

The cries of joy and happiness lasted for about half an hour until the old man calmed down. Speaking aloud, he said, "I need to help him, provide him protection. He is our only chance. I won't let him suffer!"

Saying this, he approached the window, raised his hand to the sky, and from his index finger shot an emblem of saints into the sky. "Forgive me, my friend, I violated our agreement, but I see hope again, the hope of wizards. I must help him."

Having said this into the void, he Apparated and disappeared from the castle where he had lived for almost 60 years. When he vanished, an alarm sounded in the German Ministry of Magic, and an employee ran towards the office of the Minister of Magic.



"Minister, it's urgent! Grindelwald has escaped!"

"What?! How is that possible? Why did he decide to leave?! What are we going to do now?!"

While the minister was in panic, he didn't notice the spark of happiness in the eyes of the subordinate who brought the message.


In different pure-blood wizarding families, there was also unrest as their children from Hogwarts sent letters home, describing everything that happened at the induction ceremony.

Malfoy Family Ancestral Home:

"Damn it, I knew there was something wrong with this child. Dumbledore wouldn't personally lead new students to Diagon Alley without reason!"

They needed to convene the 28 families, except for the accursed traitors, the Weasleys, and decide on their next course of action, he thought. Malfoy took a piece of paper and wrote an invitation to a meeting for all pure-blood families. He then took out his wand and cast the duplicating spell, "Gemino."

Handing the letters to the owl, he said, "Fly, send these letters to pure-blood families, excluding the Weasleys!"