
Hitman x Family

A reincarnated man gets dealt a crappy hand—no cliche life like those harem protagonists after his rebirth. Instead, he dives into the grind of a treacherous world, clawing his pitiful ass to earn the notorious code name 001, a legend in the underworld. Then things take an unexpected turn: out of the blue, his ex-girlfriend rings him up, revealing that he's the father of twin four-year-olds and he needs to step up and take responsibility. To protect his children, he has to shake off the grip of the organization that raised him. To do that, he's got to pull off one last hit—the kicker being he needs to swipe some crucial wills and eliminate an innocent high school girl named Shinomiya Kaguya. The issue? He's got an ironclad rule against taking out innocents and doing his job as a dad. So, how's he gonna execute the mission while playing happy families with his newfound twin kids, and nailing the role of perfect daddy and husband? Welcome to "Hitman x Family."

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78 Chs

Chapter 2: Ai’s Feelings

In the dimly lit living room, a pair of twin children sit on the sofa.

An aura of peculiarity surrounds them, making them truly intriguing to behold. Their silver hair, finely adorned lashes, and brows mirror their father with eerie precision, hinting at their shared destiny as reincarnated souls.

[Amidst the global buzz, an enigma lingers over the aftermath of Flight 237. The plane's salvation from a sabotage attempt remains a puzzle shrouded in silence. Yet, an ominous sentiment whispers that this incident marks a decline in airline security...]

"Whoa... This is beyond belief. I hope everyone's okay," Aqua muttered, fixated on the TV broadcasting the plane incident.

"Hey, Onii-chan... I heard you've got another acting offer?" Ruby's voice entered the conversation.

"Yeah, it's no easy task for a toddler like me. But I'm keen on helping Ai, so there's no other choice," Aqua responded.

Since venturing into the entertainment industry, Aqua's ascent has been meteoric, largely propelled by a pivotal movie role. That moment seemed to serve as a stepping stone, enhancing his career. With an uncanny blend of mature disposition and childlike charm, Aqua had an air of distinctiveness that intrigued adults. Coupled with the endearing looks inherited from his parents, he swiftly rose in prominence in the world of cinema.

Amid his musings, Aqua's contemplation turned to his biological father.

"Ruby, have you ever wondered about his appearance?" Aqua inquired.


"Our father, obviously," Aqua retorted, assuming his sister's lack of thoughtfulness.

"Well, apart from your face, he'll probably bear a resemblance to you, Aqua. But honestly, I haven't dwelled on him much, given that Ai is my mother," Ruby revealed, her eyes gleaming.

"You do hold Ai in high regard, huh? Just remember he'll be here soon," Aqua reminded her.

"Enough with the idol-otaku. Sure, I'm aware of that! But what's the game plan, Aqua? Should we cash in on him or exploit his resources for Mama? Or maybe even consider selling his heart?" Ruby's darker side surfaced, driven by a desire to manipulate him for Ai's benefit.

"Cease those unsettling notions. But as for how to approach his arrival, asking for financial support might indeed be a valid option, Ruby," Aqua acknowledged, considering Ai's modest income despite her roles in dramas, modeling gigs, and television appearances. His income, though on the rise, still paled in comparison, even after his recent success as a favorite child actress.

Yet, the concept of their biological father's impending arrival stirred a whirlwind of nerves within Aqua. His stomach roiled, and he pressed his hand against it as if trying to quell an impending upheaval.

"Ugh, just thinking about it puts immense pressure on me," Aqua groaned, clutching his stomach as if staving off a bout of nausea.

Amidst Aqua's discomfort, Ruby chimed in, her eyes void of mockery.

Little did they know, their mother Ai had overheard their conversation, her curiosity piqued. She marveled at her children's astuteness, taken aback by their capacity to engage in discussions that seemed well beyond their years. As she eavesdropped, she experienced a curious blend of joy and trepidation regarding Minoru's imminent presence.

Ai regarded her children's innate brilliance as a testament to their precociousness, yet it veered far from the realm of ordinary toddler discourse. Ai's contentment stemmed from the fact that Minoru's impending visit was primarily for the sake of Aqua and Ruby. She sought his presence to mend their lives.

Initially, Ai feared that Minoru had disappeared from the world as if he had no interest in Aqua and Ruby.

However, his reaction during a phone conversation had banished her fears, replacing them with laughter.

"Hold on tight! I'm on my way." His words resonated with genuine enthusiasm, echoing a sentiment Ai had doubted she would hear. In contrast to her concerns that he might react indifferently, the warmth that radiated from his words was a pleasant surprise.

A warm tingling enveloped Ai's heart.

Despite being a proficient liar, she consistently wore a fake smile to ensure everyone's happiness, all the while nurturing a contradictory desire deep within her. She yearned for the affection her false persona garnered from others, desiring a genuine love that she had never truly experienced. Hence, she fabricated expressions of love for her fans, masked by those artificial smiles she donned on the concert stage.

The combination of Minoru's joyous tone tinged with regret resonated within her, offering an unfamiliar but delightful sensation. A sense of warmth and foreign emotion enveloped Ai. It was a sentiment she had never experienced before, a feeling that grew as the conversation unfolded. She seized the moment to share their children's names.

"Hey, did you know that our kids are geniuses? And, uh... I named them Aquamarine and Ruby. Do you think those names sound good?"Ai inquired, inadvertently dulling Minoru's excitement.

"Wait! Ai, for heaven's sake, spare me the spoilers! It's as if you're divulging a movie's plot before I've seen it. Kindly withhold the details; I want to witness their presence firsthand," Minoru retorted, his fervor intact.

Despite his anticipation, Ai couldn't help but feel a pang of jealousy at Minoru's eagerness to meet the twins, which seemed to outweigh his excitement to see her. A realization that he wished to connect with his offspring rather than rekindling their past relationship.

And, of course, she had never been in a relationship with anyone except him. She felt that whenever she saw others, they seemed to lose their luster in her eyes. This wasn't meant as an offense, though, because she simply didn't have the time for new relationships.

However, another feeling was beginning to warm her heart. It was as if Minoru could perceive the emotions running through her expressions. He reassured her, saying, "Don't worry, I'll make their mother happy too. Don't entertain the thought that I'll leave you or anything." Minoru affirmed.

Ai responded with a wide grin, her words laced with playful incredulity. "You can't just say that so casually. I am an idol, you know? Did you just propose to me?"

His reply exuded sincerity.

"Huh? Then who will become my wife and the mother of my kids? There's no other candidate other than you. Idol, huh...? It's easy; I'll just wait for you until you're tired of being an idol."

Waiting for her until she grew tired of being an idol...

Being an idol just means she'll stop lying again, but can she do that?

Can she finally cease lying and avoid karma due to her sins?

At first, she believed she could shoulder that karma, but her conviction wavered as she witnessed the blood flowing from Minoru's hand, shed to shield her from her own fans' rage.

Furthermore, the sky had taken on a reddish hue since the stalker incident that aimed to harm Ai.

Aqua, having witnessed the confrontation, rushed to Ai's side. Luckily, she emerged unscathed, thanks to the intervention of a silver-haired man. At that moment, Aqua realized the man was his father.

Ai's arms encircled Ruby, who wept in her embrace.

'Thank you... Minoru-kun,' Ai thought, expressed her gratitude.

Meanwhile, Miyako answered a call from the police, her voice conveying the news to Ichigo.

"What did they say, Miyako?" Ichigo's tone was laden with concern.

With their star narrowly escaping harm's way, the agency trembled at the brink of a potential tragedy. Ichigo's apprehensions ran deeper; he had known Ai for years.

"The stalker, Ryosuke, was found suicide in his apartment. The police are still clueless about how he obtained Ai's home address. But there's no doubt his motive was tied to Ai's secret," Miyako reported.

Ichigo cast a glance at the wall leading to Aqua and Ruby's quarters. "These youngsters today seem to thrive on trouble, sigh... Anyway, we should consider relocating Ai for the time being. Any suggestions?"

"Ichigo, do remember that our budget is tight right now..."

Aqua overheard the exchange, his fist clenching in frustration.

He felt powerless, tormented by his inability to support Ai.

Despite his overwhelming desire to take revenge, his toddler form seemed a feeble vessel for vengeance.

A searing thought pierced his mind—what if Ai had been taken from him forever?

Concurrently, Aqua's perception of his biological father underwent a subtle transformation, witnessing how he had harmed himself to shield Ai.

Where had he disappeared to? Aqua's mind echoed the question.

"Aqua, what's troubling you?" Ai's eyes locked onto him, her smile masking her curiosity. Beside her, Ruby maintained a solemn silence as she hug her, unwilling to let go.

Aqua averted his gaze, his voice evasive. "Just wondering where he's headed, that's all."

"Hm~ Guess what? He'll be back, and when he does, both of you should be kind to him. Now, come here, Aqua. There's something I want to share with both of you," Ai beckoned from the sofa.

As Aqua settled beside her, he received an unexpected hug. This embrace felt unlike any other, bearing a depth he hadn't encountered before.

"Aqua... Ruby... I love you both," Ai's voice wavered as tears streamed down her cheeks, almost as if she was relieved to have finally spoken those words.

Voicing her affection brought an inexplicable sense of relief.

Amidst her emotions, Ai grappled with how to extend gratitude to Minoru for his sacrifices. As she stared into the abyss of uncertainty, her mind returned to the image of his wounded hand—a self-inflicted defense to shield her from the wrath of her fanatic.

In the wake of the confrontation, the sky had transformed into a crimson sea.


Hikaru Kamiki strolled along the sidewalk, his gait slightly unsteady, a clear indication of his recent visit to the bar. But this day held a special significance for him, a day of reckoning he had long awaited. A wicked grin played on his lips as he contemplated the reactions he hoped to elicit, his mind relishing the anticipated spectacle.

"Kekek," he chuckled darkly, "I wonder what expressions will contort their faces. Hya~ It's unfortunate not to witness it firsthand."

After leaking the information he had gathered over the past years, he could now savor the taste of revenge.

"That idol bitch," Hikaru seethed, memories of past encounters flooding back.

The memory of his advances being rejected burnt like a bitter potion. His mind had been set in motion, methodically dissecting Ai's life, piece by piece. Astonishingly, he had uncovered a well-concealed secret, one that Ai had kept hidden from the world. She was carrying life within her—unborn children.

Whose children they were, Hikaru didn't initially know.

Contemplation led him to a crossroads. His revenge could have been swift, exposing her secret to the public. But that was too simple, too mundane for his taste. The idea of merely informing the media left him cold. He had a peculiar fetish, one that twisted his sadistic desires into elaborate scenarios.

A sensation of perverse exhilaration gripped him at the prospect of crafting a tale of torment. He craved the sensation of power, the image of his victim clinging to him in desperation, only to be crushed in the final act. This fetish, borne from a past marred by his own inner demons, had sculpted him into the twisted being he had become. A man who desired to manipulate women as much as he despised them.

"Huh," he muttered with a disturbing mixture of anticipation and pleasure, his hand reaching into his pocket to fish out his apartment key.

As he unlocked his door, his thoughts were consumed by the macabre masterpiece he envisioned – the news of Ai's demise.

He had already set the stage, manipulating his pawns as deftly as a puppeteer. Just as he had orchestrated the demise of the doctor who could have aided Ai in childbirth, he had now enmeshed an otaku, once his executioner, in a sinister game.

"It's fuckin disgusting when you smile like that... lost in some perverse fantasy maybe fetish?" A chilling voice shattered his thoughts, causing Hikaru to freeze. A cold, metallic sensation pressed against his back, and he turned slowly, his gaze meeting the silver-haired man before him.

But it was the man's crimson eyes that held him captive, eyes that seemed to tear into his very soul.

They bore the weight of death itself, a chilling reminder of the impending reckoning.

"Care to share your story? But what really piques my interest is the scheme you devised to plunge my children into despair."

The words dripped like venom from the stranger's lips, punctuated by the sharp impact of a gun barrel against Hikaru's face. Darkness swallowed him whole as he succumbed to unconsciousness.


In the dimly lit expanse of Hikaru's apartment, Minoru was immersed in his covert operation.

Methodically, he scoured Hikaru's phone and computer, unveiling a trove of disturbing fetishes that sent shivers down his balls– blackmail, rape, and a sinister litany of others.

His brows furrowed as he delved into Hikaru's journal, a chilling roadmap of how he meticulously orchestrated his fetish scenarios.

Reading through, Minoru's eyes narrowed in response to Hikaru's chilling plans for revenge against Ai.

The realization hit him hard. "I always thought I was a deviant, but this guy takes it to a whole new level," Minoru muttered under his breath, his gaze traversing the apartment's walls.

The room was adorned with pictures of numerous women, each marked with an "X" as an indication of his past victims. In the center of it all, Ai's photograph held a prominent position, almost as if she was the centerpiece of his morbid collection. Naturally, he found the plethora of Ai's pictures annoying; in some way, he wished to possess her privately rather than as a public fascination.

Even the man who had attempted to end Ai's life had an abundance of her photos hanging on his walls. The aftermath was grim—this individual met his end by being hanged, staged to appear as a suicide. He was a hitman, well-versed in various methods of taking down his adversaries.

As Minoru meticulously collected evidence on his electronic device, the memory of Ai's face resurfaced.

This unexpected reunion after years was not part of his meticulously crafted plan. Amid the shadows of his espionage, he had yearned for this encounter to be a shining moment, a beautiful respite in the harsh landscape of his life. His thoughts drifted back to a young boy who bore a striking resemblance to him – Aqua, he was certain of his name.

His eyes, usually so sharp, turned vacant as the weight of the past bore down on him.

He observed the agony in Aqua's eyes, the near loss of Ai, the mother of his children, had etched a painful scar into their lives. Ai was woven into the fabric of their existence; her absence would be akin to a living death.

"We may not be in a relationship yet... but she's the mother of my children," Minoru mused, his gaze returning to the unconscious form of Hikaru.

This man had relished in the agonizing demise of his victims, orchestrating their suffering like a twisted drama.

The cost of his sadistic theatrics had been the lives of women and children.

"Killing him slowly isn't my style. However, I'll use his own methods, much like he did with the victims he killed."

As a hitman, he had always favored swift and efficient kills, never deriving enjoyment from his job. But survival demanded adaptation, leading him to consider alternative approaches.

Encountering someone so twisted within a supposedly normal society left him questioning the reality of it all.

Anyway, Minoru didn't have much time, so he tossed Hikari a bottle of fresh water.

"Just wake up already! Ah, you're finally awake, huh, freak."

Hikaru's consciousness slowly returned, revealing a disconcerting reality – he was bound by ropes to a chair in his apartment.

His gaze landed on the figure seated before his computer.

Impeccably dressed, radiating an air of opulence, the man exuded an intimidating aura. It wasn't just his appearance that unsettled Hikaru; it was the intensity of his bloodshot eyes that seemed to pierce his very soul.

"Uncomfortable? You can thank your own sick fetish for that. I'm simply following the script of your depraved role-play journal," Minoru said as he hurled the journal book towards its owner, aiming it at Hikaru's face. The journal, now at Hikaru's feet, was a damning testament to his twisted psyche.

A wicked grin played on Hikaru's lips.

"So, you're here for revenge, I assume?" he quipped, attempting to mask his unease with a veneer of nonchalance.

Minoru's response was measured, tinged with an air of indifference. "Nah, think of me as a janitor, tidying up my children's world. I don't want them tainted by your sadistic fetishes." He casually lit a cigarette, his gaze unwavering.

Children? Hikaru's mind whirred in disbelief.

The concept of fatherhood felt absurd and out of place in his youthful world.

But then, pieces of the puzzle began to align, forming a disturbing picture.

"You're Ai's lover... and the father of her kids?" Hikaru's voice trembled with jealousy he couldn't suppress.

Minoru exhaled a plume of smoke, his tone carrying a chilling undertone.

"Indeed," he said as the weight of his killing intent hung heavy in the air. A monster stirred within him, angered by Hikaru's transgressions against what was rightfully his.

Hikaru attempted defiance. "You're insane! Do you really think you can get away with this? The police will hunt you down!"

Amusement danced in Minoru's eyes.

"Don't worry about me. I'm not concerned with the police. It's you they'll be after, for the sadistic fetish acts you committed against your victims. Remember, those victims had families as well. You have no idea how terrifying family can be."

Hikaru's eyes widened in horror; the carefully guarded secret he thought was impregnable had been laid bare, despite the extensive security measures he had put in place for his device.

A sinister smile tugged at Minoru's lips.

"There's no point in wondering how I uncovered your secrets. What matters is that your time is up. Now, tell me..." he drawled, his voice dripping with menace, "how would you like to die?" Rather than concerning himself with his secret, Hikaru's mind spiraled into panic, lost in the face of the looming specter of death before him.