
Team America Returns, Widow Seeks Treatment

Li Congxin's words were unanimously recognized by the two beautiful agents, Hill and Sharon.

 Captain America can not fight back by Tony a sea of flat, coupled with the failure to regulate the grudge, can be said to have suffered and the mind of the double blow, the combat power was already greatly reduced. Coupled with the loss of his iconic shield, this time the Captain America, absolutely not even the usual 30% of the combat power can not be brought into play.

 If the enemy is well-prepared, no matter want to capture him alive or kill him is not difficult to do.

 In this case, as long as the helmsman of the other side a little bit of brain, certainly will not choose to directly get people dead. Because a living Captain America, no matter want to play any trick, or as the last life-saving card, are much more useful than a dead person.

 Even if the other side wants to kill the American team and blame it on Tony, it will definitely not let him die a silent death, but will give the American team a gruesome death, and let all the clues point directly to Tony!

 Because only then, will make Lee from the heart is swayed by anger, lost the right to reason.

 The trouble of destroying the body is not to mention, the effect of the graft is directly reduced by half, why would the other party still make such a futile thing?

 Taking a deep breath, Li Congxin continued to add in a deep voice, ''First, the surveillance video of Bucky assassinating the Starks when he was brainwashed was sent to Tony, leading to Tony and I fighting on the spot, and then Team America was guided by someone with a heart of gold, going to Tony's house to seek death at the door. This chain of events is so interconnected that I can't think of any other possibility besides Hydra."

 After finalizing the culprit with a single sentence, Li Congxin immediately asked Bucky, "Bucky, recall well again, is there any secret Hydra stronghold in Los Angeles that you know of?"

 "There is a place." Bucky's eyes lit up at his words, and he followed and immediately said, "I once received brainwashing there."

 As said before, the Marvel world's mind control abilities all had one counting as a weak skill, at least that's how it was in the cinematic universe.

 With the Infinity Stones' control all but said to be undone, what better brainwashing do you expect Hydra to come up with?

 But the people of Hydra seemed to know that their brainwashing methods weren't powerful enough, so they took the approach that diligence could make up for clumsiness.

 They never want to get rid of it once and for all, but rather, they carry out repetitive brainwashing on a regular basis plus irregularly, so as to ensure that the brainwashed object can always obey.

 In the case of Bucky the Winter Soldier, every time he's thawed out a wave of brainwashing is done before anything else before he's dispatched on a mission.

 In the temporary do not need him to do what time, then once again will be frozen, in order to ensure that it will not be in the boredom of blind groping, recalling the past memories of God horse.

 In this way, Bucky also from time to time to make a little trouble out. For example, seeing Team America once, the brainwashing effect loosened by one point.

 The Hydra side has specialized secret bases around the world, is to deal with this situation, the object of the problem will be brainwashed again.

 Simply put, it is a sentence: when diligent brainwashing, do not make dust.

 Hearing Bucky talk about how he remembered Hydra's secret base, Li Congxin immediately asked Qingfeng to project the panoramic map of Los Angeles and let him specify the location.

 Half an hour later, Li Congxin led Bucky, Yi Long and the others to raid the secret stronghold and unsurprisingly found nothing.

 As long as there was a slight danger, all the relevant secret strongholds were withdrawn, the style was indeed very Pi Lama.

 Since this is the case, then there is nothing to say, Lee from the heart let Bucky carefully recall the experience of these decades, at the same time let Qingfeng borrow S.H.I.E.L.D.'s satellite system, call up the world map, he was able to remember up all the Hydra strongholds identified, and handed over to the Hill to take to a one by one check.

 It was good to have the responsibility to end it, and it was also good to have no responsibility to disgust the Pi Lama.

 In the following days, S.H.I.E.L.D. secretly blockaded the entire Los Angeles, began to carpet search, in the case of ensuring that there are no errors and omissions, try to do not disturb the people.

 However, for HYDRA, which had long since fused with S.H.I.E.L.D., this was of little use.

 A whole week had passed, and apart from taking out two HYDRA strongholds that Bucky knew about, but that Pirama thought Bucky didn't know about, or that weren't part of Pirama's faction, there was still no news about Team America.

 That is, until early on the eighth day, when Black Widow paid a visit and delivered a severely injured and weakened Team America.

 "We followed the avatar that Bucky spelled out from memory and found the monk who told the story that led Team America to Tony last night." Saying that, Widow also took out a photo of the scene and still on the table, "But when we found him, he took poison and killed himself in the first place, we couldn't catch him alive, and he only said one thing before he died."

 "Hail Hydra?"

 Black Widow nodded slightly, followed by throwing out a pile of information and said, "This is the information of our investigation on this person, this person's name is Jonson? Turner, a high school teacher, very good at storytelling and whatnot, but not a monk, he even has a very limited understanding of Buddhism, even his hair was temporarily shaved at the barbershop that morning."

 Li Congxin nodded in understanding, if someone else who knew something about Buddhism told this story, there wouldn't be such snickering words as "a man whose name is Buddha". It was just a matter of bullying Team America and Bucky for being equally ignorant of Buddhism.

 "And how did you find Steve?" Li Congxin followed and asked, "Since you brought him back and first talked to me about this impostor monk, I guess there must be some connection between the two, right?"

 "One guess." The Black Widow revealed a thousand-fold smile and followed, "When we were capturing Jonson? Turner, although we couldn't stop him from committing suicide, we found some relevant clues from his residence, and traced them all the way down, finally finding the imprisoned captain in the basement of a dental clinic."

 Li Congxin turned his head to look at Team America, the latter at the moment the redness and swelling on his face had subsided, only that the injuries left by Tony and the attackers earlier had not yet completely recovered, and his spirit and state of mind looked a bit shriveled.

 It seemed that he was also aware of the huge trouble he had caused the others, and just stood aside with his head down, not saying a word.

 There was no problem with Team America's identity!

 Li Congxin had already confirmed at the very first moment that this Team America in front of him was definitely his true identity without any mistake.

 His face does not carry a bionic mask of a kind of things, absolutely is its true appearance, and his current state although very poor, but the bottom is particularly, Li Congxin with the intuition of the martial artist, and even be able to feel each other within the far more than the normal times the person's exuberance of the blood.

 Unless Hydra can find out a physical strength is no longer under the U.S. team, and has a similar magic heart of the female or the number of agents such as the ability to change the appearance of the perfect double out, otherwise simply can not be hidden from the eyes of Li Congxin.

 But even so, Li Congxin did not take it lightly.

 He directly summoned Bucky, let him take Team America back to the room to rest first, and quietly instructed him and Team America to talk more about the youthful years of their youth, about their youth that had long since passed away for more than seventy years.

 Even if the other party could really find a double that was perfect enough to fool him, Li Congxin, could they not perfectly copy his memories as well?

 Even if they could, the true feelings between Team America and Bucky couldn't be faked, right?

 The current Li Congxin, for the Pi Lama really can be said to be careful to an unprecedented point, the other side of every move, he has to carefully analyze whether it hides other conspiracies.

 For example, the U.S. team was rescued this time, although it seems to be a series of twists and turns, but from the S.H.I.E.L.D. side to find the fake monk, and then from him to find the relevant clues to find the U.S. team in custody.

 Although the specific process Black Widow did not explain in detail, but Lee can imagine the twists and turns, but also interlocked, always able to find clues in the complex situation, or through someone inadvertently a sentence, so that the fog is clear detective movie bridge.

 Overall, the process of rescuing Team America is still too smooth.

 It's so smooth that it doesn't make sense, and it's so smooth that it's unexpected!

 Behind this matter, was there this even more terrifying conspiracy?

 In this regard, Li Congxin momentarily can not sort out a clue, compared to, or first return the favor of S.H.I.E.L.D. is the first thing he needs to consider.

 Sending Bucky and Team America away, Li Congxin neatly turned back to the Black Widow and said blandly, "Regarding the injuries you suffered before, I have two different treatment programs here, I'll first briefly talk about the effects and limitations of the two programs, and then you can make your own choice."

 "Oh?" Black Widow raised her eyebrows and said in a tone filled with a flirtatious aura, "Don't you need to talk about the conditions first, such as letting me sacrifice my color and pay for the flesh or something?"

 Previously in the Middle East, Li Congxin had told Black Widow that she could perfectly treat the gunshot wound on her body, the kind that didn't leave any scars.

 Only since they returned to Rice, Widow didn't take the initiative to come to his door to seek medical treatment, and Li Congxin didn't take the initiative to mention it either.

 And this time after S.H.I.E.L.D. rescued the U.S. team, not only will the person all the whiskers and tails sent back, or let the Black Widow sent over, rather than and Li Congxin more familiar with the Hill, which naturally implies that there is no need to say too much to understand.

 As for the remuneration ...

 "In fact, you guys can help me get Steve out, UU look at the book www.uukanshu.net is already considered the best compensation, its value is also far more than your need to pay the clinic fee. But counting those Hydra dens provided by Bucky before and the relevant information I provided for free before, we can barely be considered two clear."

 Team America can pass the smooth return, Lee from the heart of the mood since is good, speaking has taken out two bottles of juice from the refrigerator, and casually tossed a bottle to Sister Widow: "This is free."

 Open the bottle, a shallow taste of a mouthful, black widow once again softly said: "I think you seek medical treatment is a private matter, while the rescue of Captain America is a public matter, you use a private matter to offset the debt owed to S.H.I.E.L.D. side of the public matter of the favor, is not more or less some inappropriate?"

 "Nothing inappropriate." Li Congxin said with certainty: "You were injured on the job, S.H.I.E.L.D. should pay for your treatment. Nick? If Fury was a qualified leader, he would definitely agree with this as well. Isn't that the purpose of him sending you here this time?"

 Seeing Li Congxin acting like a businessman, Black Widow also lost her interest in continuing to flirt with this handsome big boy, put away her previous charming demeanor that was enough to test one's determination, and opened her mouth with a serious face and asked, "Listening to you, you have at least two methods in your hands that can treat the gunshot wound on my body and not leave any scars? "