
The Black Widow of Many Wits and Nearly Demons

The conversation finally returned to its normal mode, and Li Congxin couldn't help but secretly breathe a sigh of relief.

 Following up with a finger, he calmly said, "The first treatment option, Dr. Helen Zhao, a researcher from Pim's lab, has been working on researching the application of nanotechnology in medicine, and now under Uncle Pim's guidance, the research has already yielded results that can be used in clinical medicine."

 "The good thing about this method is that using nanotechnology to treat wounds can perfectly mimic what the skin really looks like, and you can't tell the difference at all from the outside."

 "There are naturally disadvantages as well, but if you touch it with your hands, you can still feel the difference, and as we age, the skin on the rest of the body ages, but the place being treated doesn't change, and it will look a bit unnatural."

 That's already pretty counter-intuitive, okay?

 However, Black Widow didn't rush to make a statement. She planned to listen to Li Congxin's second method in case it worked better.

 And Li Congxin did not let her down.

 "The second method, I can't talk about the treatment process right now, but I can tell you the result. That is to make your body perfectly restored as it was before, except for the newly grown skin that will be a bit fairer, it will take a bit of time for it to become unmarked, and it will simply be exactly the same as it was before receiving the treatment."

 After hearing this, Black Widow could hardly believe her ears, but still made a decisive choice: "My choice is of course the second one."

 "Don't be in a hurry to make a decision." Li Congxin said incomparably seriously, "If you choose the second method, although the treatment effect is the best, I have a very harsh condition."

 Hearing Li Congxin say that the collar had a condition, Black Widow nodded her head and said with a look of early preparation, "You say."

 "I want you to keep the process of the treatment a secret, and not allow it to be revealed to others to know through any means including codes, hints, and so on." After a slight beat, Li Congxin continued, "Please note that I'm talking about anyone, especially you S.H.I.E.L.D. agents, of which Nick? Fury most of all."

 Hearing Li Congxin say this, Black Widow had basically guessed a rough range of possibilities in her heart, but she still gently nodded her head and said, "I can promise you on this point, I want to choose the most perfect treatment program."

 This had been expected by Li Congxin, but he still warned seriously, "You can not take your promise seriously, but if I learn that you have leaked it to anyone, I will definitely kill you with my own hands!"

 After saying that and stretching his back, he had added afterward, "I'll give you half a day more to think about it, if you've thought about it, go to the villa across the street from Pym's lab to find me after dinner."

 "No problem." Black Widow smiled sweetly, "I'll wait until after Mindy gets out of school."

 Li Congxin's gaze stared, "You've already guessed?"

 "It's not hard to guess." Black Widow said leisurely, "From your repeated threats, I can conclude that the secret must not be in your possession, and likewise it's not as simple as a certain piece of technology, because from the beginning to the end, you don't actually have S.H.I.E.L.D. in your sights. Unless, of course, it concerns someone you care about."

 This nifty!

 Even guessed that?

 No wonder it's called Black Widow, this woman is poisonous!

 At this time, she heard Black Widow continue, "And what I have to do is just to keep it a secret, but you have to give me half a day to think about it, which can only mean that the person who can treat me has to be available after dinner, such as ... her occupation is a student."

 With a helpless bitter smile, Li Congxin said meaningfully, "I'm already thinking about killing people now."

 Black Widow blinked her eyes and said with a playful smile, "If I promise you that I won't tell the truth, can I fight for a chance to live. Or, you can let me choose a way to die, if I can choose, I would like it to be first 〇 then × cool to death."

 This little goblin was flirting with himself, Li Congxin was very sure of this, she definitely saw that she wasn't interested in her before she dared to tease so boldly!

 Rising up with an open heart, Li Congxin said with a cold face, "If there's nothing else, I want you to disappear in front of me immediately, I don't want to have any words with you!"

 Sighting Black Widow's buttock muscles twisting and turning as she disappeared from sight, Li Congxin smiled bitterly and seemed to go to the front of the room's mirror, looking at the mirror's coldly handsome and peerless blooming beauty, muttering to himself, "Could it be that being good-looking is also a kind of sin?"


 It was night, in the training room of S.H.I.E.L.D.'s headquarters, Black Widow was performing her daily physical training.

 For every strong person, although he or she could skillfully master multiple fighting techniques, there must be one of them that was most suitable for him or her and came to be the centerpiece of his or her fighting skills in turn.

 Just as Li Congxin's martial arts skill centered on Tam Kick, Black Widow's fighting skill centered on Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu.

 Because of this, her fighting techniques were mostly based on wrestling and grappling, and after she improved them for her own characteristics, she was able to show off her feminine softness under the premise of ensuring lethality, and no matter whether it was watching her fight or train, it was an extremely eye-pleasing thing to watch.

 "Snap! Snap! Pah!"

 With a burst of applause, a familiar voice came from the direction of the training room's door, "I didn't expect you to be able to resume training so soon already, it seems that Clark's treatment is still very effective."

 Turning her head to look, the person coming was none other than Hill.

 Mentioning treatment, Black Widow couldn't help but recall the scene where Mindy treated her injuries just a short while ago.

 There were no precision instruments, no magnificent special effects, and even less tense and heavy atmosphere.

 The little girl just had a ball of white light suddenly emerge from her hand, and then very casually sent that ball of white light into her body, and then Black Widow felt that the wound was itchy for a while.

 A few breaths later, this feeling disappeared, and at Li Congxin's gesture, she unwrapped the bandage that wrapped the wound, but was surprised to find that the wound that ran through her body had disappeared.

 Everything was just as Li Congxin had said before, only the newborn skin was slightly whiter than the rest of the body, and if you didn't take a closer look, you wouldn't be able to see it at all!

 Gathering her emotions, Black Widow replaced it with a smile.

 In order to facilitate training, Black Widow is wearing a set of navel-baring tights at the moment, the entire waist is exposed, Hill stepped forward to scrutinize the wound, after which he couldn't help but say in surprise, "The wound has healed completely, surprisingly, it doesn't leave a bit of a scar, how on earth did he do it?"

 Picking up the bottled water on the side and taking a sip, Black Widow shook her head and said, "I can't say, because I promised him not to mention it to anyone, especially my colleagues in S.H.I.E.L.D., or else he would personally kill me."

 Slightly offended by this, Hill casually followed up with, "Among the agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., the one who is being taken special care of wouldn't be me, would it?"

 Black Widow smiled heatedly, "Does it matter?"

 Hill looked serious, "Not important."

 Black Widow knew what she was thinking, but still explained, "In fact, your worry is completely superfluous, the one person who was specially cared for by him to never reveal half a word is Director Fury."

 Hill sniffed in relief while the Black Widow continued, "What's more, you don't have to worry at all that I'm going to steal your sweetheart; Clark looks at me in a completely different way than those other men."

 "I see three parts respect, three parts scorn, three parts contempt, and just one part disbelief in his eyes."

 Hill nodded slightly, but heard Black Widow continue, "The remaining ninety points were all admiration. Like Fury's kind, an appreciation of talent."

 Hill: ?

 Hoping it's still a percentage system?

 "I don't doubt for a second though that you can read a multitude of emotions in a person's eyes." Hill looked to Natasha and said, "But I don't think Clark also has the ability to take that many emotions and blend them into one look."

 "Wouldn't a few more looks do the trick?"

 Hill was once again speechless for a long time before changing the subject and asking, "What was the condition of his healing you, was he planning to get you on his side in the next fight with Tony?"

 Talking about the main thing, the black widow's expression also became serious: "He did not put forward that condition, in fact, I think he originally did not intend to get anything from me, in the Middle East, is the reason why said so, is completely unwilling to miss a hostage to a good opportunity to repay. But until now, he hasn't figured out exactly what there is to ask for."

 "Besides, I'm not prepared to get involved in this fight between him and Tony."

 "If I stay neutral, there's still room to maneuver after it's over, and once I've taken sides, I lose the qualification to maneuver from it. Instead, you're supposed to be firmly on Clark's side, aren't you?"

 Hill nodded, then added afterward, "But he actually told me not to follow and cause trouble."

 The Black Widow laughed, and UU Book www.uukanshu.net then put her arm around Hill's shoulders and said, "Instead of worrying about me, you might as well be more on guard against that Sharon guy. I can see that she definitely has a crush on Clark, and that crush hasn't diminished because she's seen her childhood idol, it's just gotten stronger and stronger."

 Hill froze, "What type of women do you until Clark like?"

 The Black Widow put on a long-suffering look and said in a serious tone, "Men from the East, well, they must have a virginity complex."