
The Letter

"Kylie!!Kylie!!come see this!",Kylie was busy washing clothes when she heard her aunt's call,what is it that would make Aunt,Hellen shout her name like this,she came hurriedly.

"Yes aunt? you called me "she said with confusion written allover her face, "Look at this ,a letter from the castle ,it was given to me on my way from the market",

Kylie furrowed her eye brows in worry...why would the castle send them a letter.

"Why?are you the only one that got one?",

"Don't get so tensed up,am not the only one,almost everybody was given one,this is just for....umm let me ,read it out loud,

Our beloved citizens of Tyte ,greetings from the Queen of this fair land,as you all know that every year the kingdom offers jobs to our fellow villagers who are struggling to earn a living,we mainly do this for the welfare of our people and the love we have for them.

This year the castle is in need of workers and gaurds to assist in the castle duties,it has really not been easy as we are working hard to maintain peace and security in the kingdom.

No need to worry about the payment because everything will be catered for ,even your family's well being .So if you think you are capable of handling the work feel free to register your name at the registration centers which will be set in different locations to make it easier for people to access.

Take note;not all that register their names will get qualifications,only those who are able to answer the questions at the back page correctly and also feel free to put your abilities or what you are good at.

Return the envelope with the required information when you go to register your name.

Until then, have a lovely year.

Yours sincerely,

The Queen."

As soon as aunt Hellen finished reading,she was filled with alot of excitement,one could tell by the look on her face."The moment we have been waiting for has finally come ,Kylie!"

Kylie frowned"Do you expect me to register aunt?am fine here ,I dont feel good about having to go far away from you people ,you're my family and I don't think I'll be allowed to come visit.

How about the rumours aunt ?The rumours of the night creatures that dwell in the far away lands and the workers are said to be given cruel punishments of which some of them never return once they step their foot in the castle,do you not care a single bit for my .....",

"Shut up!!! what stupid nonsense are you talking about who told you that ,huh? rumours are rumours ,remember you told me to give you one more year and here you are at it again.

Can't you see we shall finally be able to get your uncle the treatment needed and don't forget you are the main cause of all that's happening !!"

"How am i the cause when I've done nothing wrong?..."Kylie defended "Your parents died and abandoned you, your uncle took the responsibility in his own hands,he raised you and fed you yet this is how you want to repay him?"aunt Hellen exclaimed.

"My parents never abandoned me ,they were killed while trying to save....."

"How are you sure about that ,huh? mention any more of that nonsense and I'll slap that face of yours!!!now sit down and answer these questions".

Aunt Hellen went to prepare lunch and left Kylie answering the papers.Soon she returned to check, "Am done", Kylie handed over the envelope feeling unhappy " Don't look at me with those eyes! and let me hope you have answered everything" aunt Hellen gave her a hard glare before going through the work, "Good,now am heading to the hospital,I have to take food for your uncle ,I left some food when your hungry serve yourself ,okay? and don't forget to pick up Martha from school ,here are the house keys"aunt Hellen handed the keys to Kylie."Please send my greetings to uncle William"Kyie requested,"I will"aunt Hellen replied.

Kylie ate, made sure house was clean and prepared to go pick up Martha,she wore a simple blouse and a skirt and tied her hair into a bun,with that she locked the door and went.

"How was your day? I believe things were very challenging,am I right?Kylie asked Martha , "Your not wrong but I kind of enjoy studying ", Martha said while grinning,

"That's the spirit" ,Kylie praised. "ouch!my stomach hurts"Martha grumbled , "Whats wrong?does it hurt too much? no worries let's stop by the clinic for a checkup ,I hope its nothing serious",Kylie suggested . "No don't!! I don't think its necessary!" ,

"Why not?"Kylie asked with a slight frown, "Its because....I...a .....I" Martha scratched her head for an excuse ,"Martha!!!"Kylie demanded for an answer,Martha jolted at the sudden outburst "fine...its because I skipped lunch, there're I said it ", she then folded her hand waiting to be scolded, "Why, you know food is a priority or do you want your condition to worsen "Kylie regarded, "Am sorry, its just that I had to complete my work in time,it won't happen again but right now am so hungry" Martha cried out.

Kylie sighed "Fine but I don't want to hear of it again, anyway you're a lucky chum chum coz mum prepared a variety of your favourites"

"Reallyy!!! then speed up! we should'nt keep the meal waiting...