

For love that was never to grow but was kept cherished ~ "Where's she?" Rex asked barging into the throne room, his eyes were quick to fall on his brother who sat on the throne chair comfortably. "Who?" His brother deadpanned making Rex become more furious "You know who I'm talking about, Rhys, where the fuck is Alya?" Rex asked again "Taking to where she belong" Rhyss said not bothering about his brother's reaction "You wouldn't dare to touch her, Rhys" Rex warned, the threat heavy in his voice, he could feel his control slipping with every seconds that passed by with his brother who decide to keep quiet. Two more seconds passed and Rhys said "Father and mother won't ever approved of the stupid love, you know that yourself" "She is an enemy and thankfully an easy one to break" Rhys paused for some seconds before adding "it will be a quick kill for her and you won't feel the loneliness, why don't I bring her?" He said getting up from the chair and moved to the door to only be stopped by Rex who glared hard at him "Touch a single hair on her body and I'll see to it that you become a meal to the wolves in the forest" Rex threatened, his hazel eyes changing to the dark color of red. ......

Aee_sharh20 · Fantasi
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22 Chs

chapter twelve: possessiveness

Alya kept her gaze with each of them, from the emerald coloured eyes to the brown eyes and finally the hazel eyes which she had fallen in love with its owner.

Her heart clenched at the thought and she winced.

" Are you okay? " Her friends asked at once very worried about her. Her silence was also eating them up.

Alya nodded and tore off her gaze from them. They all so cared about her, this alone was enough to break down the walls she had only started building some hours ago.

She breathed out and finally open her mouth to speak

" What's with you guys staring at me with that look? " She asked

Since none of them were ready to say anything, she decide to make it easy for them

" Alya.. " they called at once again.

The trio exchanged a brief look and Rex and Landon nodded at April

" Alya, what happened? " April asked as she was obviously the one they had agreed to the questioning.

" Where? " Alya asked, she was very nonchalant

" Come on, Alya, What's wrong with you? " April asked

" Why? I am fine, completely fine " Alya replied giving them a bright smile which never reached her sea blue eyes.

"No you are not, you sounded like you were crying when I called and Cassie told me you were avoiding them "

Alya sighed " I am.... "

Her voice trailed off from the dramatic baritone which called her name and she turned.

" Alya, why are you finding it difficult to tell your friends what's wrong? " Rex asked

' because of you, idiot ' she said inwardly and almost felt like crying.

She had always wondered why nature blessed him with the most perfect

Everything about him was her weakness, just why had she fallen in love with him.

He sees her as nothing but friends, of course he would since he has a fiancee and here she was as the princess in love with the engaged prince.

Unbeknownst to Alya who was inwardly ranting, her gaze was still fixed with Rex and her eyes were glittering brightly with tears.

April stared intently at her friend, she looked lost staring at Rex. Now she could guess what was wrong with her.

" Alya " April called and she was jolted, Alya turned away from them as the tears fell off her eyes.

" I have something important to do, excuse me " She said and walked away fighting the urge to run

" Did anything happened between you and Alya? " April asked breaking the silence that had occured in the room

" No " Rex asked too shocked to think too much, it was obvious what ever was disturbing her was because of him.

" I'll go check on her " April said and went to Alya's room, surprisingly it wasn't locked.

With the way Alya had hurriedly left, she thought she would lock the door to avoid them from coming to interrogate her further.

April opened the door and walked in, Alya was on the bed folded up as she hugged her knees, her eyes tightly shut.

" Alya " April called and sat on her bed

She patted her soft brown tresses and Alya sat up on the bed, her eyes shining because of the tears.

April expecting her to deny that nothing was wrong with her was surprised when Alya threw her arms over her and cried

" It's okay, Alya " She patted her back, her heart clench at her friend's sobs. Alya was someone who would never show her weakness.

She always hid everything in her flawless facade

Seeing Alya this vulnerable was hurting her but she couldn't do anything but allow her calm down and explain everything.

Alya choked out her last sobs and raised up her teared stained face

" Now can you tell me what's wrong? " April asked, she couldn't wait another second, she was very anxious. What made her best friend cry this much.

Alya gave an awkward smile, she was finding it difficult how to explain, her heart was light now unlike when she was still with them that she felt like bursting everything on Rex.

" I'm just being over dramatic over something " she said

Well, she was actually right, she had took it to heart and got too worked up

" Is it Rex? " April asked surprising Alya

" W-why did... " She trailed off as April sighed

" Alya, tell me everything that happened to you "

Alya breathed out and closed her eyes

" I found out Rex has a fiancee and I'm just heartbroken " She paused but continued when April didn't say anything

" I know I'm been too childish but I had fallen too much in love with him, still I over reacted much to my surprise also, I never.. "

Alya stopped at the prickling sensation in her skin, the air was suddenly heavy and she snapped her eyes open

" April.. " she called softly

" Who told you? " April asked trying hard to contain her anger, who was the fucking person that dared hurting her friend

Alya knew April was very protective of her, she would beat up anyone that dared touch while they were still young and that grew with her.

Alya took her phone and showed the picture to April

" Who is this? " April asked as the girl's face was barely showing

" I don't know, it's an unknown number "

" Don't worry, April, you don't have to beat this up also, I think she deserves my appreciation instead "

" What do you mean? " April asked frowning

" She is helping me so I won't fall deeply for Rex, I would be badly hurt than this at the end when I... "

" It's a fucking lie, Alya " April snapped

" A- a lie? " Alya stuttered

" Wish I can get a hold of this brat " April hissed

" No April, I don't want you getting into trouble because of me " Alya said

" Don't worry Alya, I am not going to kill her, just some bleeding will do " she smiled and went out of the room.

Alya sighed, April was a great bully when it comes to her

April stood at the closed door of Alya's room, she boiled in anger as she read through the report on Alya's phone

" I bet you anonymous, you won't get away with this " she swore under her breath


Alya woke up early the next day and went to the hospital with April for her checkup before going to her workplace.

" The doctor add to the dosage I am to take for this drug "

" Why? " April asked sitting on the cushion

" I don't know " Alya shrugged " He left immediately "

" How many pills do you take before? " April asked

" Just one " Alya replied

" I see.. " April trailed, since she saw the reports sent to Alya, she had been extremely cautious and...

" When will be your next show? " Alya asked cutting through April's thoughts.

" The coming week, how about you make a magazine for me? " April asked

" It's will be my most pleasure " Alya said grinning.

" April Perry the best makeover model, how's that line? " Alya asked and chuckled

" Nice " April nodded, examining her.

She was happy Alya had put all the encounters of yesterday behind her, she was still shocked why she hadn't ask her about her medical reports

Alya opened her notepad and began to click on her keyboard when she felt a sharp pain in her chest and she take a quick breath.

" A-alya? " April stuttered at the quick change in her.

She was sweating profusely and gasping and trembling all over.

April ran to her to hold her but flinch away from her skin.

She was very hot and with one painful intake of breath, she fell on the ground.

April's eyes was fixed to the ground widened in horror

A-alya.. she lo-looked.... Lifeless

Her senses came crashing back to her at the realisation.

She drove off to the hospital with the help of Cassie and they watched as Alya was wheeled to the emergency room.

Soon enough, Landon and Rex both came crashing through the hospital's door like mad men.

They both look terrified especially Rex

" What's wrong with her? " Rex asked in trembling voice but instead of answering, April sobbed

Landon wrapped her up in his embrace as she shook, she was still clearly shocked with the sight of Alya.

" Why didn't you take her to... "

" There was no much time, I was afraid before we could reach.. " April bit her tongue stopping herself as she replied to Rex already knowing what he wanted to ask.

" Fuck! " Rex cursed slamming his open palm on the wall.

An hour later, the doctor came out looking very grave and the trio knew immediately something was very wrong

Once they were all seated in the doctor's office, they looked impatiently at the doctor as he rubbed his temple

" You know she has amnesia right? " The doctor asked and they all nodded

" Then why is she taking this drugs? " He slammed a drug on the table

" It's one of the drugs prescribed to her " it was April that answered

" By a doctor? " The visibly annoyed doctor asked and he grunted as April replied in the affirmative.

" This drug is meant to slow down her memory recovery and it's a deadly drug that kills though after a long period of intake "

" Just who was the doctor that gave her this drugs? " He asked out of frustration

The room grew very silent that a needle can be heard when dropped but then Rex grunted breaking the silence

" I will fucking kill the doctor " he swore as he stood up but Landon and April were quick to pull him back

" You are not the only one who want to but please calm down " April pleaded

" Please, how is she now? " Rex asked when he sat down

" She is okay now , she should be awake by tomorrow"

" Tomorrow? " April asked

Instead of answering, the doctor took the drug from his desk and twirled it in his hands

" This drug is a very slow kill, I found it strange it has gotten to blocking up the veins in her heart even with the two pills she was taking "

" She had been taking it for nine months now though only a pill, the doctor changed it to two just this morning " April said

" One pill in the oast nine months isn't enough for her veins to be blocked except if she had taken it in larger amount " the doctor explained and Rex stilled.

" D-does that m-mean it was added to the... Drips transfused to her while in coma? " Rex asked in horror

" How many months had she been in coma? " The doctor asked

" Six months "

The room went silent again until the doctor breathed out

" Yes "


7:49 PM

April, Landon and Rex all sat down in the cushion available in the extravagant ward Rex had asked Alya to be placed in.

The room was very spacious so they were able to give Alya enough space she needed like the doctor advised

" I really need to Loosen up all this with someone " April said

" Exactly, wish I can get someone to hit " Rex agreed and sighed

Immediately, they both whipped their gazes to each other and grinned

" Why don't we go against each other? " April asked

" A nice pleasure, my lady " Rex nodded and stood up

But Landon had pulled April behind him

" When did my wife became your punching bag, you have many of those at home, go use them " Landon said holding tightly to April

" Come on, I'm not going to hurt her, you are being too possessive, stop been a mother hen "

" I am not taking her away "

" Seriously Rex, you have no shame, you want to hit with a woman, go find a man like you and leave my wife alone "

Rex straightened up and grinned " A man like me huh? "

" Then let's do this lan " Rex said rolling up his sleeves

" You must be crazy "Landon muttered and walked away while April chuckled

" Now see, he is being a coward, such a weakling " Rex said to April with one of his hands on his waist and the other pointing at Landon who was going back to his seat.

" Oh a weakling? " Landon asked turning to face him

" Why don't I show you who the weakling is trying to fight with a woman " Landon said folding up his sleeves also

" Now that's the spirit " Rex chuckled as they both send punches to each other.

April sat down laughing at the duo playing around rather than fighting

For some moments, they forgot about all the happens few hours ago.