
His only Heaven

"My once sealed heart started to flutter after her sudden entrance in my life. And protecting her is the only sole reason of my existence-Dominic" ........................................................... "I've never felt so drawn to any female species until I got hold on your scent" Dominic was trying hard not to pounce on her as here mere fragrance was making him impossible to control. Ava had never seen him so helpless from the time she had encounter him. He had been very polite around and today he was not his real self. Slowly walking to him she cupped his face, as he slowly closed his eyes feeling the warmth of her hand. "Dominic... why do you pull me towards you with your sincere words" touching their forehead she tried to calm his shivering body "Kiss me Dominic... I want you to take me" her words alarmed his beast, taking control over his mind as he took her mouth without warning. He was already on the verge to loose his control and her words gave him the permission to follow her lead. ................................................................... To protect the village from getting killed by the werewolf's. The head of the village agrees with the king to give his daughter as his bride. Ava Odin, the physician of the village helps an unknown man out of kindness by saving his life that was on the verge to end. Who would have thought, her help would land her into a difficult situation , where she has to agree to marry him. She only married him to protect the village from him wrath but she would never treat him as her husband. The marriage was forced on her and now she was his Queen only by name. Dominic Boris, the tyrant king of Azov was feared by his pack and many more. He was cruel and ruthless who never thought twice before taking anyone's life. They say he had no heart but what will happen, when he meets a girl who saves his life and also captures his heart. Come and join me with the journey of Ava and Dominic. Will Ava be able to tame the tyrant wolf or she will have to face his wrath just like others? The cover doesn't belong to me. All credit to the respected owner.

akshaya_vanne · Fantasi
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203 Chs

A huge wolf

Ava halted her steps when she heard the whisper-like voice coming from the bush. Did she listen to a plea? she turned back but couldn't see anyone.

The rain was getting heavier with each passing second, drenching her thoroughly. She thought to ignore it and walk, but this time she heard a loud growl, startling her in shock.

She turned back as the sound became too audible for her to listen to. She felt as if someone was in pain. The wrenching sound was so strong that it made her walk to the bush. But before she reached there, she saw red eyes emerging from them, making her stop in her tracks.

"It's an animal....it's an animal," she kept muttering under her breath as she was getting hell scared watching those red eyes.

Taking her steps back, she tried to run when the thing came to complete out from the darkness making its face visible to her blurry eyes.

"A wolf..." she mumbled, watching the growling sound get low as the wolf fell, completely losing consciousness.

Ava watched the wolf in complete astonishment, looking at how she unexpectedly came in contact with such a large creature falling unconscious in front of her eyes.

She had only heard about them in books or the stories her father would say, but today... she witnessed them with her own eyes.

The dark brown fur was drenched entirely due to the rainfall and was now lying on the mudded ground, completely lifeless. Ava had never seen a giant wolf that reached above her shoulder. His red eyes were shut, and his breathing became slow as if he was trying hard to gasp air from his mouth. He kept huffing deeply, trying to breathe some air.

Ava slowly walked near the creature, hoping it would not get up and attack her. She took a stick that was fallen next to her leg and took steady steps. She just had to make sure whether it was harmed somewhere or not, or else why would a giant wolf-like it would fall before her if it was not injured?

"Don't be scared, Ava.. just check whether it's fine or not" she kept repeating the chant, trying to calm her fear.

Standing in front of the giant wolf, she poked the stick in his back to make sure if it was alive or not. But to her relief, she found it slightly huffing when she points the stick at him.

"Good.... he is alive" she breathed a sigh of relief and squatted on her knees, inspecting its body to see if it had any injury somewhere. Due to the darkness, she couldn't see it correctly, but when she pulled him to take a better look at its stomach, she found a deep cut.

The cut was so deep that it went through its skin, piercing deep down its stomach. The blood kept flowing from the flesh, making it lose its life.

Ava immediately removed her scarf and tied it to his stomach to stop the flow, or saving him would be next to impossible. She looked around at the vast forest when her eyes caught a faint light from afar.

"Let's get some help," she muttered and tried to pull the wolf up.

The wolf was too heavy for a fragile girl like her. She brushed her hand on the wolf's face as it slowly sniffed at her touch.

"You need to help me to help you" she talked to him as if he would understand her words, but to her surprise, the wolf moved a little as if he understood her words.

"Good... now slowly get up" she held its stomach away from the wound and made him stand. Following her guidance, the wolf pushed his body and walked where she took him.

The light that caught her eyes was from a cottage in the forest. Thanking God, she pulled the heavy creature and walked inside, sheltering both of them from the rain.

Ava didn't waste a single second and went to treat the wound. She removed the cloth and looked at how deep the cut was.

"He barely escaped death," she mumbled and removed the herb she carried with her daily if there was an emergency. She rubbed the herb on the stone until it became a paste and applied it to the wound.

The wolf growled as the medicine touched its wound, making it pain more.

"Don't worry, you will soon be fine" Ava kept brushing his head, assuring it with her soft and calm voice.

As if her words worked like magic, the wolf soon fell asleep as he didn't feel the pain like earlier.

Ava kept watching the wound and frowned when she saw the wound was starting to turn green. She could guess by now that the wolf was harmed by a poisonous knife. She applied the right medicine to the wound thanks to her medical skill.

Taking care of the wolf the whole night, she didn't remember when she fell asleep.

Ava was in a deep slumber when she felt a hand on her head, caressing her with care. She smiled, feeling the warmth of the hand on her head when she heard someone speak," I'll come for you soon..my Queen". She felt it was a sweet little dream and snuggled close to the warmth, falling deep into sleep.


The morning sunlight hit her eyes as the birds chirping sound made her open her eyes from her sleep. Her hand went to touch the other side of the ground.

Ava frowned when she didn't feel anyone's presence next to her. She got up and turned to the other side only to find it empty. Ava was all alone in the cottage. She stood up and went out to see if the wolf was outside, but she couldn't see anyone.

Disappointed, she went back inside the cottage and took her bag before leaving the place, hoping she might see him somewhere on her way back home.

Walking for some distance, she saw a cart moving the way she lived. Hopping in, she rode to her home when something stuck on her dress. Pulling it out, she saw a chain with a blue stone on it.

"Where did it come from?" she asked herself, recalling when she had purchased it, but she didn't remember buying anything of this sort, to her surprise.

Ava wanted to remove it, but the chain's design was unique and something like a royal jewel. Not having the heart to throw it away, she decided to keep it with herself.

She got down from the cart and walked down the lane to her house. Opening the wooden gate, she entered the entrance and rang the bell.

"Father, I'm home.." she called from outside and was about to ring the bell when the wooden door opened swiftly.

Coal was about to leave the house to search for her when she didn't return home last night. He was scared for her safety. Last night the rain poured heavily, fearing him about her return.

He was hesitant to leave her alone in the first place in the neighboring village, knowing about the wild creatures roaming in the forest. But now, he sighs with relief watching his daughter safe back home.

"Oh... Ava " Coal embraced her into a fatherly hug watching her safe and sound back home. He was damn worried for her.

"Dad it's fine... I'm back. Sorry couldn't make home last night" she patted his back to calm his worry and pulled back.

"Did you stay back in the village?" he asked when she shook her head.

"Then.." he frowned, looking at her shaking her head in no.

"I had to stay in the cottage," she said casually and went to the dinner table to fetch a glass of water for her. She was too thirsty as she didn't eat or drink anything when she left the village after treating the patient.

Coal creased his brows, not getting her words," What are you saying? Be clear, girl," he asked.

Ava gulped the water and went to her father, reciting everything that happened on her way home.

"You did a good job by helping the unspoken life. The stab must have pained it a lot" he appreciated her for helping the wounded animal.

Ava was just like her father, who loved helping everyone and treated them to heal as soon as possible. Their determination for their profession was respected by everyone in the village. There was not a single person who would not recover from the medicine they gave them. Being the only physician in the village, every member respected them, asking for his advice in deciding for the betterment of the village.

Coal was the only person who was educated enough to know the good and bad for the village. Whatever decision was made for the betterment of the village was taken under his guidance, making him the head of the village.

"Okay then, take a leave today. You must be tired," Coal said and took his bag before walking out of the house.

Ava followed her father's words and went to her room to bathe. She was tired and hungry and wanted to fill her stomach before going to sleep.


Coal went to meet the village people when he heard the rumor that the King had died due to sudden death.

"Now, who would handle the kingdom matter," Leonard said as he sipped the tea.

"The kingdom must be mourning at King's death. Do you think we need to pay a visit to his grave" Coal asked.

"If they wanted us they would have sent the message through their attendees, but it's just a flying rumor and we are not sure about it" Leonard had heard from the royal servants about the King's death when he had visited the market to buy some a sample of cotton cloth.

"If it was true we would have known," he said and got up to leave. He had some work in the neighboring village as he wanted to buy some medicine for his patients.

"Did Ava return?" Leonard asked, making his stop.

"Yes, and is resting at home," Coal replied.

"Ask her to collect her dress," he informed, and Coal left his house.

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