
Rewrite The Stars

Berlyn's Pov:

You know I want you

It's not a secret I try to hide

I know you want me

So don't keep saying our hands are tied

You claim it's not in the cards.

Fate is pulling you miles away

And out of reach from me

But you're here in my heart

So who can stop me if I decide

That you're my destiny...

What was that? I can hear a music. Where is that coming from? I open my eyes and look all over the room. I'm not familiar in this room.

Where Am I? The last time I remember, I'am in the bar with Officer Lincoln, then I saw those vampires whose my suspect for the killing incident on that bar.

And then I'm dancing in the middle of the dance floor with that bastard vampire Vladimir and the lights suddenly turned off.

I started to become anxious when I smell that blood spreading all over the place and when I started to shift as a hybrid, someone pulled me closer and then I passed out.

Oh my gosh! Don't tell me I'm with Vladimir!? Is he the one who brought me here? Oh, no! What I'm going to do now? I will kill that bastard! I jumped on the bed and walk slowly through the door.

It wasn't lock! I started to walk slowly again. Afraid to make any sounds. What if this place are hideout of those fucking vampires? I know I'm strong enough but for sure with a lot of them, it's gonna hard for me to defeat them.

But I prepared myself if ever I'll be able to fight with them. They deserve to be punished, by the way. As I slowly walking toward the kitchen, I heared a familiar voice that singing over the living room.

And he's not alone. There's a girl whose giggling at him while he's singing that song. Out of curiosity, I walk towards the living room just only to get startled when I saw who are they...

"Leslie? Andrei? Oh my gosh! What are you two doing here?" I said in surprised. They both looked at me and Leslie hurriedly walked towards me. She hugged me tightly.

"I miss you, Bestie!" She said. I look at her.

"Is this for real? Wait! I'm really confused right now! What are you two doing here?" I asked.

What the heck. Is this kind of a joke? How did they get in here? I mean, what are they doing here in New York? And with Andrei? What's the real score between them? Are they together? Oh my! How did they find me? Seriously? Oh my gosh! I miss them so much. Oh no. I have so many things that I misapprehend, right? I need to interrogate this two! Now!

"We know what you're thinking, Bestie. That's the consequences of your disappearing act five years ago. You had missed everything. But don't worry. We still have many years to discuss about it, right?" She said.

"Of course, Leslie. I missed you so much. Andrei too. So, what are you doing here? How did you know that I'm here?" I asked.

"Were here for the fashion show. Well, I expected that you're going to be the one who assigned to secure the event but it turns out to change so suddenly." She said. Fashion show? What the heck!

"You mean the fashion show being conducted on Time Square last Wednesday?" I said.

"Exactly. You know that my dream is to become a model and fashion designer, right?" She said.

"Oh my gosh! You really did it, Bestie. I'm so proud of you." I said.

"I know right. And I'm proud of you also. You're a law enforcer now. I'm sure Cley is so proud of you." She said. I suddenly stop for a while. I'm suddenly feel upset. I don't know what to say the moment she mentioned his name.

"Ahm, Leslie, Andrei. Can I asked you a favor?" I said.

"Sure, about what?" Andrei said.

"About Cley. Can you keep this to him? I mean don't tell him that I'am here in New York. Please." I said.

"But why? Are you afraid of him?" Leslie said.

"No. It's not like that. I just want a peaceful life. And I know if he knew where I'am, it's the end of the world for me. You know, I might rest in peace." I said.

"What!? That's impossible. Cley loves you so much." Andrei said.

"That's what I thought before too. But I'm wrong. He wants me to be killed. I heard him talking to his father. When he knew that I'm a hybrid they looking for, they are planning to get rid of me. That's why I runaway. Who wants to be killed in the first place? I have so many dreams by that time and then he's just going to kill me? That's unfair!" I explain.

Andrei and Leslie burst out laughing at me. Okay. What was happening? Are they a psycho now? What's funny about what I said? I'm pretty serious here, you know.

"Until now Berlyn, you're still joking around, huh? Seriously? That was your reason why you runaway? Unbelievable." Andrei said.

"What? What's wrong with that? It's true! He's going to kill me!" I said.

"Berlyn, I know that you're crazy sometimes, no, most of the time. But how can you accused your mate that he's going to kill you when you know that if you die, he can died also?" Leslie said.

"What do you know about mate?" I murmur.

"Well, I know a lot now. Andrei is my mate and were happy. He said that he's a werewolf, he even turned me into a werewolf and I accepted him for who he is. And Cley love you so much. He can't do that, I swear." Leslie said.

What!? Am I correct? Leslie and Andrei are mate and Leslie is now a werewolf? Really?

"Okay. Then, how can you explain what I heared? I'm not deaf, Leslie. I swear." I said.

"Did you hear their conversation till the end?" Andrei asked.

"No." I said.

"See? That's your problem, Bestie." Leslie said.

"If you just heard what their talking to, you're not going to runaway like that." Andrei said.

"So, what are you trying to imply? That it's my fault?" I said.

Why they are defending Cley? As far as I know, Leslie is my bestfriend. So it's obvious that she's going to defend me. I understand Andrei coz Cley is his bestfriend. But what about Leslie? Tss.

"You know what, Bestie. I think you and Cley badly needed to talk." Leslie suggested.

"No! I mean, I don't want to talk to him. No matter what he said, it wouldn't change the fact that my life is here, and no one can force me to go back in Forks." I said.

"And who says that he's going to force you to go back in Forks?" Leslie said. Now I'm starting to doubt her if she's really my bestfriend or not. Her loyalty is obviously with Cley.

"He's not going to asked me to stay there?" I asked.

"And why did he do that?" Andrei said. Oh no. Don't tell me he's already get over me and choose his Luna and already have a happy family now? It hurts, you know.

"Is he have his Luna now? Did he already mated with someone?" I asked. Say no, please.

"Yeah. He's already have a Luna." Leslie said. Ouch! That so harsh.

"Really? Fine! Whatever! The hell I care! Congratulations to him then! I don't care about him too. Tss. As if I'm going to stop him from mating with someone else. Go ahead! Good luck." I said but deep inside, It tears me apart knowing that his already with someone else?

How dare him move on that easily? While I'm here, for almost five years, always think of him, longing for him. Missing him. And then what? He's already jolly with someone else? Don't he dare come near me. I will wring his neck, for sure! Let's see if his Luna will ever see him breathing again.

"Looked at your face, Berlyn. You look so hurt and frustrated." Andrei chuckled.

"No, I'm not. I'm totally fine." I said, rolling my eyes.

"Were just kidding! We all know that he's already have a Luna and that's you, okay. But Bestie, will you stop being so stubborn? Just give him a chance. You know, he suffered a lot when your gone five years ago. And until now, he's still the same. Still hurting, still longing for you. Can you just have some mercy on him?" Leslie said.

Is it true? Did he really suffer when im gone? Did he really missed me the way I missed him? Did he really yearn for me? Tss. If this two still make fun out of me, God knows I will adjoined them together with that bastard Vladimir and throw them away in Pacific ocean!

"Where is he?" I asked. This time I'm serious.

"Who?" Andrei said.

"Maybe Leslie? Tss, who else? Or maybe you?" I said sarcastically. Okay, it's really hard for me to be serious right away, okay. Just give me a minute. Hahaha.

"He's in our room. Room 143." Leslie said.

What the heck? Room 143? Even their room seemed to be in love, huh. I mean, 143 or 10- 143 stands for "I love you" in military code. Whatever! But wait. Did she just said that Cley is here in New York!?

"What!? You mean he's here? Why didnt you tell me? I thought he's in Forks." I said. Feeling nervous.

Knowing that he's here? Oh my! How can I face him this time? I don't know where to start. I don't know what to say. I don't know how to react. I don't know— whoah! So many "I don't know" thing that crossed in my mind. I'm going to be crazy here.

"Honestly Bestie, this is his room. He brought you here when you passed out on that bar yesterday. Luckily, we are there also that's why he saw you." Leslie said.

"Why didn't you tell me? You two really get into my nerves!" I said while pouting my lips.

"So, what are you going to do now? He's a little bit upset, you know. He saw you flirting with that guy on the dance floor?" She said again.

Bad trip. I will kill that Vladimir right away. Just give me a minute and he's going to rot in hell.

"I'm not flirting with that vampire, okay. That's part of my job. You know, undercover assignment. I'll explain later. Can you tell him to come here, then?" I said to Leslie.

"I guess I can't, bestie. I can't order him like that. He's our Alpha, you know. He wouldn't listen to me." She said.

"Fine! I'll go there." I said.

Tss. Damn that Alpha thing. I leave both of them and started to search where's the room 143 is. While walking, I was thinking about what I'm going to say once I saw him.

I've started to rehearse a few lines. What the heck, what's this? Audition for acting skills just to get the lead role in a romcom movie? But still I found myself memorizing a few lines until I reach the room 143. I didn't knock yet.

"Hi! It's been five years. How are you?"

Tss. Sucks! Awkward! No, not like that.

"Hello! What's up? How are you doin, dude."

Shit! I look so stupid pretending to be cool! Erase! Erase!

"Hi. I'm sorry about everything. I didn't mean to to hurt you like that. It hurts me a lot too, you know. Honestly, I really miss you. But I'm afraid to die also, that's why I runaway. Please forgive me."

Shocks! So chessy! Where the hell that came from? Drama much? Tss. Whoah. I think I can't do this. What I'm going to tell him?

I'am so confused and don't know what to do when the door suddenly open. And then I saw him there, standing behind the open door and— wait! Did he just laughed!? He is!

And then I realized that for sure, he heard everything about I've been rehearsing a while ago. I bite my thumb finger nails and decided not to look at him. Shocks! That's so humiliating! I just wish that the floor suddenly open and swallow me around.

Cley's Pov:

I was in the room of Andrei and Leslie. I decided to wait here for a moment while Andrei and Leslie are trying to talk with Berlyn. I know that I'm the reason why she runaway before and I'm afraid that she might runaway again if I'm the one she saw when she woke up.

I won't take the risk of losing her again. I'd rather wait here until Andrei and Leslie came back and tell me that Berlyn wanted to see me. But what if she refuse? What if she don't want to see me again?

What if she doesn't feel the same way? What if she's already have a boyfriend now? Or husband? Or —shit! These what if's are killing me. I need to find out. I can't wait here just like that and watch her runaway again.

I need to talk to her. There's so many questions I needed to ask like why did she leave. Why did she left me. Why she rejected me just like that.

I decided to walk towards my room but when I'am about to open the door, I heared Berlyn talking outside. What is she doing? It sounds like she's practicing some dialogues. I leaned closer to the door so I can clearly hear what she's saying.

"Hi. It's been five years. How are you?" She said.

I smiled. Until now she's the same Berlyn that I know. Crazy? Funny? I think she's not convinced about it that's why she change her sentence.

"Hello. What's up? How are you doin, dude?" She said again.

I rolled my eyes. What should be her reaction if she find out that I overheard what her doing outside?

"Hi. I'm sorry about everything. I didn't mean to hurt you like that. It hurts me a lot too, you know. Honestly, I really miss you. But I'm afraid to die also, that's why I runaway. Please forgive me." She said.

I think that's better to tell me right now. And what did she mean about her, being afraid to die? Did she overheard my conversation with dad that night? Is that the reason why she runaway?

She thought that we will kill her like what our first plan when I'm not aware that she's the hybrid were looking for? But that plan already change when I knew that she's my mate.

This is all a misunderstanding. We really need to talk. Then I decided to open the door. I can't suppress myself from laughing when I remember how she rehearse what she want to tell me. And then I saw her. Standing outside the door. The moment I saw her, she look so embarrassed and she started to bite her finger nails.

"What are you doing? Are you hungry?" I asked. Referring to her fingernails that she's still biting.

Seriously, Cley? After five years thats what your going to asked her? Idiot! Do something. Just tell her you miss her. That you love her so much and you're not going to let her go, again. My inner wolf said pushing me on the edge

"Huh!? Ah, nope. I'm just — I'm just a little too not over you." She said.

What!? Wait a minute. Is that a song lyrics? Until now she's using that tactics from me everytime she want to get away from me? Unbelievable!

"Is that a song again?"

I asked, remembering the first time she sing a song from me when I'am so pissed off with her and I'm attempting to kiss her by that time. And then when I got distracted, she runaway through the bathroom. I know that tactics.

"It is! You wanna hear it?" She said while smiling. Oh, just keep on smiling like that. I miss that smile, you know.

"No. Not now." I said.

"Okay." She said.

"Come here." I said. She rose her eyebrows.

"Why?" She asked.

"Don't you missed me?" I asked.

"Nope." She said.

My smile suddenly disappeared. For five years she didn't even miss me? Unbelievable. She walked towards me and she closed the door when she already entered the room.

"Coz just missing you is not enough to describe how I felt for you right now. I really - really missed you —a million times." She whispered into my earlobe.

"Same here." I said and embrace her tightly. When I held her in my arms, the longing for five years suddenly disappeared. I'm totally contended right away, just like that. And this time, I know that we can rewrite our love story and start a new beginning again...