
The Attack

Berlyn's Pov:

I can't stop myself from frowning as I watch him together with Andrei and Leslie walked inside the airport. Today are their schedule to go back in Forks. Leslie already finished their project here in New York, that's why they needed to be back in Forks.

Cley and I already talk about us. We cleared everything and understand each other now. Were both matured enough to settled everything about us and forget about what happened five years ago. The most important thing is our future, right?

We agreed that I'm staying here in New York while he's in Forks. But we need to see each other twice a week or as long as were both having a vacant time. I think long distance relationship were gonna work with us. I hope so.

When I watch him walked away from me, I'm sure that this is not our last time to see each other. He's going back in New York every Saturday and Sunday. Then suddenly I have this peculiar feeling that somethings gonna happen unexpectedly.