
His Kinky Condition

"Very well then, I think this is not the proposal you are expecting but I am a businessman Ms. Jones. And I only want something that can be beneficial. I don't do charity. And this is the best offer I can give you. If you don't want it sign the contract and leave." the authority in his voice is telling her that she offended the man and that thought make her calmed down a bit. Then she bit her lip again and decided to look at him.

Jomaica_C · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
12 Chs

Chapter 5

It has been a week since she moved into her new apartment. So far she's comfortable in it and she can now consider it her home. She has been there just writing and organizing but today she plans to get some kitchen supplies.

Since she sold her car, she has no choice but to do public transportation which is a thing she hasn't done before. But lucky her when a taxi stopped in front of her.

Her life was traumatic, at the age of 8 she became an orphan. Her parents were both lawyers. They were always busy but if it was about her they make sure to make time for her. They love her, that she was sure, she knew. Because she felt it. She was loved. But because of one case, she lost them. They were brutally murdered which left her an orphan.

Since she has no one but an immediate relative, her Aunt Susan, her mom's cousin, the authority made the woman her legal guardian. She thought everything will be okay, she might have lost her parents but she has her Aunt Susan. But everything was a mess since the beginning. Her aunt was so strict she never allowed her to go outside. All she can do is roam around their house. She didn't even go to an actual school, she was homeschooled till she finished her degree in creative writing.

They have their moments together every time she accompanied her to go to the store to buy kitchen supplies or to a mall to buy new clothes. If she was lucky, they even go to a restaurant. She didn't understand why she has to hide from the world and now that she was gone she has to face the reality that she doesn't know a thing about life and everything about the world. But it also saddens her that even the last person that she has, left her alone. She lost her aunt to cancer. She knew but she never told her. Another thing she didn't understand was why. She was mad at her when she discovered her lifeless body in her room. She didn't even have a chance to say goodbye, she didn't even have a chance to thank her for taking care of her, she didn't even have a chance to tell her how she cared and loved her. Her aunt Susan just left without even saying she loved her. She knew and she felt that the woman had loved her like her own child because if not she just had left her alone.

It was weeks later when she met Joset. Her manager and only friend. She was at the shopping center then buying things for herself and restocking supplies when she struggled to use her ATM card. She was trying to withdraw some cash and then fill her car's tank. But she didn't have any idea how to use such a thing. Her lawyer just presented all her finances but she never actually taught her how to use those cards attached to the documents she gave to her. And it was moments later when a girl approached her and asked what was the problem. She was embarrassed then but she has no choice but to ask for help. And that was the day they started to be friends. And the rest they say is history. Until the moment Joset offered to be her manager.

It was thanks to Joset she became outgoing. By outgoing she meant, she regularly goes to a mall now, she even learned how to go to a church. Little by little, she learned to adopt what the real world has to offer. But it was her first time today to ride a taxi because she has her car before.

She was then dropped at the store and she began to do her task. First, she decided to buy a cellphone. She decided to pick the simplest unit which caught her eye as soon as she saw it. An iPhone 6 that is not too big but looks very cute. After asking for some assistance, she was able to save Joset's number and decided to send her a text message.

"Hi Jo, this is Mer. Just got my new phone!"

She smiled when she saw that the text was sent. After that, she finally go shopping for some supplies and stuff. She was in the middle of her shopping when her phone rang. She smiled as soon as she saw that it was Joset who was calling.

"Jo! I just texted you!" she said cheerfully.

"Mer..." she heard her friend's voice like she is on the verge of crying. "I've been trying to call you for days now. Where are you? Are you okay?" she felt bad now. She's trying hard to avoid the topic of her moving but she guesses this is the right time to tell her.

"I moved out of the house Jo. I live in an apartment now. Sorry for not telling you sooner. I don't want you to worry about me." she said almost whispering.

"Why? What happened? Why didn't you tell me?" Joset is now really upset, she could almost feel it.

"Jo, I'm okay, there was just a glitch in the finances caused by Aunt Susan but I have it figured out. I will tell you everything when you're home. But don't worry about me. I'm doing great, promise." she heard her friend take a deep sigh.

"Okay, I trust you." that's when she felt something is wrong about HER and it is not about her anymore.

"Okay, now tell me what's wrong. And please don't lie because I can feel there is something wrong going on." she waited for her friend to talk till she heard her silent cries. "Jo?"

"Mer, mom's business was forcefully bought and she is not doing good. We've been in the hospital for three days now because she had a mild heart attack and I am so scared because she's not doing well right now. What am I going to do?" Joset is now crying hard and that breaks her heart.

"Do you want me there?" she asked

"No Mer, it's okay. My brother and I are already here I just want to hear your voice."

"Are you sure?" she asked once again. Because all she needs is one word from her and she'll go running to her.

"Yes, Mer. Yes."

"Okay, can you tell me then what happened to the business? Maybe I can ask Atty. Pan for some consultation?" she pushed her cart to the side to make a way for others.

"I don't know what happened, all mom said was a man forcefully bought the company and then she collapsed. And that's all the information I knew. Jacob went there this morning when he was sure that mom is stable to investigate or something. I don't care about the company Mer, all I want is mom get better." she heard another silent cry from her friend.

"Of course, you're right Jo. But I'm curious now, is that man a rival of your mom or something?"

"I don't know...oh wait Jacob's here. I'll put you on speaker." she heard some noises then Jacob's voice "Hi Mer, how are you?" she met Jacob a couple of times and he's a sweet man. He's always protective of Jo and her.

"Jacob, hi! I'm good. How are you? Sorry, I wasn't there." she said feeling bad for not being there for her friend's family.

"That's okay, we can handle this. Mom is a strong woman she can handle this as well." then she heard Jo say "Did you find anything?"

"Yes, it was a man not from here. He bought the company legally by buying shares of mom's partner which is 56% made him the owner now." Jacob explained.

"Who is that man?" both Jo and I asked.

"Mr. Black, Colton Black." to say she was shocked is an understatement of the year. Her heart beats fast and it feels like her body becomes a Jell-O, it became very weak.

"Oh my gosh!" she said

"Why? Is everything okay Mer?" Jacob asked.

"I think I can help you with this one. I have to go. Jo, I'll call you again later." she cut the call and prepares to leave but not to go home yet but to face a monster named Colton Black.

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