
His Kinky Condition

"Very well then, I think this is not the proposal you are expecting but I am a businessman Ms. Jones. And I only want something that can be beneficial. I don't do charity. And this is the best offer I can give you. If you don't want it sign the contract and leave." the authority in his voice is telling her that she offended the man and that thought make her calmed down a bit. Then she bit her lip again and decided to look at him.

Jomaica_C · Urban
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12 Chs

Chapter 6

She's been biting her fingernail ever since she got inside the taxi she's riding in now. She was feeling so confused. Why does he need to go that far? She already gave up the property and she's been living silently. What does he need from her?

"We're here miss." she heard the driver. She then stares at the building in front of her. "Are you going out now?" she nods her head and takes out some cash to pay the driver. Then she started to pick up all her shopping bags to bring with her. She said thanks and get off the taxi.

People are staring at her but she doesn't mind. She has no time to mind everyone's opinion at the moment. She went straight to the reception and the women behind the table are looking at her as if she just lost her mind. And she's sure it's because of her jeans and shopping bags full of groceries.

"Hi, I'm looking for Mr. Colton Black please." again they look at her as if she's an alien or something and that what she said did not make any sense.

"I'm sorry but do you have an appointment with him?" she pouted her lips and move them side to side a habit of hers every time she's thinking of lying.

"Yes." she simply said. And they look at her with doubtful eyes.

"Okay, can I have your name so we can verify with his assistant your appointment?"

"It's Merry Jones." she's tense now because she's not sure whether they will let her to his office or they will escort her out of the building.

One of the receptionists took the phone and made a call. She was just standing there patiently waiting for the call and verification to be done. But she's feeling upset now because she knows that she will be kicked out of the building. The call later on ended and the woman looks at her with a smile and she finds it very....weird.

"Your appointment was confirmed, Ms. Jones. I will assist you to Ms. Black's office." she stands and started to walk ahead of her.

"That's not necessary, I can go alone." she kindly said to the woman.

"I was strictly instructed to assist you to his office. Would you like some help with those bags?" she said while looking at my shopping bags and I shook my head.

"No, I can manage but thank you," she said while smiling at her. They walk inside the elevator and realization hits her. She doesn't know how to confront the man. She was mad earlier, she was. But now that she calms down a bit she doesn't find herself mad anymore. But she has to do something, for her friend Joset. And then the elevator stopped and that's when she realized they arrived at Mr. Black's floor.

'That was fast.' she thought

They went straight to Mr. Black's assistant and later on the woman left.

"Ms. Jones, please follow me. " the assistant said and walks ahead leading the way to Mr. Black's office like it was my first time when it was not. We stop and he knocks "Mr. Black, Ms. Jone's here." they heard him say okay and the assistant faces me "You should go inside Ms. Jones." He said

"Thank you so much for your help," I said while smiling.

'Oh my gosh, I should be mad why was I smiling all the time." she thought once again. She inhales a lot of air because she has this feeling that she'll be needing it.

"Good afternoon Mr. Black," she said once she was inside. He's there behind his big wooden table looking so powerful and handsome. She's sure that he heard her but he's not saying anything or even looking at her. So she just stood there waiting for his reply or anything from him. And while she was waiting she saw the glass wall across her and she was amazed by the spectacular view. The sun is almost setting down and the sky is now turning orange and it's really beautiful. And that's how she lost her thoughts about the mess she was in because right there she found her temporary peace.

Mr. Black then looks at her and felt that emotion once again. That feeling of someone punching his heart. Just looking at her peaceful face makes him very calm and his world has suddenly become serene. And he doesn't know why. He thought that when he see her again the way he feels will change but he was wrong because now all he wanted is to keep her beside him to keep the calmness and serenity she brings. But when he looks at her hands, he saw the shopping bags she was carrying. And by the looks of it, they're heavy. So he stands and went near her. He takes the bags from her and that's when their eyes met. That feeling becomes more intense. His heart is now beating fast and he just stood there looking at her. And then she smiles, the warmest smile he has ever received.

"Thank you, I didn't notice before but I feel tired now carrying those bags," she said while massaging her arms. He drops the bags and takes her hand after. It's soft and he likes the feeling of holding her hand. He looks at her and she found him looking at him with confusion written all over her face. "I should be mad at you," she whispers and he smiles and he doesn't know why. He just feels happy to hear that she is not mad at him. "Why did you do that?" she asked but her voice now sounds sad but not mad. He looks up and he saw from her eyes that although she was not mad, she was hurt by the action he made.

"Because I want you," he said while looking straight at her and he saw how her mouth parted to say something but then close it again. He has this urge to kiss her, really bad. He just wanted to feel her lips. But then she takes her hand from him and took a few steps away as well. And he didn't like that. He felt rejected and it's making him upset. He isn't used to being rejected. And now he realized that he will never be used to it.

"Why?" she simply asked. And he started to ask himself why? He doesn't know either but one thing he's sure of is he wants her beside him. He wants her to be part of his life. He doesn't know if it's lust but he wanted her more than his sexual needs. He needs her soul. He needs her to bring him calmness and peace.

"I want you, all of you. And I don't know why." he turns his back to return from his seat.

She was just standing there watching him return to his throne. She felt disappointed with his answer. But what can she do?

"So what do you want me to do?" she said, she bites her lip to stop herself from being upset.

"I want you to be mine." and she felt her body tingle. And she likes that delectable feeling he was able to make her feel. She somehow finds it very pleasing.

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