
you stole it so easily

"are you just going to stand there doing nothing?

I've not had dinner, get into the kitchen and whip me something to eat"

it's been almost half an hour since Javier came.

he had long made himself comfortable in one of the couches, crossing his long lean legs on each other.

his suit's jacket was lying beside him on the couch, three buttons of his shirt were undone.. while his golden cufflinks were on the table.

meanwhile, kaisha had been standing by the side of the couch Javier was sitting on.

she was in daze, looking at her hot and elegant boss sitting in her house.

his undone buttons, his crossed legs, his chiseled broad chest, his sharp jawline and the way he looked so relaxed in her house just seemed like..

he was a walking sex appeal.

this thought, and other perverted thoughts in kaisha's head made her brain go fuzzy.

but hearing his statement earlier snapped her out of her imaginations.

"uhhmm.. about that sir, I.." kaisha was cut short by Javier's next statement.

"nevermind that, I'll cook.. you cooking for me is a very bad idea.

I don't want to end up in the hospital because little miss Wilhelm mistook some ingredients" after speaking he took slow strides to the kitchen, with kaisha trailing him.

kaisha fell into a trance again when she saw him folding his sleeves.

it looked as if Javier was purposely showing off.

because he rolled the sleeves slowly and dramatically, his veins popping out of his arms as his strong arms came to view.

"do you have some noodles here?.. that's the quickest meal to make right now" Javier asked her, but he noticed that she was staring hungrily at her.

his lips turned upwards in a smirk, making him look mischievously handsome.

he took lethargic steps towards where she was standing.

since she was already leaning on the wall, it wasn't hard for Javier to trap her.

one of his hands was resting near her head, while the other one was near her waist.

due to their height difference, he towered her completely.. bending a little, he looked down on her.

the smile on his beautiful was reflecting an wickedly alluring aura.. like a hungry lion teasing a frail kitten.

"what silly thought is little Ms Wilhelm having about me now" Javier spoke in a low seductive voice.

"I'm not thinking about you" kaisha raised her head to look at him as she defended herself.

seeing her pink plump lips, Javier moved his hands from the side of her head and rested his long dainty fingers on her cheeks.

that action alone made heat rise up kaisha's face, making her cheeks red and hot.

"move asi.." putting her frail palms on Javier's sturdy chest, kaisha was about to push him away.

but she froze midway as Javier's thumb caressed her lower lip.

"so soft..." Javier muttered as he continued to caress her lip.

then slowly, he lowered his head to the level of her face and looked her in her round hazel eyes.

without saying anything, he continued to stare at her, as he caresses her lip.

at that moment, kaisha brain had gone completely blank. her big doe eyes and full lush lashes had gotten a little bit wet, as she had forgotten to blink.

her cute and innocent reaction urged Javier to do something he had always wanted to do.

Javier slowly removed his thumb from her lips, kaisha looked up to meet Javier's dark eyes..

her formerly hot lips became warm as a gush of cold air hit her, immediately Javier removed his thumb.

she didn't have time to react, as Javier hot lips captured hers in a mind-blowing kiss. this time around, her heart skipped a beat.

his strong arms gripped her tiny waist as he pulled her closer to himself.

but after one minute, kaisha's frail fists started hitting his chest.

Javier released her lips and stood upright, looking down at her.

he saw her panting, her face had gone red.

"don't you know how to breathe while kissing?"

"..." a silent kaisha just stood, still catching her breath.. with her hands on Javier's chest.

"didn't your previous boyfriends teach you how to respond to a kiss?"

that question had seemingly made kaisha remember something important.

"you pervert.. you took my first kiss!!!" kaisha yelled as she hit him, pushing him back.

she ran to the living room and sat in one corner

Javier still stood in the kitchen.. shocked.

'her first kiss??'

but as soon as he heard a loud cry, he walked majestically to the living room like he had done nothing wrong.

but seeing her curled in a corner, crying loudly, he suddenly felt guilty.

he strolled towards her and bent on his knees, in front of her.

kaisha instantly started throwing weak punches at him again.

"why'd you kiss me?"


"I reserved my first kiss for my first boyfriend, and you just stole it so easily"


"now how am I going to explain this to him"

"about that..."

"~wahhhh... " kaisha's cry interrupted him.

"I've had enough of this" Javier muttered to himself.

he stood up and carried her princess-style to the couch.

"keep quiet and let me talk" Javier spoke in his usual cold and intimidating voice, making kaisha shut up immediately.

"first of all, you aren't going to have to explain this scene to any other guy.. do you get me?" he looked at her intensely with his dark eyes..

making kaisha nod as if she was hypnotized.

"no other guy is going to taste those lips..

unless, they won't live to tell the tale"

"...." kaisha shivered in fear as those dark eyes stared at her.

"those lips are mine, am I clear?" Javier declared with a tone of finality.

"what????.. what lips are yours??

excuse me Mr Marshall.. these lips are mine, and because you had a taste of it today doesn't mean you will have another taste of it.

these lips are just for my future boyfriend to taste.. not for you" kaisha stood bravely in front of Javier as she looked down at him, since he was sitting his height didn't intimidate her.

she huffed as her fist were clenched at her sides.

her reaction was like an angry kitten, fighting for a squishy toy. it made Javier let out a long chuckle.

he reached out for her hands and dragged her to sit on his laps.

"do you really think so?" Javier asked a startled kaisha.

once again.. he lowered his head and joined his lips with hers.

one of his hands went to the crook of her neck, while the other one was on her waist.

Javier cut the kiss short again whispered in her ears.

"your future boyfriend is the one kissing you right now.. and he feels honoured being your first kiss" with the he sucked on her earlobe slowly.