
His Fate

Well investigating her husband's death, a cop finds herself halfway across the country in an underground supernatural turff war where she discovers her own supernatural origins and the identity of her husband's killer who is hidden right under her nose. *book contains sexual content graphic scenes and strong language readers are advised feel free to leave me your thoughts on things I can improve on or add to the story! helpful criticism is always appreciated and welcome in the comments, please give a rating and if you like the story add it to you're library!

DsPublishing · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
20 Chs

Concerning Aryiea Dune-A

Time Unknown, Date Unknown. I assume it is still Saturday

Time had come and gone, the date no longer lodged into my mind. My body ached everywhere, I still couldn't move. I could feel heat on my skin and the quick movements of a taxi cab. My eyes and head had been covered by what felt like some type of bag. The material was harsh and cut against my skin. My wrists were bound with zip ties, I could feel the blood coming from them as they dug into my flesh. The salty burn of cigarettes sting my nose. Shouting and horns honking ensue around the vehicle. Two bodies next to me, they easily were double my size in muscle. I could feel their arms against mine. Their voices were deep and sent a bullet up my spine. I did not dare to move, not even struggle in fear of what would happen if they found out I was awake. I listen to them speak, slowing my heart rate keeping emotion aside.

"So where you taking this one?"

The voice wasn't either of the men in back, the driver left hand side in the front. It belonged to what I assumed was a middle aged man. He had a thick accent easily projected as somewhere in New York, mostly likely Manhattan. It made him difficult to understand many of his letters overlapping and sounding like others. I had been around Tam for the last few years, compared to her French this was easier.

"That is none of your business worm."

The man next to me spits at the word worm like it was a cuss.

"Now Thomas, have you ever asked before?"

I fight the urge to scream, to yell, to even move my fingers and ball my hand into a fist. Lauren. Her voice was sweet and unbothered. She sat in the passenger seat, I slightly tilt my head to listen in more, hoping to catch more details as to my location. Or why I had been taken.

"Yeh, well, none of em have come with a badge attached before."

My eyes went wide under the blindfold, it was still on my belt. I could feel the metal pressed against my bare skin, tucked neatly away, hidden underneath my navy blue shirt. Thomas, the name of our driver. The brakes screech as he slams on them, sending me flying forward. I do my best to keep my body limp, the man to my right reaching his hand out, placing it firm against my chest and waiting for a moment then harshly pushing me back into the seat. The man on my left reaches across my lap handing the man on my right a buckle, I could feel it snap and tighten against my waist.

"You idiot, why wasn't she snapped in?" the man on my right used the same tone as the one on the left when he had addressed Thomas.

"Now boys quit bickering, she could be awake after that."

Lauren spoke like a mother keeping her children from fighting. After she spoke the men silenced before the one on my right spoke up.

"I felt her beat, she is still out."

I could almost see Lauren's puzzled expression.

"Hmmm, maybe I overestimated how much to give her."


"How much did you give her?" the one on the left asked, showing some concern.

This said more about the group's character, and the character of the driver, Thomas, and the relation between them. Thomas was nowhere near the top, just a henchman if that. He was the driver, and could have been any ordinary city taxi driver I suppose. Lauren controlled the men next to me, it was clear she was their boss but not the big boss. No, wherever they were taking me or whoever they were taking me too, he was the boss. They had enough power to kidnap a cop and drag them all the way across the country. They wouldn't risk public airlines, I'm sure I would have remembered that as well. No, they flew private. Private jet, plane, or train. It was all the same anyways, the four of us, passing me as cargo. They had money, or whoever they worked for had money. The taxi comes to a slop stop, cars blare their horns and people scream and yell at eachother. I doubt if I even tried or dared to make a scene that anyone would care, even if I wasn't a cop. People were funny that way.

"Uh mam, I know I'm just a worm," the driver pauses using the last word with caution, then smacks his lips and proceeds "but I do happen to be the driver and as the driver I do need to know where I am dropping you lot."

Though I could not see her lips, I could almost perfectly picture Lauren's soft smile as she quietly answered Thomas, still weary of the possibility of me being awake.

"Just drive, I'll tell you where to turn."

Shit like I would know what that means. New York was on my retirement bucket list, not my kidnapped bucket list. Something felt off, the butterflies in my stomach turning and twisting. I was a good enough actress but not that good. I only ever did junior high drama and only because I needed the extra curriculars. These people were smart, organized and well funded. The only reason I would still be awake is if they wanted me too. They successfully kidnapped a California cop well on shift, in public, with a partner and had somehow gotten me across the country without being noticed. They were lousy enough to not notice the security cameras hidden in the hallway of Joe's old motel. They didn't care about being caught, not thinking they would. They crossed several state lines, the paperwork and search would be massive and take several months. I doubted Spruce had even started looking for me yet. Damn. Spruce. I would miss his fathers funeral. The funeral of a fellow officer.

The normal city bustle dimms as we drive away from it towards the edges of the city. Through the mask lights came and went. Street lights. If the street lights shown it had to be dark. Summers in New York the sun sets around four thirty, last I knew the time was around ten in the morning. There was a three hour time difference with time in New York moving relatively faster. The wear on my body and overall exhaustion told me my bedtime was soon. Of course before the nightmares when I worked during day shifts that was generally around ten sometimes eleven. Which would put me at twelve am New York time. Then again, the total exhaustion could have been a side effect of whatever drug they gave me. There were not many fast acting sedatives, not many that had long term effects. No, there was a difference between unmedicated sleep and medicated. The ride from what I assumed was Time Square to our location felt short, the passing lights each spaced 300 feet apart told me we had gone around 100 miles, counting each light leaving me with 1,760. Then they stopped and we continued to drive, countryside. Or the edges of the main city. As we drove passing headlights became less frequent, the sounds of the inner city became non existent. Chatter between the four others surrounding me ceased as well, Thomas would often try to start something on the history of the area. You're not a tour guide, the men to my sides would say. Then they would sneer and repeatedly call him a worm. The taxi came to a rolling stop, the seat shifted in front of me and I could feel Lauren's warm hand on my knee. It was small compared to the men's, and since they had me positioned in the middle she didn't have to reach far.

"Still no movements?"

There was concern.

"No miss," left said

"Her breathing changed a bit, possibly the way she has been positioned, she moved once but only as a sleeping kick." right added.

I could feel right reach his arm around my back and flick left. The two men to my sides had yet to say their names, only referring to Thomas, Lauren, and our destination. I had decided to call them Right and Left, this of course came from what side they sat on. Really not wanting to loose any more time or awareness I shuffle a bit and slightly alter my breathing pattern slouching further down into my seat and somewhat leaning on Right. I could feel his muscles tighten and tense as I did this as he moved his arm above the seats to make room for my head. I let it fall into place leaning fully against his chest. His shirt was smooth, a tux, his heartbeat loud beating so slow I thought he did not have one at first. Left huffs.

"Right, the sedative was not strong though I did double the dosage in the tea as well as on the jet, the last dosage should be wearing off by now."

I couldn't help but smile underneath the sack. A jet. I had been right about that. I am guessing they had paid Thomas to pick up on the landing pad, not in normal terminal parking. I could hear the slip of a syringe, an all too familiar sound. Right speaks up, though there is fear in his voice, fear and concern.

"You sure that's wise miss, I mean druggin' er again. I'm sure he will want to see er." Right spoke with a faded accent. It was hard to tell an origin but there was one there once.

I could feel the sharp sting of the needle as she jabs it into my thigh and the cool rush of liquid.

"It's not even a full dose, just enough to keep her compatible."

My stomach turns as my heart beats faster then slows down. My eyes grew heavy and breathing became labored, each breath taking energy and effort to produce. I could no longer keep the act and began mumbling.

"Huh, wha, where,"

Idiot, you've gone and given yourself away. Nearly seconds after the taxi comes to a stop as Thoams slowly applies the brakes. Light tapping on the tin roof met rain, the sour smell filling my senses. Why bother to fight any more, why bother to act. I shift my position again attempting to sit up and move. I twiddle my wrists, loosening the binding slightly before my muscles give out. I then move my feet. They were unbound but still in heavy black boots. Maybe I could just sleep, it wouldn't hurt anybody. Some nice deep sleep. Sleep sounds nice. I can't even remember the last time I had a good sleep. I actually don't think I ever have. Sleep, sleep and coffee. I smacked my lips at the thought of liquid, they were dry and my throat was scratchy and sore, like I hadn't a drink in several days. But that wasn't right, I had this morning. I was somewhere, with someone. I squit underneath the mask trying to remember, a city maybe? Did I live in the city? Red hair, my hair wasn't red not really. Why did I remember red hair? My body moves without me doing so, strong hands grab me and drag me out of the vehicle. I slump my head and drag my feet behind me. I hear car doors shutting and voices.

"Thank you Thomas, and there's a little extra for the troubles. Remember if anyone comes looking call Orzion, he will sort it out."

The voice was a woman, I had heard it before. Something about it made my blood boil. Her name was scratched into my mind, now locked inside the chest.

"Do you think anyone will?"

The second voice was a man and heavy in an accent that made him hard to understand. Maybe the Bronx, maybe New York. I may not remember much, but I know I have never been to New York.

"With her definitely, it's only a matter of time. We left her partner pretty banged up. I'm sure once he heals he will go out of his jurisdiction to find her. He won't be a cop out of California, so if he comes you don't owe him anything."

Partner? Was I married? I didn't feel a ring on my fingers, I did wear a necklace but had no memory of what was on it. California. That did seem more my speed. I guess I lived in California, I guess I was married, am married.

"Will he bring trouble?"

"No, it isn't him you need to worry about, the sister inlaw works for the bureau. She's an FBI agent, pretty damn ruthless. She will be the one to watch out for."

"How will I know which one she is, the city's got a field office, agents go in and out on the daily."

The woman shuffles a laugh.

"Trust me you will know, she's french."

"French, just like-"

The man cuts off, not finishing on the invisible glare of a woman.

"You sure he won't cause issues?"

The man seemed very concerned with the basic idea of Spruce coming after him, even less than Tameryin. Pain grew in my gut along with the urge to shed a tear or two as I wasn't even able to speak to her before getting abducted.

"He's going to the Wood den."

Well there goes any hope of a rescue.

"Shit, well I guess she got lucky."

These names and titles of course meant nothing to me, nothing except the basic knowledge that my partner was alive, he was alive and he was somewhere in this godforsaken city. And I needed to find him.