
His Fate

Well investigating her husband's death, a cop finds herself halfway across the country in an underground supernatural turff war where she discovers her own supernatural origins and the identity of her husband's killer who is hidden right under her nose. *book contains sexual content graphic scenes and strong language readers are advised feel free to leave me your thoughts on things I can improve on or add to the story! helpful criticism is always appreciated and welcome in the comments, please give a rating and if you like the story add it to you're library!

DsPublishing · Fantasy
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20 Chs

Concerning Aryiea Dune Pt 2-S

He prayed to God that wherever she was Aryiea was getting a better treatment than himself. His memory was fuzzy but coming back in bits and pieces, everything from watching them take Aryiea gently into a plane from dragging him on the harsh ground. Police sirens in the distance and a dramatic need to be found. Eyes danced between open and shut as he watched the larger man carefully take Aryiea over his shoulder and carry her out of the room well the second one came towards him, harshly grabbing my wrists and throwing him over his shoulder like a bag of trash until we were out of the space then plopping me back on the ground again. He was sure that the flimsy cotton t-shirt had been torn and ripped beyond recognition and that my back bore battle scars. Damn mages. He swore at myself cursing under his breath at my all too late failed realization of Lauren Black's identity in the protected order. A withche's interference would explain the memory lapse and the incomplete dreams, Aryiea's nightmares along with his own.

"Bitch." he groaned as Lauren's exquisite figure came into my vision, a smirk slapped across her face.

God he wanted to smack it clean off and blow her head to kingdom come, but Aryiea was his main concern, her safety above my own. Although that isn't what they taught us in the Academy he never could understand why our own safety was more important than our partners. Aryiea was an intoxicating disease, a cancer that finally wore him down, distracted him long enough. Mr. Muscles smacked me across the face causing more reality to seep through the cracks of fiction fabricated by a mage's magic. A mage killed his father ,helI was damn citritan of it, but not this mage no. Her capture of Detective Aryiea Dune and himself had been well planned around his death and fabricated, well thought through. She wasn't working alone there had to be others, he suspected involvement from the Order but wasn't entirely sure. They normally didn't medal in human things, although my father wasn't human he was, one of their own. They were more formal, a speaker on their behalf would come, normally a higher up official, FBI or likewise and take over the investigation. A kidnapping was out of their standards. The man reaches down and firmly grasps my chin, slightly lifting my body from the ground. His square face bore an unhuman smile, crooked sharpened teeth like a snake's.

"You speak when you are spoken too, worm." he hissed like a snake, blending the syllables together making it harder to understand him.

"Like I would talk to a low life gorgon like you." Spruce smirked.

He shifted his red gaze to Spruce, when nothing happened he seemed concerned, eyes flashing towards Lauren for assurance. She quickly averted her gaze.

"Put those away!" Lauren ordered, shielding her eyes with her hand, peeking through cracks.

Snakey huffed, bending down to my wrists and more tightly to the point of pain and uncomfort, he could feel the blood as it ran to my fingernails, to the hard gravel below. He thought about screaming, about yelling for help, about doing anything to draw attention to us. But they had her, they had her where he couldn't see her, where they could do anything they wanted to her and he couldn't do anything to help. Regardless, he opened my mouth and let out a squeak before Mr. Gorgon grabbed his face again, squeezing his cheeks to where he was sure bone's became disconnected.

"Don't even dare, if you try anything don't think we won't be afraid to do anything to her."

his eyes went wide with fear at his threat, Spruce nodded and he released the young man. he pushed my neck to the left and cracked the muscle, a small popping sound distracting from the attempts to fry through magically enchanted ropes. he tried, God knows he tried to protect her from this world, from my scarry, confusing world. He had failed just like with Derek. Derek Black, Lauren Black. Spruce lifted his eyes scanning around as the smaller thinner man began cleaning the room, erasing all existence as Lauren pushed purple smoke, twisting her hands and extending her middle finger so it barely rested above the rest. She had her eyes closed in focus, lips pursed. If he let her continue she could erase our entire existence. He needed something to distract her. Clearing his throat Spruce pushed himself against the green metal dumpster, slightly and carefully pushing my head against it with a metallic clinic. She twitches her head tilting it to the right ever so slightly, to any untrained eye she remained normal. He tapped the can in a rhythmic beat to a song before changing it rapidly, just enough to set her on edge. He whistled along to the tune pushing more air, one two three, one, two, three, four, one, one, two three. No particular order just throwing together notes like a potter on a wheel, making sure his nails hit the tin matching the rhythms.

"Will you shut up?"

He looked up to find her lumbering over me, hands on her hips with a gaze that could kill. A gaze, thanks to Aryiea, he was familiar with now.

"Man, if I had a tambourine that would have been fire."

Spruce laugh at my own pun, and at her confusion towards it.

"So there's this incredibly hot priest down the block named Derek Black, you wouldn't happen to be related would you?"

Spruce tilts his head leaning towards his own question as she smirks the second he had mentioned his name. She swung her finger in the air moving it with each syllable.

"So you must be fire boy right?"

His stomach dropped, along with his smile.

"I was wondering where that character went."

She began to slightly pace as if finally piecing together parts of several different stories.

"Pft, he is the one who left me."

She tilted her head and smiled.

"Or so you think." she paused, hitting the palm of her hand to her forehead. "Silly me."

She bent down on both knees and gently lifted his chin closer to her, sending his heart patterning like a drum. Spruce wiggled and squirmed pushing himself away from her as her glossed lips came closer to his and he could smell the lavender perfume. Against her superhuman strength all he could do is kick my feet in protest as her strawberry flavored lips embraced mine. God he hated magic. Her childish voice echoed as black spots danced in his vision. He felt himself slipping against the tin, falling onto hard grounds.

"Night night."

First name on his list. Lauren Black. I would find her, and Aryiea, even if it killed me.