
His Erasthai

Amara Lee was an ordinary girl living out her life in Florida until her father's dark past fueled by secrets is revealed. Overnight, Amara went from an average teenager to an orphan in hiding from a vengeance seeking Alpha. Amara flees halfway around the world to hide out with a family of werewolves. From her new werewolf roommate Joslin she learns the truth about their world and her fathers secerts. Trying to stay hidden while moving on with her future fate takes Amara to a whole new level of craziness when she runs into her Erasthi, a powerful lycan. After digging more into her parents death she learns that the one her soul was fated to be with was also keeping dark serects. Adrian is a 200-year-old Lycan who runs a major security company along with having control of Alphas all across the states. Adrian is fighting to stay in power over these packs when a unknown wolf is challenging his authority. While engaging to keep his reputation and run his company he discovers his Erasthai is a human girl. Not only is she a human but, will she love him when learns the ugly truth about his role in her family's death? Will she accept him after learning about his past? How can he keep her safe from the dangers that comes from being mated to a Lycan?

classy_b33 · Fantasi
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9 Chs

Epilogue & Chapter 1 “Staying one step ahead”


"I will live for the both of you"


A cold mist grazed across my face as I nestled in front of a large rock before the ocean. It was 6:00 p.m. here in California, my favorite time of day to sit and watch the sunset. I stared out at the never-ending view of the water.

I took a deep breath in, taking in all the stress from the day, and slowly released it back into the air. Repeating this a couple of times caused a heavy weight to be lifted off my shoulders. It has been one year. One whole year since my entire world was changed. Memories of that night flashed through my mind.

Father kneeling on the floor. His eyes were swollen and shut, while his clothes were drenched in a dark red. He was kneeling in front of a figure. Actually, a very large figure that had to be at least 7 feet tall. It was only when he turned his head that I realized this man was not a human.

I gripped the sand beneath me tight. So tight that my nails started to prick hard into my skin. "Breath Amara… breath."

I started my breathing technique over again. One breath in, pause, one breath out. I regained consciousness back into the present, but my heart still ached. It's been one year and it still felt like yesterday my parents were taken from me. My heart ached as I sat there in utter stillness. Nothing but the sound of wind whistling in my ears. I stayed sitting there for a long moment grieving my losses. I only gave myself this short period to grieve. To think about my home, my best friend, and the life I once had.

"I am Amara Lee. Daughter of Jameson and Cara Lee, and I will live for the both of you." I repeated this line over and over again until it was engraved into my soul. I willed myself to stop the tears from falling as I gathered all my belongings and left.

Chapter 1

"Staying one step ahead"


A male with deep blue eyes and ruffled black hair stood before me. His face appeared to be sculpted by gods. He was easily the hottest guy I have ever seen. He started walking towards me. I panicked a little as he stopped in front of me. Taking his right hand to tuck a strand of hair behind my ear. He whispered something in my ear but I couldn't make it out I could feel the warmth of his breath. I looked up and the god-like stranger was gone.

"BEEP! BEEP! BEEP!" The alarm on my phone went off loudly in my ear. I opened my eyes in a daze. Only to realize that my plan to make out with a supermodel was all a dream. The same dream I have been having on and off for the past two months!

God, I need to stop binge-watching romance movies with Sophia. This time however the dream was more vivid. I could recall the stranger having blue eyes similar to mine with jet black hair. I don't recall any movies with him in them. He was perfection. But still, my mind must have been playing tricks on me. The lack of men in my life has finally put a toll on my sanity.

I do a big stretch before I jump out of bed. Throwing my extra fuzzy blanket lopsided near the end. I slide my cookie monster pajamas off and put on a pair of ripped jeans and a dark gray sweatshirt. I ran my fingers through my platinum-blonde hair before throwing it up into a messy bun. I found my phone hidden under the pillow. Six missed alarms! I gasped, "Sophia is going to kill me!"

I sprinted downstairs towards the front door when I ran smack dab into a large figure. "Ouch!"

"Woah there tiger", my dad said, regaining his balance. He bent down picked up my phone and dropped it on the floor. My dad was about 6 feet tall with brown wavy hair. I totally got my blonde from mom. However, we do have identical eyes. The purest of blue like looking up into the sky on a cloudless day.

"Sorry dad!" I squeaked, taking my phone before giving him a big hug. "Got to go! Promised Sophia I wouldn't be late… again."

I said the last part quietly, more to myself. He returned the hug before I ran out the door yelling, "I love you too!", back to my mother. As I got out the door I ran straight towards my best friend's house.

Sophia Penners, a pure brunette with rich dark eyes and tan skin, was my best friend. We have been best friends since the third grade when we face-planted into each other at recess. Ever since then, we have been inseparable. Plus, we only live a couple of blocks from each other.

I appeared at the one-story gray stone house with white trim. I went to knock on their navy blue door when a not-so-happy brunette swung it wide open. Sophia stood there wearing a tight-fitted black dress with a sweetheart neckline. Even in her "lazy girl" outfits, she is gorgeous, but whenever she gets dressed up, all eyes go toward her. I put on my biggest apologetic smile.

"Sorry!" I exclaimed. She gave me a sarcastic and slightly annoyed eye roll before pinning her hair back with a clip. She grabbed her puffy white jacket before heading towards the car.

"Amara, this is serious. I cannot believe you would sleep in!" she states not leaving out her normal dramatic hand gestures. Sophia is what you would call an overthinker. She is always thinking one step ahead. Step 1, graduate high school, check. Step 2, get into a nice college, almost check. Step 3 through infinity, meet a sexy guy, become a boss-ass bitch, and have adorable babies.

"I know this is an important day for you but do we really have to be 20 minutes early?" I try to stand firm in my case, but she gives me another annoyed eye roll before getting into her silver Hyundai Elantra. She has the right to be annoyed with me. This is her third college interview, a chance to get accepted into one of the top colleges in Florida. Along with her strong ability to overthink, she has the ability to be accepted into the most prestigious schools.

I, however, could care less about college. My parents have been pushing me towards at least considering community college for a few years, but I have no interest. Accumulating enormous amounts of debt just to work an average 9-5 never sat right with me. I rather stay in my room and paint. I dream of painting every part of the world one day. Maybe even starting my own art show. The idea of traveling, blogging, and being one with nature has always been my deepest desires. Like a part of me was born connected to the earth.

Little did I know how connected to nature I truly was.