
His Erasthai

Amara Lee was an ordinary girl living out her life in Florida until her father's dark past fueled by secrets is revealed. Overnight, Amara went from an average teenager to an orphan in hiding from a vengeance seeking Alpha. Amara flees halfway around the world to hide out with a family of werewolves. From her new werewolf roommate Joslin she learns the truth about their world and her fathers secerts. Trying to stay hidden while moving on with her future fate takes Amara to a whole new level of craziness when she runs into her Erasthi, a powerful lycan. After digging more into her parents death she learns that the one her soul was fated to be with was also keeping dark serects. Adrian is a 200-year-old Lycan who runs a major security company along with having control of Alphas all across the states. Adrian is fighting to stay in power over these packs when a unknown wolf is challenging his authority. While engaging to keep his reputation and run his company he discovers his Erasthai is a human girl. Not only is she a human but, will she love him when learns the ugly truth about his role in her family's death? Will she accept him after learning about his past? How can he keep her safe from the dangers that comes from being mated to a Lycan?

classy_b33 · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Chapter 2 “A silent demand”


"So you're telling me that you had another dream of that sexy god man?" Sophia asks, popping a bottle of champagne to celebrate an interview gone right. I nod as I take the glass of sparkly liquid. Were sitting criss-cross applesauce on the floor facing each other.

"But this time it was different. Like I could feel his presence." I take a large gulp. Thinking of the black hair blue eyed man from my dreams. Sophia drinks with me this time. Seeming to be in deep thought before she blurted out, "maybe it's the universe telling you to get laid."

I choked on part of my drink. How rude of her to say! She knows I'm still butt hurt over my ex Josh leaving me for some cheerleader wanna be. So what if I'm not preppy, cheerful, or have big boobs. Doesn't mean I deserved to be left over text after 1 year of dating!

I gave Sophia my deadliest evil eye before taking the bottle and pouring myself another drink. We sat there for a good amount of time just talking. Discussing neighborhood gossip like how Mr. Ruina called the cops on a group of kids playing football in the streets.

We laughed and gossiped before I decided to call it a night. I promised mom I would have breakfast with her and Mrs. Green, my moms best friend and next door neighbor, in the morning. I cannot cancel on her again. So, after I passed Sophia's mandatory walk test, where you had to walk in a straight line without wobbling, I headed home.

I walked in through the front door. My mother and father are nestled up next to each other on the couch watching a movie like a couple of highschoolers. You can tell by just a glance that they are still madly in love, even after 24 years of marriage. I imagined a camera going off in my head as I tried to capture that moment. I dreamed one day that my future husband and I will share a similar bond.

I tippy toe up the stairs leading to my room. Slightly cringing as I heard my father kissing my mother repeatedly on the cheek. I closed the door and flopped dramatically onto the bed. Letting out a large huff. I reluctantly got out of bed to shower, put on my comfy white striped pj shorts and overgrown matching shirt, and crawled happily back into bed. I grabbed Mr. Bear, yes I named my teddy bear Mr. Bear, and snuggled up under the fluffy blanket. I closed my eyes and wondered if the god-like stranger would appear back into my dreams.

It was about 3 in the morning when I was awoken by a loud banging noise coming from downstairs. At first I just tried to ignore it, assuming it was father hunting for a midnight snack. I wasn't fully alert until I heard the shouting.

"You treacherous bastard!", a deep unknown voice roared from downstairs in the living room. I was completely awake then. I frantically look for my phone lost in my bed, trying to steady the slight shaking coming from my hands. More sound came from downstairs. I could hear multiple people talking now along with loud groans. Adrenaline spiked through my veins as I recognized the reality of the situation. That my family and I were in danger.

My heart dropped and I almost screamed as my mother barged into my room. Before I could ask any questions her finger was pressed aggressively against her lips. A silent demand to stay quiet. Fear has consumed her face. She was still in her pajamas and her blonde hair was thrown into a messy bun. But, her hazel eyes were wide with alertness and there was also a small shake in her hands as she took my elbow and led me down the hall.

I followed her down the dark hallway as quietly as I could. The tile of the floor cooling the button of my bare feet. Her hand gripped so tightly around my arm that I'm positive it left marks. We came to the end of the hall. She squeezed her eyes tight as she slowly opened a closet door. As if praying to God that it wouldn't make a sound and alert whoever was downstairs.

"Mom, what's going on?" I whispered with a shake in my voice. She placed both hands on my face, holding me there as if to soak up every detail about me.

"I'm so sorry honey but there's no time to explain," a tear was forming in her eyes and she pushed me into the closet, "but whatever you do, whatever you hear, do not come out."

I tried to protest but the intruders were making their way up the stairs. The sounds of footsteps from multiple people were growing louder. Mom kissed me on the head and grabbed my hand one last time. She mouthed the words ``I love you", before closing the door.

I pinned my back against the wall with all my might. Covering my mouth with my hands trying to hold back the sobs. Tears were now streaking down my face as I stood there. I could hear my mother shouting, "please, please leave us alone!"

I closed my eyes now. Wishing, praying that if there was a God above he would come down and save my family. Male laughter echoed down the hall. "Bitch!"

A sharp SMACK rippled through the air. My mother started to whimper. I listened as my mothers cries grew quieter. I didn't know what happened to her. Only that I could no longer hear her cries or begs. Only the sound of rumbling laughter and howls.

Anger grew deep inside my chest. My whole body was on fire. With trembling hands I searched the area around me. Tears were still sliding down my face as I looked for anything. Any weapons or sharp objects I could defend myself with. I tried to grab my phone to call for help but realized it was back in my room. "Fuck!" I breathed. Taking in the anger of not being able to stop whoever these people were.

I frantically searched with my hands. Not being able to find anything useful . I cried in a whisper "Please, please, please be something".

Then a memory flashed into my head. My dad gave me a pocket knife for my 17th birthday. I had no use for it so I stashed it in an old pair of boots years ago. I squatted on my feet and searched for that pair of boots, but I was unable to make out anything before me. Finally my fingers collided with a pair of boots wedged deep in the corner. I slid my hand inside hastily and felt the cold ting of metal.

"Yes!" I stood back up for a moment and gathered what little courage I had. I tightly held the old pocket knife in my right hand as I opened the closet door. I scanned the hallway to find it desterated. The lights downstairs were on and voices rang out. I just needed to get to my room and find my phone to call for help. I slowly and carefully walked along the wall. Tensing every time my footsteps made the smallest of noise. Tiny pools of blood speckled on the floor. I held back a sob, "Amara focus."

I could see the inside of my bedroom. The door was wide open and I could make out my bed which was faced directly in front of a large window. I quickly regretted how I always kept my phone under my pillow making it harder to locate. My adrenaline rose as I went to sprint towards my bedroom door. That's when out of nowhere a pair of massive firm hands grabbed the base of my neck. I let out a whimper right before the vile man slammed my entire body against the wall.

He took my right hand which was gripping the knife and easily withdrew it from my fingers. My head was now buzzing from colliding with the wall. I was now unarmed, unprotected, and outnumbered against whoever these people were. He collected a handful of my blonde hair and yanked my head back. His breath smelled of rotten corpses as he said, "Well what do we have here."

I struggled against his strength but it was useless. There was no way for me to escape. My hope of living and my courage was gone. I was suddenly yanked off the wall and shoved down the stairs. Pain coursed through my body as I tumbled rapidly down the stairs from the force. I laid there for a moment trying to get the ringing of my ears to stop. It never did yet somehow I managed to sit upright.

"That dick of a wolf procreated," howled the man that shoved me down the stairs. He walked past me as if I was a homeless man begging for change. He was a very tall man who wore jeans and a tight black shirt that protruded his muscles. He had dark hair that was almost as long as mine and a long ugly scar that stretched across his cheek under his right eye. It wasn't until I heard an animal-like growl that I realized how many people were watching me with amusement.

Two, three, four, five, six people I counted. Their bodies formed a circle around the room and dead in the center was my father. He was kneeling in front of a large man. Not large but a giant man who had to be at least 7 feet tall. His head almost touched our ceiling and he was ripped with muscles. I could make out tattoos of swirls and symbols all up and down both arms, reaching across the back of his neck. My fathers eyes were almost closed shut and covered in blood. But, I could have sworn I saw them widened just a bit when he saw me.

The man before him, hands covered in blood, turned to glare at me. My heart dropped. For his entire body was man but his face. His face was nothing but a beast. Long gray and white fur stuck out from the top of his head to the sides of his neck. He had no nose but instead a snout that resembled a wolf. His eyes were pitch black, no soul seemed to be found within them. I then noticed the claws sticking out of his fingers that were covered with the blood of my father.

I scouted back against the wall. My head was still buzzing and eyes still pricked with tears. This was it, I was about to die in the hands of an ugly coyote.