
His crazy obsession

Theodora the daughter of Mr Nathan, one of the multi billionaires of his time, lived a terrible life, a life of suffering and pain, until things started crumbling down for her father. Silver the cold hearted billionaire Mafia boss. A man of known to have little or no emotions, he borrowed Mr Nathan some money for his business and he couldn't pay Nathan back. Out of his selfishness, Nathan sold his first daughter Theodora to Silver to pay him for his debt, what happens when sparks fly between them and silver ands up falling in Love with Theodora?? And she took ends up having feelings for him??, dark family mysteries are uncovered, will love triumph in the end? Read on to find out!!

Gift_Ny · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
20 Chs




She closed her eyes bracing impact but opened them when she felt the warm embrace of Silvers arms, their faces just inches apart from each other.

She looked away trying to avoid the blush which crept on her face, why was she blushing??, what was he doing to her??.

He then slowly dropped her like as though she was a egg.

"Next time be more careful so that you won't get hurt"

He said worriedly.

What was that??, was Silver the cold hearted billionaire worried?? How is that possible??

She nodded and left immediately, as she entered her room she let out a deep breath she didn't know she was holding she then touched her cheeks.

It was still red, she was also burning up, he was having an effect on her and she didn't know.

She ignored that feeling and went back to bed, she closed her eyes thinking of other things, she missed her boyfriend, she knew they had a fight but still he didn't even come to look for her.

Maybe he was mad because I didn't pick his calls before, she sighed again as she then slept off.


Brian was nursing Gina's wounds, he was filled with rage not just for his father but for Silver. Tears dripping down from his mum's eyes he pitied her.

Pain gripped his heart as his mum's soft skin were now filled with scars from his dad's beatings.

"Are you okay mum??" He said after a few minutes of silence.

"I'm fine!!" The woman said to coax her worried son.

"Do you love me son??" She asked with seriousness clear in her voice.

"Yes I do mum with all my heart"

"You will have to get revenge for me!!"

"Believe me mum I will do anything!!"


Silver was at home today he decided not to go to work, he was missing someone, he missed her rosy scent, her black long hair, cute smile, her babyish character, he missed Dora.

He went to his landline and called Rebecca to get Theodora up there immediately and after some minutes the beautiful angel could be seen entering the room.

"Good day sir how may I help you??" She asked with a smile.

"Do you know how to play chess?"

"Um well yes i do but not very well!"

"Well sit down I want to play chess with you!!" He said pointing to the left side of the bed, she walked slowly but nervously, the maids were all sleeping for the afternoon by the order of Silver himself so there was silence.

His gaze on her maid her feel weird, she somehow felt uncomfortable, she felt like as though he wanted to eat her raw.

After she sat down the game began, Silver was winning, until she made a move and finally won, she yelled for joy, she actually didn't win, he failed on purpose.

He was just staring at her, her beautiful eyes, those eyes that glimmer brighter than the stars in their galaxy.

As he drew closer, the air around them seemed to charge with electricity. Their lips barely grazed, yet the touch sent shivers down her spines. The world around them melted away, leaving only the two of them, lost in the moment.

Although Dora was shocked, she actually liked the kiss and then eased into it.

The kiss deepened, their mouths moving in sync as they explored each other's lips. The sensation was like a spark igniting a flame, warmth spreading through their veins.

Their tongues danced together, the sweetness of their lips mingling in a tender caress. Time stood still as they lost themselves in the kiss, their hearts pounding in unison.

As they broke apart for a breath, their eyes were still fixed on each other.

What just happened??, Dora asked herself before she left the room, Silver could tell that she was blushing, ge then smiled at his good work and went back to his laptop.


Dora ran down the stairs immediately, she then clenched her chest as the scene of them kissing repeated in her mind, he soft pink lips, he was such a a good kisser.

Why didn't I pull away she asked herself??, she then went back to her room.

Later that day, Theodora was in her room reading a book she found when Kenna came in with a smile.

"Hey bestie!!"

"What is it Kenna??"

"Don't use that tone on me, I want to show something cool!!"

"What is it??" Dora smashed suddenly intrigued.

"Well follow me!!" She said as she left the room,Dora followed, they then snuck to the back of the house where a maze is located.

"Wow!!" Dora said

"Isn't cool!!"

"Let's check it out!!" Kenna added

"No we should go back, do you how difficult it is to get out of a maze that we don't know that well" Dora said getting scared.

"Come on please let's give it a try"

"Urgh fine!!"

They then went in, they got separated, and Dora started wondering round the maze

As she wandered through the maze, Dora couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement and adventure. The high walls of hedge seemed to stretch on forever, and the twisting paths led her deeper and deeper into the labyrinth.

At first, Dora followed the path carefully, trying to memorize each turn and landmark. But as she went deeper into the maze, the paths began to look more and more similar.

She started to feel a sense of unease, as if the maze was shifting and changing around her.

Despite her growing unease, Dora pressed on, trying to find her way out of the maze.

She turned corner after corner, but every path led her to a dead end. She began to feel a sense of panic, as if she was trapped and couldn't find her way out.

"Kenna!!, Kenna!!" She screamed as she started feeling anxious, she started praying secret prayers for Silver to come save her.

Why was she wishing for Silver to come save her?? Maybe because he brought her a sense of ease.

Kenna has already come out of the maze but she didn't see Dora.

"DORA!DORA!!" She called hoping to here a response but got nothing in return, only the sound of her voice echoing was the only thing she heard.

"What have I done??" She asked as she grabbed a handful of her hair.

She didnt know who to tell, no one would listen to her, because to her seniors she was just a puny maid.

She then ran inside and went to meet Rebecca.

"Senior Rebecca, please help me!!, Dora is lost in the maze!!"

"She entered by herself so she will come out by herself!!" Rebecca said with a scoff.

Kenna took her lips in for a suck, she didn't know who to ask she just sat there with tears praying that Theodora id gonna be okay.

As the sun began to set, casting long shadows across the maze, Dora realized that she was truly lost. She had no idea which direction to go, and the paths seemed to stretch on forever. She sat down on a bench, trying to catch her breath and think clearly.

As night began to fall, Dora's anxiety turned to fear. She was alone and lost in the maze, with no way to find her way out. She heard strange noises in the darkness, and her imagination ran wild.

She didn't want to move, she just sat down on the bench, she started crying.

She closed her eyes hoping Silver would come save her. She was already starting to get cold, she squeezed her small body on the bench as the cold enveloped her.


Silver was coming down the stairs as his shoes kissed the floors loudly, he was on his phone doing gawd knows what, he then went to the dining table and sat down.

The maids came and put the different delicacies on the table, he expected the usual when, Dora would serve him but he saw Rebecca serving him dinner.

"Where is Dora??" He asked as he adjusted his spec and looked up at Rebecca, she twitched and said


"Did I stammer where is Dora??" He asked getting worked up.

He had never been as never been as aggressive as this because of a maid.

"Well, Kenna told me that she was lost in a maze!!"

"How long was that??"

"In the morning!!" She said then a slap landed on her cheek her lips bled profusely.

He stood up and immediately left the food, he then walked straight to the maze.

Silver strode confidently through the maze, his eyes fixed on the path ahead. He knew every twist and turn, every dead end and shortcut.

He had spent countless hours exploring the labyrinthine passageways, and he was determined to find Dora.

As he walked, he mentally ticked off the various landmarks and features of the maze. He passed by the fountain, the statue of the minotaur, and the hedge maze within a maze.

He knew that Dora was likely to be in one of the more secluded areas of the maze, so he made his way towards the less-traveled paths.

The man's footsteps echoed off the walls as he turned corner after corner, his eyes scanning the passageways for any sign of Dora.

As he approached the garden, he caught sight of Dora. She was laying on a bench, her eyes closed as she quivered, she was quite cold.

Silver's heart quickened as he approached her, and he felt a sense of relief wash over him.

He immediately went to her and covered her with his Coat, she felt the warmth and her eyes flashed opened and landed on a pair of grey ones.

"Silver!!" She cold as she hugged him tight, he took reciprocated the hug and said

"I thought this was the end how did you find me??"

"Are you hurt do you feel any pain??" He asked totally ignoring her question he then checked her body with worry clear on his face.

She then smiled and said

"I'm fine thanks for coming to save me!!"

"Let's go!!" She said as she made to stand up when her ankle got sprained and she immediately fell to the ground

"Ouch!!" She screamed and he immediately bent her level and checked her ankle, it was just minor sprain but he couldn't let her walk he then gave her a piggy back ride as he smartly walked out of the maze.

As they came out all eyes were on them, he then ignored their prying eyes and took her to his room and lay her gently on his bed.

He went to his drawer and brought out his first aid kit and started treating her wounds. She looked at him as she observed his facial expression he looked so romantic as he gently cleaned her wound.

"Why are you helping me??" She suddenly asked and looked up at her and said

"I think I love you!!" He suddenly said out of the blue and she looked up at him





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