
His crazy obsession

Theodora the daughter of Mr Nathan, one of the multi billionaires of his time, lived a terrible life, a life of suffering and pain, until things started crumbling down for her father. Silver the cold hearted billionaire Mafia boss. A man of known to have little or no emotions, he borrowed Mr Nathan some money for his business and he couldn't pay Nathan back. Out of his selfishness, Nathan sold his first daughter Theodora to Silver to pay him for his debt, what happens when sparks fly between them and silver ands up falling in Love with Theodora?? And she took ends up having feelings for him??, dark family mysteries are uncovered, will love triumph in the end? Read on to find out!!

Gift_Ny · Fantasy
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20 Chs

CHAPTER 9 & 10



"Why are you helping me??" She suddenly asked and looked up at her and said

"I think I love you!!" He suddenly said out of the blue and she looked up at him



She was in shock, did he just say he loved her or did her just love her body she didn't understand what was going on

"You love me"

"How many times should I say it!!, you know what forget it" He said as he lifted his dark gaze to her, he didn't know why he even siad that, since she came inti his life he felt weird.

When she got missing he felt like as though a part of him was dying, he felt like as though he was losing something special to him.

He then told her coldly

"Leave when your leg gets better"

She then nodded and immediately after he left started walking slowly to her room, as she reached the third floor where her room was located all the maids started looking at her weirdly.

"What happened??" she asked when she finally had enough of the stares.

Kenna then immediately ran to her and hugged her tightly and said

"Are you okay??"

"I'm good let's go in first I don't like the stares those maids are giving me"

"Okay!" Kenna said as she walked Theodora slowly to her room, she sat her down on her bed, before Dora asked

"Why the f^ck are they staring at me??"

"Well you see, Boss actually created a scene when he found out you were missing, he was so angry, some say slapped Rebecca!!" Dora suddenly gasped

"Oh God she is gonna treat me much worse!"

"I don't think the boss will let that happen, I think he likes you"

"Really you think he does"

"Yes he does!!"

"He asked me out!!"

"What!!!" She said as he mouth widened.


Martinez was in his little office, as a woman handled his length down there, he was groaning from pleasure as he placed his hands on her head to direct her when his phone rang.

The lady wanted to stop because she wanted him to make his call but he held her there and to her that signified that she was doing a great job.

He then answered the phone and Venoms voice was heard from the other side.

"We've got the girl"

"I'll be there in a sec I'm handling somethings!"

"Okay boss take your time she ain't going anywhere!!"


"Mr please let me go please!!" The lady begged but it all fell on deaf ears.

"Why would I kidnap a sexy nurse like you just to let you go??" He asked as he licked his lips, she gulped she didn't say a word so as not to get raped.

A few minutes Martinez came into the room, the lady raised her head up, she trembled in fear as the environment just changed.

The man excluded a dark aura as a wicked smirk got planted in his face. He looked at her with the coldest eyes and showed her a picture

"Do you know him??"

"Yes sir !"

"You'll have to do something for me if you don't want me to kill you and your fucking mother"

"Please don't harm my mother I will do anything!!" He then smiled as he told her what to do.


Silver had just got back from work, he came back early so he ordered Dora to get groceries and prepare dinner.

She had worn a simple worn out dress that Kenna gave her when he said

"You don't go out like that!!"

"What's wrong with my dress??" She asked turning around to show him all parts of the dress. He ignored that and called his designer to bring her some clothes.

Rebecca saw all these and scoffed, she worked here for so long yet the boss hadn't one day rewarded her not to talk of even buying her clothes.

After a few minutes the designer came in and brought out a set of designer clothes and picked one for Dora to wear.

Dora wore a stunning designer casual dress in a rich shade of burgundy, crafted by the renowned fashion house, Élan Vital.

The dress was made from a luxurious blend of silk and cotton, with a subtle sheen that caught the light. Its relaxed fit skimmed her body, falling in soft folds to just above her knees.

A delicate silver zipper ran up the back, and a matching belt cinched at her waist emphasized her slender figure.

The dress featured a classic V neckline that showed a little of her boobs and short sleeves, with a intricate embroidery of leaves and vines dancing across the hem. The overall effect was effortless chic, as if Dora had simply thrown on a masterpiece.

"How do I look??" She asked, Silver lifted his gaze to her and damn, she look incredibly hot, and cute at the same time.

She felt like as though he wanted to eat her up, because of his burning gaze.

Her boobs, were the next thing that caught his attention after her beautiful face, that alone made him get hard, just looking at her.

She then cleared her throat and asked again

"How do I look??"

"You look ugly!!" He said as he got up and went to the office section of his room he couldn't bear to look at her if not he would pounce on her and fuck her till she moaned his name.

She then scoffed at his rudeness and carried her purse and made to leave when he said

"Use the car and guards will follow you!!"

"ye, jeoneun hal geosseum-nida ( yes I will!!)" she said in Korean and left.

As she got downstairs, she saw the Ferrari had been prepared for her, her eyes widened this was the car she was gonna use damn.

She immediately entered with the guards and went to get the groceries for dinner.

Coming out of the supermarket she then decided to go to her home, she knew that Silver would get mad but she wanted to go do something to her fucking father for selling her and her fucking sister for all she had done to her.

"Driver please go to Elm Street!!"

"Ma'am did the boss give you permission??" He asked and she took her lips in for a suck then contemplated wheather she should say the truth or lie

"Yes he did now drive!!" She lied then he immediately sped off to Elm Street. He then pulled up in front of her house.

Nathan came out, the Ferrari he saw feared him, then a pair of black shoes stepped out, and Dora stepped out and swung her long hair back. She then removed her shades and said

"Father it's been so long!!"

"Dora!!" He said with a frightened look on hos face, how did she get Silver's car??, I thought she died??

"Did you miss me??" She asked with a smirk, she then walked slowly to where her father stood and looked at him face to face and said

"You're not my father anymore.I can't believe I was ever related to someone like you.You've sold me out for your own gain. I'm nothing to you,I hate you for what you've done,You've ruined my life and sold me to the highest bidder.I'll never forgive you for this,I'm not your property to sell or trade. I'm a person, not a commodity."

He was so silent, what could he say he deserved every word coming out of her mouth.

She then continued

"Look at me now, Father. I'm wealthy and successful, despite your attempts to ruin me. I've made a life for myself, and I didn't need you to do it.I married the man you sold me to, and he's been a far better husband than you were a father."

As she said that his eyes widened, married, she married Silver, how the fuck did she manage that by this time Celina had already come out and when she heard marry her blood boiled.

"I've got a life of luxury and comfort now, and it's all thanks to the fact that you were willing to sell me out. I'll make sure everyone knows the truth about the kind of man you are. I've come back to show you that I'm more than just a pawn in your games. I'm a strong, capable woman who won't be held back by the likes of you"

"Sseuregi abi!! (Worthless father!!)" She cursed as she entered the car and they left on their way out a man stopped in front of the gate it was Dora's boyfriend Jordan.

She came down from the car, she then went to him, he heard everything, as he heard that she was married he froze.

"So you got married you didn't tell me!!" She looked at him emotionlessly.

"You are a bitch and I hate you I hate you so much, I now know that you are a whore, you are a disgrace to all women, if I knew things would end up like this I would have never fallen for a slut like you!!"

As he said that two slaps landed on his cheeks, she then said

"Then let's end things, if you ever come near me I will kill you I promise you that!" She threatened and entered the car and drove off.

It was already 4pm when she got back and Silver was so fucking worried as soon as she entered and the car parked, Silver immediately started yelling at the driver and guards.

"How can you guys be so stupid??, what if something had happened to her huh!!, you know what you are all sacked!!"

She then ran to him and held his hands and said

"Please don't fire them it is my fault!!"

"Fine I won't!" He said almost immediately and the guards were in shock did Little miss just change his mind that fast.

"Why are you standing here get things done!!"

"Yes sir!!" They all chorused and went back to work. She immediately went to the kitchen and started cooking with the other maids.

They made peach cobbler, then went to other foods, after she was done she then went to her room to rest, she was quite tired, after what happened today all her energy was drained.

She closed her eyes and drifted into the land of slumber.


As the sumrays hit Dora's eyes, and her eyes flustered open she then used the back of her palm to rub her eyes she then sat up and stretched.

She went to the bathroom and immediately, had her bathe and brushed her teeth, she wore her maid dress and went outside the room.

As she came out the first person she saw was Becca, she instantly bowed and then Becca told her

"Go eat with the others, your food is on top the kitchen counter!!"

"Yes ma'am!!" She said as she started walking to the kitchen, and as promised there was food in the kitchen counter she then carried it and went to sit with Kenna.

They then started eating when Kenna said

"This is the first time Rebecca allowed us to eat before doing work!"

"Really wow!!" Dora said

"We better enjoy it!!" Kenna said, Dora only ate little of her food and gave the rest to Kenna, unknown to them that someone had been watching them.


Jordan had just got up and was busy cooking his breakfast when he heard a knock on the door. He then immediately went to open it and he saw Celina.

"What the f^ck are you doing here??"

"I came to make a deal with you!!"

"What deal??" He asked with a creased brow.

"Can I come in first!!" She asked and he opened the door and let her in. She sat down and he took sat and she then said

"Do you want vengeance on my sister??"

"I'm listening!!" He said with an evil smirk plastered on his face


As he entered everyone went silent, no one dared to look up at his face because of how scared they were.

He then went to his meeting room and then sat on the main chair when his executives came in the meeting began.

"Sir you need to get married because the your aunt can use your relationship status to woo the court into giving her your company" Helen said

"Is it necessary??" Silver asked with his gaze not leave his laptop.

"Yes sir!!"

"Is that all??" He asked them the meeting continued. After the meeting he got a call from Nathan


Rebecca groaned form the pain she felt in her stomach, she wondered why she was the one feeling the pain when it was supposed to be Dora.

Did she find out??, did she switch the foods??, she asked herself.

She had planned to poison Dora's food so that she would experience the pain she experienced now but she was still smiling.

Becca wanted to wipe that smile from her face, she was jealous of her too jealous.


Silver had come back, from work he was still outside eh then suddenly asked the driver

"Where did Miss Dora go to that day??"

"Oh ot her parents house to confront her father, she seemed really hurt, she then said that you are her husband!!"

"Okay continued your work!!" Silver said and the man went back to work

"Husband huh" he said as he chuckled and arranged his hair.

He had gotten a call from Nathan earlier and he had called him his in law and he was quite confused but played along. He knew it had something to do with Dora so he wanted to confirm.

It's was already nighte and most maids and slept when he then called Dora to his room she was still side awaje thinking of what Jordan said.

She was so damn hurt he heart ache and worst the devil has called her to ruin her day.

She entered the room and she then stood and said

"What do you need sir??"

He said nothing he then started taking slow steps to her when she started shifting backwards until her back was in the door and his arms caged her small body he then said

"You said I am your husband right!!"

She wondered how he found out, she wanted to lie but then decided to say the truth cause she knew he was a dangerous guy.

"Ye.....ye.....yes I di..... did!!" She is in nearly a whisper, and he heard it and he then said

"Then let's get married then!"



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