
His Concubine princess

A small kingdom with a lot of good will fall into the hands of a ruthless tyrant, a beautiful princess will be betrayed by the most trusted person in her life and end up as the concubine of the tyrant emperor.

ooh_reeta · Sejarah
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50 Chs

He wants and she wants

She stopped in front of the door, holding a small stick in her hand, passing it on the floor before stepping.

She said in a calm voice

"Who is there?"

"It's me... Lilian... open the door, Eva."

Eva sighed and breathed a sigh of relief because she knew that Lillian was the woman behind the door, so she opened the door quietly and greeted Lillian with a smile even though she did not see her.

Lillian welcomed her into the room and took her by the hand to make her sit on the bed quietly and sat down next to her.

"Thank you, Lillian."

Lillian waved her hand and said with a smile.

"Don't thank me, that's okay, and I also want to tell you that I think I've got a temporary job with which we can manage this while I try to get my way to the Imperial Palace to ask for the Emperor's help.

Northern. "

Eva put her hand on Lillian's thigh and said softly

"Lilian, I know you're reckless and you just want to get out of this life ASAP but you really need to be careful... I'm afraid of losing you too, I'm not ready to be alone."

Lillian hugged her and patted her on the back, and the other one felt completely helpless because she lost her eyes, and everyone knows that the eyes are the most important sense of all the senses that everyone enjoys except for some people who may have been born with this form or other diseases.

"Lilian, did you bring something to eat? My feet are starting to not help me because of my hunger..."

Lillian smiled and Eva heard the sound of the papers that Lillian had taken out of their truth and then took out small sandwiches from the papers that were sufficient for them for one meal.

Eva grabbed her and felt her, then smiled

"Look delicious"

The two girls sat eating and talking about plans

The next one that they should do, but there are already those who are lurking behind the curtain, and it can be said that he is the person who is waiting for the right opportunity to reach them.

"Oh.. they seem fine, I'm happy with that, so I'll find another way to deal with this matter."

He left after eavesdropping on them from behind the wall near the window where he could hear half of their conversation.

But he left without completing what the two girls were talking about.

The black-haired, red-eyed man who broke into the Northern Imperial Palace in one night was sitting bored and resting his cheek on his palm coldly as if he wanted to grab his sword and just go to kill anyone who came in his way.

In the great hall and at that large table containing different types of the finest and best types of food, Julian sits coldly and eats nothing but pickled olives because it was one of his best meals.

Here where he raised his eyes after hearing the sound of the great door in front of him being opened and the northern emperor entered, smiling as if forced to the point that he was feeling suffocated, and Julian noticed that thing and disturbed him.

"Good morning, Emperor Julian?"

Julian did not answer him, but he waved his hand to him quietly, and those clothes they brought him were bothering him, so he left his shirt open.

With black, slightly flared pants and boots slightly below the knees.

"This is boring...don't pretend, just sit down, I know you well, woo."

The emperor sighed and exhaled all the breath he was holding in his chest with fear and made to sit in front of him at the medium-sized table.

He put his hands on the table impatiently.

"Julian please! You know these things shouldn't be like this, just tell me, be honest with me why you came to the Northern Empire like this?"

Julian smiled and clapped his hands excitedly and said to him.

"There are two reasons, the first is about you, and the second is about you, and if you fail to answer me correctly, I will put your head in this dish instead of this pig's head."

Emperor Hao swallowed his saliva with fear and hesitation and pulled his hand off the table to place it on his lap with fear and hesitation.

"Just tell me what you want, I'll listen to you."

Julian sat down and put his feet up on the table and pointed his hand at Emperor Hao and said to him.

"Firstly, the procession with which I came from the Kingdom of Mirjana was kidnapped by people from the Northern Empire, do not ask me how, and secondly, the Princess of Mirjana escaped here with a woman of the famous family of Graz."

The emperor sighed and was afraid that a wrong word would come out of his mouth that would cause his death, so he said to Julian after two minutes of silence and Julian looks with a terrifying smile.

"I will investigate the kidnapped convoy for you, and I will send out entire patrols daily to search for the princess. That's all you want to hear, isn't it?"

Julian clapped him and smiled and got up to turn and stand behind him with his big hands on his shoulders as he stroked them and put his head near that man's neck.

Unfortunately, your answer is correct, I was looking for a toy to staple with my sword.

"I was kidding... Don't worry I don't care about people like you."

Julian smiled and walked away from him and headed towards the hall, after he opened the big door and came out without closing it, then said to him as he walked.

"I will look for the princess myself, you only take care of the procession."

That gentle emperor was holding his neck with his hands as if he was afraid that Julian's sword would come flying and cut him.

"Damn you Julian!"

Emperor Hao's first aide entered and told him.

"Emperor Julian that… It's the true meaning of horror, don't worry your majesty, we will help you as much as we can to get rid of this man as soon as possible."

He was trembling and that was evident in the eyes of the servant who caught him by chance and turned his eyes wearily at his emperor's actions.

A week later Eva was going out a little and standing in front of the hotel building in a heavy coat and good clothes that Lillian had bought after working with that old man as an escort.

"I wish I could see the snow I feel fall on my hands but... that's just a silly wish, I don't think there's any need to think about these things."

Eva turned and took the small stick to enter the hotel again

Julian, who was looking for Eva in every spot while he was wearing his normal clothes, those pants and his loose white shirt that he puts over the pants and his heavy cloak, which they washed well for him after it was full of blood, and he wore it again.

- Eva, Eva... Where did you go, Eva..."

He stared at every woman he passed while riding his horse

Even as he passed every bar and hotel he was looking for Eva's face in all the women, but would he ever find her?

In addition to the fact that he used to bring that servant to him in his room to throw his desires on her without touching her, and she was used to it, but she hated him as a sword.

"What are you ordering me now, Your Majesty?"

"Nothing, just get out."

He replied to her after she was almost stripped of her clothes to go out after she rearranged her clothes as he headed to the bathroom and almost exploded in anger and that was clear in his eyes even while he was showering and the hot water in which his body drowned in the tub.

He only wants Eva, he does not want that woman who looks like her to destroy his lusts, he wants to empty his lusts into that princess who ran away from him when he was trying to block the way on her and hold her inside his ribs.

"What is Eva doing... is she naked now...? No, maybe she's taking a shower... and the hot water wets her body to make it red, so that it becomes a painting worthy of being placed in a special glass cabinet."

"And that seal under her back... I want to see it so badly... I want to see it. Although it has spoiled her soft, sexy body, it looks great on her..."

His words were unbalanced and he didn't know what to do, he's the one

who has never lost in his life, and has obtained everything he wanted,

How can a woman make him suffer all this time

On that night, Julian left the palace, despite the cold weather, especially at the beginning of sunset.

"Eva... I don't think I'll be back before I bring you back this time..."