
His Accountant Princess

"How do I not have the right?! I'm your husband. And how can that bastard of a man have the right then? How dare he think of you? You are mine and - Zila fiercely cut him off, eyes clearly filled with rage. "I am not yours, Kay. If I was, then why did you throw me out of your house and not believe me when I had told you my explanation?" "You. Are. Mine! " He simply replied, his every word clear. -------------------------------------------------------------- In a country, named Finorea, where kings and queens still exist, a girl named Zila got married to a ruthless and cold crown prince. [VOLUME 1] ~Pursuing His Wife Back. The jealousy of some people separated them from each other. But he can't pursue after her as now he knows of the many dangers that will come their way when he becomes a king. And he can't take any chance when it comes to Zila. [VOLUME 2] ~His Wife Is Back Zila came back with Kay now but she didn't want to be with him anymore as he broke her heart. Kay will do anything to keep her with himself and he would made her stay with him whether she likes it or not. -------------------------(----) --------------------- *This is a CEO modern day romance novel. So if you are a fan of Happy ending novels, do give it a try. New book "Her Devil Prince" is out. Do check it out.

ZOA · perkotaan
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176 Chs

Attending the marriage ceremony (2)

Zila was now sitting obediently in the car not saying a word. 

There was complete silence in the car and only the car engine sound could be heard. 

Zila didn't want to talk with him as she was angry at him for dragging her towards his car and Kay was angry at her for resisting him and not obeying his orders so both of them just stayed quiet and didn't utter a single word in their journey. 

After about thirty minutes they finally reached at the party. 

Kay and Zila were wearing their formal dresses.

Zila was wearing a black short coat with black long paints which had a little flare. 

Her shirt was pure white and her black high heels made her look more elegant and classy. 

Her sleeves folded up which gave her weary but stylish look. 

The car stopped in front of a lavish looking rest house. 

Both of them came out of the car and went inside. She elegantly walked beside Kay with girls looking at her with disgust. 

Both of them were looking like a couple because of their attire. 

They entered the hall with a strong aura around them and immediately everyone's eyes fell on them. 

Girls and other people present there were shocked and their eyes widened when they saw Kay entering the hall. He usually avoided these type of parties but whenever he came, girls always tried to hit on him which made him pissed off.

Girls gazed at him with lust and desire dripping from their eyes but when they saw Zila beside him all of them looked at her with disgust and began to check her from top to bottom. Some of them even knew that Zila was Kay's wife as they were present in their wedding. 

Zila could sense everyone's heated gaze on her but she didn't care a little about it. 

She was already used to receive these type of death glares because when she was together with him and whenever she joined him in public events, girls used to embarrass her but she didn't care about it a little bit. 


Zila and Kay were in a public event where an auction was taking place. 

She was sitting just beside him and enjoying the night, people were busy buying different items and whenever someone won any items in the auction everyone clapped for them to congratulate. 

Zila was wearing a red floral dress while Kay had a black tuxedo on him. Both of them made a beautiful couple together and looked quite elegant. 

They were enjoying the night when suddenly a silver emerald necklace came in front of her eyes. 

It was the next item in the auction and when Zila saw it, all her memories came running back in her mind like a movie. 

It was the necklace of her mother, her eyes welled up with tears. 

She didn't have any idea about how it reached there and why were it being auctioned. 

Kay saw her worried expression, he wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her closer to himself. He asked by coming near her ear and said in his seductive voice and she felt his breath on her ear. 

"What happened babe." 

A shiver ran down her spine when he mentioned her as "babe" but she lovingly looked at him, her tears vanished and she explained to him. 

"That's the necklace my mother used to wear, I don't know how it went there but I want that necklace." 

She pointed towards the big screen where that item was completely visible. The necklace had a big freshwater pearl in its centre. A silver heart rested on the top of pearl while there were seven small emeralds on its sides which gave it a graceful look. 

Kay gave a shake to his head and caressed his hand on her cheeks at which she blushed hard and that made Kay let out a big chuckle. He loved to see his wife blushing and he couldn't help but smile whenever she do so.

"You can just go for it and buy it." 

Kay said while comforting her, still not letting go of her waist and Zila vigorously nodded her head. 

The auction started and every one started bidding. The starting price for it was one lakh and the auction started. 

Zila didn't raise any board as she was waiting for the right time. The price raised to three lakh eight lakh and nine lakh fifty thousand. 

Zila realized that no one was raising their boards anymore so this time she raised her board and said with sternly and confidence dripping from her voice. 

"10 lakh!" 

Everyone started to gossip when she raised her board, there was a girl who was auctioning for it from the start, she was the young mistress of the most eligible family of Finorea. 

But when Zila raised her board every one started gossiping about who will win and who will get it. 

The necklace was really important for Zila and she would never leave it. 

The mistress saw that Zila wanted that necklace so instead of giving up on it, she tried more. 

The mistress actually liked Kay and was jealous of Zila. She thought that if she let Zila take the necklace it meant that she lost from Zila. 

Now both of them started raising prices again and again. 

The price reached at fifteen lakh and that mistress was running out of her money but still she didn't want to lose.

Zila was also feeling bad as she was spending a lot of money but Kay told her that it's okay and that she should continue and won that necklace. 

Her confidence level raised when Kay comforted her and once again she was firm in winning the necklace. 

"21 lakh!" by mistress. 

"22 lakh 55 thousand!" by Zila.

"23 lakh" by mistress.

 The mistress understood the situation and she knew that she wouldn't be able to win the auction so she ordered her right handed man 

"Give a waitress some money and tell her to fake a fall and throw the red wine on her when I tell her to do so."

The men immediately nodded and left from there not before giving a little bow as a sign of respect. 

He did the same as he was told and gave a waitress some money. The waitress immediately accepted the money and agreed to his request. 

The man pointed towards Zila and told her that she is the girl, the waitress got scared at first because she was the princess but she needed that money so she decided to do it no matter what!

She grabbed a glass full of red wine and started to take low strides towards where Zila was sitting. 

She was quite scared as Kay was also sitting just beside her. 

Fear of getting caught, scared and terrified were the emotions she was feeling at that time. 

She was now just behind the sofa at which she was sitting, she was thinking of a way to fake the fall when someone called her. 

She shivered, the glass was just about to fall from the sudden voice. She hesitantly turned around to see who was the person that called her. 

On turning around she looked here and there and then her eyes fell on the same guy who gave her the money earlier. He came towards her and whispered in her ear before quickly leaving. 

"Wait for the signal." 

He pointed towards his mistress. 

That mistress nodded her head at the waitress, as to tell her that it's me and as a reply, she also nodded her head. 

She again turned towards the sofa and thought for a while. 

A girl was coming her way very fastly and a thought hit her mind. 

She decided to fake hit her so she walked a little away from there and then hurriedly came walking towards the sofa so that she could hit her just beside the sofa. 

The auction was still going on and the price was now raised to twenty five lakh, she didn't have any more money and she now knew that she wouldn't be able to continue. The host started his count and everyone was now eagerly waiting if someone would raise the price. 

The mistress nodded her head and she understood that it's the right time. 

The girl came walking fast from one side and from the other side the waitress came walking as fast as she could with the glass filled with red wine in it and she tried to not gain anyone's attention. 

The glass was in her left hand and she striked that girl's right shoulder so that she was pushed towards her left side and the red wine from the glass spilled and fell on Zila from the back side. 

Zila immediately stood up and tried to look back at her dress. 

Question of the day:

Do you guys think Zila will be able to win the necklace or the mistress will win the auction item? 

A) Mistress will win.

B) Zila will win.

C) Someone else will win. 

Tell me about your thoughts by commenting on it

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