
Highschool DxD: The Monstrosity of the Abyss

His soul has been tainted in the depths of the Abyss, as the Abyss itself, who happened to be a very powerful omnipotent being. Offer the soul a second chance of life. But unlike most fanfics, due to the tainted soul of his, he wasn’t given any kinds of wish, and his choices of anime worlds was limited to three. First being Dragon Ball, which was denied, due to the fact, it is very dangerous. Second was Fairy Tail, with a twist that everyone’s genders are swapped. And the soul’s geek/otaku’s side cannot handle the fact, there is a female Gray and Natsu in that world. So, he picked the last choice, which was Highschool DxD, with the only twist, there both OCs and characters from other animes will be existing in that world. As the otaku/geek he is, the soul was overjoyed as he accepts this offer, with no wishes, and only power he has is something he soon will call Abyssal Power, the power from the Abyss itself. Little did anyone will know, how much an impact he will have on this parallel world of DxD. And when the Supernatural, the world that houses the Devils, Angels, Fallen Angels, Gods, and even Dragons, and many more. Many will react differently when they find out about his existence. Many will want to hunt him down. Many will fear him, and his Devil and God-like Powers. And there also those that admire and worship his existence. But one thing is clear, the day when he awakened the powers known as the power of the Abyss, Abyssal Power. Will be the day when the Monstrosity from the Abyss is born. And his followers, who also create as much chaos in the Supernatural as he does.

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DxD 31 – Can I quit? (2)

"Milord, are you in?" Went a young boy's voice behind the door, but before Gunnar give any sorts of answer. Gunnar himself simply snapped his fingers, and when he did. A black mist coated his body, only moments later, the black mist disappeared. And pair of pain grey hoodie, and blue jeans appeared on Gunnar's body.

One of the many tricks that Gunnar had developed in the last three years, was a way to get himself dressed with his Abyssal Power, along with his Devourer's Subspace ability.

The Devourer's Subspace itself, has now grown, compared what it was three years ago. Right now, Gunnar's Devourer's Subspace is capable of holding a whole village or small town within itself.

Because of that size, besides the 'food' to feed his Abyss. Gunnar has a lot of other things inside his subspace besides food supplies. He has weaponry, clothing, medical supplies, and even entertainment items, like comics, manga, anime, cartoons and even gaming consoles, TVs, and laptops within his subspace.

Because Gunnar is nearly all the time busy these days, either doing his job as the leader of Black Gate, living up to his nickname as the Black Tempest. Or taking on important missions. Gunnar decided to develop a trick that combine both his Abyssal Power, the gas-like black mist. And his Devourer's Subspace, to be able to dress himself faster.

Not in the getup of the Abyssal King, which is the Black Demon Mask, that is laying on the bed itself. And his clothing of a hooded overcoat, and black pants, boots and even gloves, are in fact just clothing armour created by his Dark Creation ability.

But in simple clothing, of a plain grey hoodie, loose grey pants, and even some kind of sport shoes, that Gunnar cannot even remember the band of. Sat on his bad, with another sigh escaping from his flawless lips. And turned his gaze towards the door leading to his bedroom.

"Come in." Gunnar simply said, and a moment later, a young boy entered the room. The young boy himself, has black hair, and blue eyes, that more shaded towards sky blue, but a little lighter, compared to Gunnar's sea blue eyes. But another thing that made this boy stands out, for a human, he is a very handsome, and tall for his age.

The handsome boy in question, is wearing a similar black overcoat that Gunnar wear, but unlike Gunnar, that made with his Dark Creation. This boy's overcoat is hoodless.

"Shiba Tatsuya, reporting in, milord." The young boy, or Shiba Tatsuya said that, and give a military salute.

"Tatsuya, I am not in my Abyssal King cos-, I mean in my Abyssal King's getup. There is no need for you to salute." Gunnar went with a bitter smile.

"Even if you are not in your official attire. You still are the leader of Black Gate, as the Head of the Development Division, as well, the Right Hand, I have no rights not to greet the King of the Abyss, the Abyssal King." Tatsuya said with a stoic expression.

"I said… never mind. So you reporting in? Does that mean Suou had died?" Gunnar asked, as he knew Tatsuya was watching the house, making sure that everything goes well in his plans.

"Yes, the subject that known as Baraqiel, Lightning of God, had finished off the target Himejima Suou at 0152, few hours after you left the forest. I had personally see his death, via the scope of my new test weapon, that I had also used on the Formation Masters of the Himejima Clan, milord." Tatsuya said, as he opened his hand, and a high-tech sniper rife appeared out of thin air, and in Shiba Tatsuya's hands.

Gunnar looked at the advance looking sniper rife, and sighed inwardly recalling the three reasons, why everyone in this world is wary of the Black Gate Faction.

The first reason is of course, is Gunnar or more like the Abyssal King, a monster that came out of nowhere, and has a monstrous growth rate. Of course, compared to the future Red Dragon Emperor, the Abyssal King's rate of growth is average compared to this era Red Dragon Emperor.

Nonetheless, that will be another 6 years before the Red Dragon Emperor makes his appearance in the Supernatural.

But the second and third reason why everyone is wary of the Black Gate faction, that is founded by the Abyssal King, and several others. Is what make Black Gate different compared to the other factions. And one of the reason, or maybe the main reason besides Gunnar himself. Is the fact, the main fighting power of Black Gate are their weaponry.

Infused of modern technology, and Magic itself. It is something that many Magicians tried to do in the last tens of years, but they all had failed… until a current faction, alongside a monster as their leader, appeared out of nowhere. Managed to successfully create such a thing.

Don't be fool, Gunnar knew that sniper rife in Shiba Tatsuya's hand, has enough firepower to one shot a High-Class Devil, or heavily wound an Ultimate-Class Devil. Not even the Light Pistol that invented by the Church has that kind of ability to hunt down Ultimate-Class Devils, and yet a gun that not even infused with Holy Power, but just plain Magic Power, is capable of killing Ultimate-Class beings.

It is a scary thing no matter how much Gunnar sees it. It is known fact, that only High-Humans, or Sacred Gear welders, can break the barrier into Ultimate-Class, and yet, here is a weapon that not even a Sacred Gear, but still powerful enough to rival the mid-level Sacred Gears.

And the one that created such a thing? Gunnar? He doesn't understand the first thing about these weapons! No, it was the boy before Gunnar, the head of a division in Black Gate, that developed all kinds of weapons and gadgets.

His name is Shiba Tatsuya, a person that shouldn't even exist in the canon known as Highschool DxD, after all, Shiba Tatsuya should be the protagonist of another canon known as the 'The Irregular At Magic High School'. And yet, here he is, right before Gunnar.

It has been two years, since Gunnar met Tatsuya. Gunnar still recalled meeting Tatsuya, and being shocked to see the dying boy, was no other than Shiba Tatsuya. Of course, his Otaku side would take over, if Tatsuya wasn't heavily wounded at that time. So he took the boy with him, healed him, and because Tatsuya had no place to go to, and Gunnar who knew Tatsuya's talents, made him his right-hand man.

Of course, this was before Black Gate was formed. But without Shiba Tatsuya, the mastermind behind the weaponry of Black Gate. Gunnar's plans to form a Faction will be delay further in the future.

"You created another scary weapon there." Gunnar simply said.

"I am still lacking, since it only can harm Ultimate-Class Devils that don't specialise in physical strength. It only can lightly wounded them. However, I am not here to report about my weapon performance. Uncle Jan from the Information Division has phoned me, it seems something is going on in Japan."

When Tatsuya said that Gunnar almost spat blood! Does this kid think that Ultimate-Class beings grow on trees! And he clearly not happy that it could only harm Ultimate-Class beings!

Even Gunnar thought it was scary enough, for a 11-year-old boy, human at that. Could made a weapon that has the potential of killing Ultimate-Class beings. And they call Gunnar a monster, if that is so, what this boy is?

Gunnar only sighed and yawned hearing that. Over the last three years, Gunnar, as well Tatsuya here. Has grown closed to the Lewy Couple, to the point, Gunnar even sees Jan Lewy and Cantina Lewy as his own family. And begun to call them as his own aunt or uncle. And in turned, the Lewy Couple was happy with that, and even told Tatsuya to do the same, to call them Uncle Jan or Aunty Cantina/Tina.

"Japan? What this had to do with us, and our faction?" Gunnar went, as he leaned backwards onto his bed, and stared at the ceiling.

"According to Uncle Jan, and the information from the Information Division. The nieces of the current Prime Minister, and the granddaughters of the former Prime Minister. Has been kidnaped, by an unknown group." Tatsuya said.

"Hmm, I see, and yet again, that isn't something we usually get involved with, unless it involved something that normal humans are incapable of handling… or maybe, I had to give another warning, again?" Gunnar went, with his sea blue eyes narrowing, and a smile appeared on his lips. It was the kind of smile, a cat will show to a mice, a playful smile, that will toy with his prey before their deaths.

"It not what you are thinking of milord. It has been confirmed. The people that are known as Fujiwara Toyomi, Fujiwara Chika, and Fujiwara Moeha are indeed real people. And not a ploy made by the government, trying to claim our weapons this time around." Tatsuya said, knowing why his master was showing killing intent, when he mentions name of the government.

There have been times, when Factions or even governments that knew of the Supernatural. Tried to get their hands on the technology of Black Gate. After all, a third of Black Gate's clients are rich people, or powerful government officers, that knew of the Supernatural.

There even been times, when their clients are not only from the government, but also not human themselves. It is not uncommon for supernatural beings, to hide within the ranks of human society. And it also because of that, there also been times, when those greedy humans and supernatural beings, tried to get their hands on their technology and weaponry.

After all, among the inventions that Tatsuya made. There are combat suits, that empowered normal humans to show off Low-Class Devil's level of physical ability. There even power armour that still in development, that can bring out physical ability of an immature Dragon. (AN: If I am not wrong, Dragons at adulthood, all reach Ultimate-Class, immature dragon is more like a teenager in dragon terms, so they are High-Class.)

Of course, Gunnar knew, that Tatsuya's personal armour, that he kept on developing and improving each day that passes. Already in the early stages of an Ultimate-Class being.

It is because of that, there are many factions and even governments desired Black Gate's weaponry. But each time, when one does show their greed, and used forced or some kind of underhand means to get Black Gate's weaponry and technology.

Each time that happens. Gunnar, or as the Abyssal King will show them why he is called the Black Tempest, walked into their home grounds, and 'kindly speak' to the person in charge.

And if they don't listen to Gunnar's 'kind' warning? Just say, there is a reason why Gunnar has a bounty of 10 billion dollars on his head. And it also increases each time, when Gunnar's 'kind' warnings don't get through them.

It also the main reason, why no one these days, tried to force their way to claim their weaponry. Since Gunnar, or the Abyssal King cannot be stopped when he wanted to assassinate someone.

It is because of that, many people in the Supernatural become afraid of Gunnar, since they don't understand how the Abyssal King's powers work. Heck, even the person himself has no clue either!

Nonetheless, it is because of the protection of the Abyssal King, that barely anyone foolish enough to try and mess with the Black Gate Faction.

However, Gunnar knew, it only be a matter of time, before the God Factions, and the other major factions will also get involved as well.

After all, it be a lot stranger for them to stand by and kept being naturel, if they found out Tatsuya's ability to mass created weapons that can make a normal human, to stand against a High-Class Devils, and even Ultimate-Class graded weapons are even being made right this moment!

In the eyes of the world, Black Gate Faction, is not only new, but also rapidly growing. And their leader is a real monster. But in the eyes of this co-called monster, Gunnar Klinger. The real monster is not himself, but the young boy he picked up 2 years ago, a human that is capable of creating such weapons and gadgets that already capable of harming Ultimate-Class Devils…

Given Tatsuya another two or six years? Gunnar felt a cold chill in the air, just thinking he might actually fucked up the canon, just by saving and picking up Tatsuya. After all, there is a reason, why Shiba Tatsuya had the nickname of Demon King in the canon of 'The Irregular At Magic High School'.

'Well, even if I fucked up this fanfic-like world, least I wouldn't be bored in the future… however, Fujiwara… Fujiwara… Fujiwara Chika? Why does that name sound familiar to me…?'

Gunnar thought, and cannot shake the feeling, he had heard of this Fujiwara Chika, and her sisters before. But cannot shake off where did he heard it from.

Sorry been a busy week, which I didn't have time to write, never mind upload any new chapters.

Anyway, like always, thanks for reading! And sorry for the errors in this chapter... if there is any.

AnimeDamoncreators' thoughts