
Highschool DxD: The Monstrosity of the Abyss

His soul has been tainted in the depths of the Abyss, as the Abyss itself, who happened to be a very powerful omnipotent being. Offer the soul a second chance of life. But unlike most fanfics, due to the tainted soul of his, he wasn’t given any kinds of wish, and his choices of anime worlds was limited to three. First being Dragon Ball, which was denied, due to the fact, it is very dangerous. Second was Fairy Tail, with a twist that everyone’s genders are swapped. And the soul’s geek/otaku’s side cannot handle the fact, there is a female Gray and Natsu in that world. So, he picked the last choice, which was Highschool DxD, with the only twist, there both OCs and characters from other animes will be existing in that world. As the otaku/geek he is, the soul was overjoyed as he accepts this offer, with no wishes, and only power he has is something he soon will call Abyssal Power, the power from the Abyss itself. Little did anyone will know, how much an impact he will have on this parallel world of DxD. And when the Supernatural, the world that houses the Devils, Angels, Fallen Angels, Gods, and even Dragons, and many more. Many will react differently when they find out about his existence. Many will want to hunt him down. Many will fear him, and his Devil and God-like Powers. And there also those that admire and worship his existence. But one thing is clear, the day when he awakened the powers known as the power of the Abyss, Abyssal Power. Will be the day when the Monstrosity from the Abyss is born. And his followers, who also create as much chaos in the Supernatural as he does.

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DxD 30 – Can I quit? (1)

All of the sudden, inside a simple bedroom, that only has single bed, desk with an office chair, and some high-tech computer on top of it. And crossed the bed itself, lies a flat TV, that is hooked with a gaming console, and besides the tv stand, lies stacks of video games, from JRPGs, RPGs, shooting games, and even dating sim games.

And in such a room, that has such a simple layout, a black mist appeared in this room. And from the black mist itself, a young boy in a black hooded overcoat, with some kind of demon mask in his right hand. Left the black mist and landed on the soft bed.

'I feel tired… mentally, not physically… how I think about it, when was the last time, I felt tired physically tired?' The young hooded boy asked himself in his mind. While a black mist begun to appear from his clothing, and moments later, everything besides the white boxers disappeared on the boy's body, leaving only his boxers, and the black demon mask, with the red eyes, that lay on the top of his bed.

For the young boy himself, he is only 12 years old, and yet he has a very lean muscly body, and with his otherworldly level of beauty or handsomeness. Anyone can see this kid, that only 12 years old, not only has the looks, but even his body is like a piece of art, almost like it was forged by the Gods themselves.

Black long hair, that reaches over his shoulders, and oceanic blue eyes, that shine like gems, if they belong to the bottom level of the sea itself. And this boy, who is known as the Abyssal King, the Devourer, the Black Tempest, or many other names.

Is in fact, Gunnar Klinger himself, as he sighed, recalling today's, or more like yesterday's events.

"I feel like a dick…" Gunnar muttered with a sighed. As he recalled the look on Akeno and her father, Baraqiel's faces.

One of the things that Gunnar wanted to do in this parallel world of DxD. Was to save Akeno's mother, Himejima Shuri. After all, which fanfic protagonist, don't want to do things, that don't exist in the canon?

But in order to make sure Akeno remain as Rias Gremory's Queen. Gunnar had to make several plans, and even stalked both Akeno's family, and the other Himejima Clan members. In the last three years, one of the things that Gunnar learnt, is that his Abyssal Power is very scary, when it comes to sneaking.

There never been a time, when someone was able to detect Gunnar through Magic alone. And there been times, when the other party, tried to use all kinds of things to pinpoint his location. From Sacred Gears, Magic itself, and even Divinity/Divine Power are useless against Gunnar.

All honestly, Gunnar doesn't get it himself. But it was easy for Gunnar to sneak into the homes of Akeno's and even into the grounds of the Himejima Clan. From there, Gunnar begun used his Dreamspace ability, to entered people's dreams. and in their dreams, Gunnar not only could see through their memories, but also their weakness.

It is because of that, Gunnar collected evidence on Himejima Suou, and even given a hint to the current head of the Himejima Suzaku. Of course, Gunnar didn't give Suzaku all the proof he had on Suou. Otherwise, Suou will be public executed, due to his sins he has done to become the former head of the Himejima Clan.

He could only give some proof of Suou's deeds, enough to not publicly kill the old man. But to actually put on a hit on Suou's head. And what kind of main jobs that Gunnar take on the most? Assassination, and Suzaku contacted Black Gate, since they were the ones that given her the evidence to her. To kill Himejima Suou.

The reward was 100,000,000 yen or $1,000,000. Which in a way, is not enough to move the Abyssal King himself. Nonetheless, it was something that Gunnar had to do himself. And the secondly reward was something that Gunnar needed the most… passes to enter the lands of the Shinto gods.

Being in the Supernatural for three years. One of the things that Gunnar, or the Black Tempest learnt. Was many Gods, and supernatural beings, don't like it, if you roam around their territories uninvited. Especially if that person is powerful, or part of some Faction. And the Black Tempest, or known as the Abyssal King now, is a person known to randomly entered your territory uninvited, cause a mess, and disappeared, as if it wasn't him who caused that chaos in the first place.

Of course, Gunnar at first, didn't knew this… that he had to have a pass. And secondly… when he meets high and mighty people… Gunnar just has this impulse… to pissed them off.

And the reason why the infamous Black Tempest wanted the pass into the Shinto Gods' territories? It is because, if Gunnar wanted to live in Kuoh in the future, which part of the Shinto Gods territories. He has to gain a pass from them. And what best way for Gunnar to gain such a thing? And that was to get the current head of the Himejima Clan in debt with the Abyssal King, and in turn, gained the pass into the Shinto gods' lands.

Of course, simply saving Akeno, and her mother will have a massive impact on the canon itself. After all, what is the caused for Akeno's personality change? That will be mother's death, as well, the Lady Gremory, Venelana being a role model to Akeno as well.

If Shuri doesn't die, not only Akeno will never be the Queen of Rias Gremory's Peerage, Baraqiel might try to reconnect with his family before the canon. And Gunnar cannot allow that.

And because Akeno's resentment towards Baraqiel is not at the same level, as it was in the canon, due to the sole fact, Shuri is still alive.

That is why, Gunnar to make sure Akeno will resent and doubt her father, nearly as much in the original storyline. Gunnar allowed the Himejima Clan member reached Shuri, and even purposely placed a mirror, so Akeno can watch her mother about to be attacked. All in order to plant the seeds known as doubt and resent in Akeno's young naïve mind.

But without water, there is no way for those seeds of doubt and resentment inside Akeno will never bloomed. That is why, after teleporting Akeno and her mother away. Gunnar massacred everyone besides Suou, and spread their gore in the living room, the place that Gunnar knew, Baraqiel and his family spent the most time in there, which had countless memories inside that very room.

And the result? Baraqiel had a mental break down, as planned, Baraqiel madly attacked Gunnar. Of course, Gunnar could easily end the fight, by shouting they're still alive. But instead, Gunnar only mention…

'Say, aren't you curious about your wife and daughter?'

Those words could mean many things. Like aren't you curious how I killed them? Aren't curious about their last words? Aren't you curious if they cried for their daddy, when I killed them? Of course, Gunnar didn't say that, but to anyone in Baraqiel's current state of mind that time. Could mishear it that way.

And when Baraqiel's mental state wasn't stable. Gunnar used that fact and told Baraqiel the hard truth. The truth he is incapable of protecting his daughter and wife now and even in the future as well. It was not an easy thing to say to Baraqiel. The reality that he cannot protect the only thing he hold dear to him.

Because of that truth, and the way Gunnar given Baraqiel that can protect his family. Made sure the Fallen Angel not to see his family, Shuri and Akeno until the second series of the anime canon, when the alliance between the Three Factions, and the Norse Gods will be formed. Or that is what Gunnar estimated, when they will unite again.

However, because Baraqiel will not see his child or wife until that happened. Akeno's seeds of resentment and doubts will grow in her mind, as her missing father will become the water to make them bloom.

Gunnar could only hope Akeno's personality and her being the Queen, and Rias's best friend, will remain the same in the canon itself.

'After all… this is the only way, I can think off… to save them. Nonetheless… it hurts being the one to break apart a family.' Guilt dwelled in Gunnar's mind, as he sighed. But what choice did he had? Even if he managed to protect Shuri and Akeno from the Himejima Clan. Doesn't change the fact, this can repeat itself. And Akeno and Rias will never meet.

That is why, Gunnar found Rias in the real world, and entered her dreams, and even control what she will dream about. It is simple task for Gunnar to make a person dream about the same thing over and over again.

Then when the moment comes, when Himejima Suou took his men, Gunnar dealt with them, and Akeno's family. Gunnar than made his way to Rias's bedroom, and place that letter.

Well, it will be a lie, that Gunnar felt nothing, when he saw a naked 12-year-old naked girl sleeping before him. However, Gunnar dispel any sexually thoughts about Rias. And left the letter, and left the place, without NTR Issei of his future main waifu.

'Is it me… or my hormones are getting stronger… when I was a human in my past life? I feel sexually aroused more often these days, when I was 12 in my past life?' Gunnar asked himself, since Gunnar is no human himself anymore. He has no clue how his body works compared to normal humans.

But one of the things that the 12 years old Gunnar did felt… his sexually desires are growing. He felt it for the first time when he was 10 years old. But overlook the matter, as simple hormones. But the older he gets, stronger his sexual drive grow.

"Nothing to worry about… just hormones… but no matter how I look at it, this world is really a parallel one…" Gunnar said that, and glances towards the flat TV. Even if Gunnar only had about third or half the knowledge of the canon. Doesn't mean, he doesn't know the year it should be.

Right now, it is the year 2016, and this made Gunnar narrowed his eyes, when he knew this should be the year 2002, since the canon should began in the year 2008. And yet, that was 8 years ago.

"Doesn't matter if this is the original DxD world, or a parallel one! I shouldn't get dwelled in such matters I cannot control…! I wondered if Baraqiel killed Suou yet? Or did the Abyssal Power I left inside him, killed him? Either way, a job is done, and all is left for Rias and Akeno to meet with each other! Well, I don't had to be there personally to know, Rias will leave Akeno and her mother alone… either way, I wished I could talked to them! Shame… it not every day you can meet the main cast of this world!"

Gunnar said that last part, not noticing his Otaku side took over him again. And sound like a fangirl that failed to meet their favourite idol. Even if they were in front of them.

Shaking his head in such matters. Gunnar turned his sea blue eyes to the flat TV, and a grin appeared on his face. And was about to get up, and engage in few hours of gaming, which is one of Gunnar's hobbies in this world. However, before Gunnar could even turned on the console or the TV itself.

A knocked heard on the door, that made Gunnar halted his steps, as the young boy that only has boxers on him. Sighed, knowing who that person might be, especially so, when he heard a young boy's voice.