
Highschool AxL: Holy lion

Meet Daniele Berti, a reincarnated person,At least he learned that when he turned 5 But unfortunately the world he is in is more dangerous than he thinks.

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26 Chs

Fighting a giant, instant change and partnership

Two Months Later

Vasco Strada has many names such as The violence of church, Mr. Durandal etc. but for me, I completely agree with one of the names. "THE TRUE DEVİL" Believe me I couldn't agree more

"Aaaaahhhhhhhh" That's all I could say as I flew towards the corner wall .But as soon as I fell, I tried to get up because if I don't get---"kyaaa ---" "owwww"

...xenovia falls on me

It's been two weeks since this damn old man started training us


We all had different reactions to xenovia's question .The giant in front of us couldn't help but chuckle I couldn't help but cover my face with my hands .Griselda... Well was looking at xenovia with a cute smile on her face, but the slight shadow falling on her eyes showed that this smile was not that cute. Poor xenovia

Xenovia finally noticed Griselda and suddenly went rigid and broke out in a cold sweat, then looked at me. I'm sorry ,you're on your own, I love living

Vasco finally stopped giggling and looked at us, then his eyes turned to me and then to Regulus.

" *Sigh* Even though I was informed in advance, seeing it in person is a really different feeling. I am a person known as vasco strada "

[ I'm regulus... Are you seriously human? Your scent, your aura, the feeling you give, even if you are completely human, my instincts are screaming not to underestimate you]"Although it would be an honor for me to be praised by a being like you, unfortunately I am only human."

[If you say so]

"Well, let's see what we have first. "After his conversation with Regulus, he turned to us, or rather to me, and spoke.

Of course I understood what he said, I extended my hand towards Regulus' mane, and Regulus disappeared with flashes of golden light and I was left with an ax in my hand.

"hmm it definitely gives a similar feeling to Durandal , Okay, let's move on to another area."When we returned to the training field, target dummies were placed in front of us.

Vasco extended his hand towards one of these mannequins, and without hesitation, I ran towards him with Regulus Nemea and cut him in half.

After the mannequin was split in two, the ground underneath it also crumbled.

"I understand you don't have much control over the destructive force and you're causing unnecessary damage, which is very dangerous in real combat as you could end up harming your allies as well."

"Well then let's get started" he looked with a bright smile Then he turned to Xenovia and said "I will train you too."

flashback end

And this led to the current situation. Basically in two weeks our physical training almost doubled and we did spars non-stop. Magical weight increasing bracelets will of course make our job easier.

Apart from these, we were also given swordsmanship lessons.... Practical, of course.

Dulio was busy with job and traveling the world, as he did for 2 years, but he still paid us visits and shared moments like fighting advice, close combat practice or just dessert time , At this point, it wouldn't be wrong to say that he is a big brother figure for both me and xenovia.

As physical education increased, of course I did not give up on other training.Especially in magic training

After the divine spell (slip) that I developed last time, I made it special to learn other basic spells, and finally, every child's childhood dream of personal space, in short. I managed to learn the formula for the inventory spell ,Apart from that, I also learned some elemental magic.


"Get off me Via!!!"

"I tell the xenovia sitting on me to get down ""I can't feel any part of my body so I can't move" xenovia said this in a an Empty voice , As if I'm not tired!!!!!!!!

"I'm like that too, get up"

"No, let me lie down a little longer." "viaaaaaa"

"hahaha you two get along really well" The damn old man came with a big wooden sword leaning on his shoulder

I couldn't help but roll my eyes at this comment, but behind me, I didn't see xenovia's bright smile when she heard this.

"hmm, you look tired, maybe I'm being too hard on you" YOU THINK I seriously want to scream like that but I don't even have the energy to do it

" So why don't we make a deal "This caught both my attention and the attention of xenovia, who was still on my back. "

[See, things get interesting] Of course you can have fun, damn cat, after all, you're not the one getting your ass kicked.

"Your birthday is coming soon, isn't it xenovia, then yours is in a two month, dany"We both nodded .

Ahh yes me and xenovia's birthday is two months apart. Unfortunately, I'm the little one. Xenovia tried to get me to call her big sister for a week, but of course she couldn't.

"Well, if you two win, I will give you both a special gift and a large allowance on your birthday. "At that moment the training ground and some spectators watching the match in the corner also disappear .For Xenovia and me there was only one picture in front of us


"hohohoho come and receive our gifts my dear grandchildren"A picture of the old grandfather who gives his grandchildren lots of gifts every time he visits home has emerged * if we can ignore his extremely muscular body *

"But if you lose, your training doubles. "



The pink field disappeared, replaced by a red field and a river of blood full of skeletons. There was a huge monster with an old face laughing at us cruelly.

"Don't worry kids, believe me, it won't hurt at all."


Me and xenovia were shaking , Twice the training, what is the difference between executing us directly???????

"*gulp* so.... What is betting?" I asked with fear because I had a really bad feeling inside.

The old man Vasco looked at us with a smile like the uncle who distributed candy in the neighborhoods. "Of course wounding me in a battle, of course I will limit myself to a certain level "

[Hahaha Damn this is going to be awesome ]


After A Whıle

Thırd Person Pov

"Come on guys it's not that bad" At the church, Kiyotora Shinra, a friend of Dulio's, was trying to comfort two children.

(Kiyotora is a handsome guy who looks like he's in his early 30s, with his long hair tied behind his back in a samurai style)

After all, both children were now staring blankly into space with illusions as if their souls were coming out of their mouths.

"Seiko is right guys "

"Stop calling me that way"

"I'm sure you will succeed somehow." Dulio ignored Kiyotora's objections and continued speaking.

"xenovia-chan be careful" "yes be careful not to get hurt"

Several girls dressed as nuns were trying to calm xenovia down . tsk jealousy

Finally Daniele came to his senses and slapped his own face on both sides with both hands.

Hearing the voice, Xenovia suddenly came back to reality.

"Dany?" "Xenovia we can do this, after all, hee will limit his own power. Even if it is just a scratch, we will definitely succeed, we will do it together!. "

Xenovia looked at Daniele who held out his hand in front of her, her straight lips curling into a smile. She held has hand and said "We will definitely do it together"

"Remember, the Protestant church will soon send one of his talented young apprentices to deepen relations," Griselda said as she passed them. But no one seemed to have heard, and Griselda left before she could confirm they heard, as she had work to prepare for their arrival.


Two days later

Vasco gave them both two days to prepare, and they used it to improve their skills and develop tactics.

No matter how hard Daniele tried to persuade Xenovia, she refused to learn magic and said that it was better to "cut things", as she put it.

In the end there were 3 people on the battlefield

A giant with an old face and a vigorous body, 2 meters tall, has a large wooden sword shaped like a claymore in his hand.

On the opposite side were a girl and a boy wearing blue and black short shorts and a short t-shirt, respectively.

They had customized light swords in their hands ,more powerful than normal light sword (like Siegfried's)

Note: dulio's birthday gift

fighting rules

1-Vasco could only use wooden weapons

2-Power and speed limited to middle class

3-Magic is allowed but firearms are prohibited

Winning conditions: Vasco gets injured or the children become unable to move or give up.

Kiyotora, who was in the middle, repeated the rules and both sides looked at each other once again.

He raised both his hands in the air and said "START", lowered both hands diagonally and left immediately.

They both split into two sides and attacked towards Vasco.

xenovia on the left was the first to attack, but was easily subdued by Vasco's wooden sword.

Thinking that this was an opportunity, Daniele attacked Vasco with his back turned, but he could only stand in surprise when Vasco adjusted the position of his handle and stopped the sword with its handle.

He changed the direction of his handle further and caused Daniele to lose his balance. He immediately pushed xenovia back and hit Daniele hard with the flat side of the Sword. Even though he flew two meters back, his situation was not that bad because he blocked the blow with his sword at the last moment, but his arms went numb.

Not liking being ignored, Xenovia gathered herself and continued to attack Vasco, who used the momentum to her advantage by connecting her wooden sword with the Light sword

Xenovia lost her balance and she was defenseless against Vasco, who reversed his grip on his sword and struck her in the stomach with the handle, sending her flying backwards.

As if he was expecting Daniele's attack, he dodged it by dodging and once again, he flew his hard sword towards Xenovia with a hard swing.

"So that's it?" Vasco, when I said this, both Xenovia and Daniele couldn't help but grit their teeth.

They both now knew that this wasn't just a bet, Vasco was testing what they had learned, the bet was probably just an excuse.

Daniele took a deep breath and calmed down, and xenovia, noticing his state, did the same.

"Regulus" [leave it to me ] Daniele confirmed the situation and they attacked once again

But this time a golden lion appeared in front of them and jumped directly at Vasco, dodging the attack and grabbing the lion's wrist in the air, Vasco threw it to the other side.

Xenovia faced Vasco once again. Normally, xenovia should have lose instantly, but suddenly A voice was heard saying 'SLİP' the ground brightened and Vasco felt his feet slipping.

He looked at Daniele, who cast the spell and smiled as Xenovia pushed him harder.

"A good spell is simple and effective at the right times. But" Using his sliding foot as momentum, Vasco spun around at extreme speed and with the momentum he gained, hit Xenovia once again with the side of his sword. "For fighters of a certain level, the ground ceases to be a problem. "

This time Xenovia flew very high

Daniele caught her and they slid backwards.

Xenovia soon came to her senses and while she was in Daniele's arms and her back was leaning on Daniele, she looked at Vasco in front of her. Both she and Daniele then saw a huge mountain that could not be shaken.

While Daniele was looking for a way, he quickly skimmed through the dxd anime/LN/manga information.

He finally came up with a plan and urgently asked Regulus, who was standing on the opposite side of the field, with his mental link.

Regulus was extremely surprised at first, but [ Possible 50/50 no, 70/30 failure but not impossible]

Pulling Xenovia close to him in his arms, Daniele slightly lifted Xenovia's shirt with a pain that no one would notice.

Xenovia was instantly surprised when she felt something hard pressing on her back and she was about to say something but Daniele acted first and moved his face as close as possible right next to Xenovia's face. He whispered something softly to Xenovia.

"The chances of success are very low, bu—" "I'm in " Confirming Daniele's words without waiting for her to finish speaking, Xenovia stood up once again and took guard.

"Are you sure we could lose the whole fight because of me"

"I trust Daniele " Xenovia looked at him with unwavering determination.

Daniele blinked his eyes "heh, if you put it like that it's impossible for me to fail."

Daniele stood up and hit his empty palm with his fist, making a slight noise.

"let's do this"



Griselda came to the training field with two people.

The first was a middle-aged man with light brown hair and violet eyes.

The other person was a cute girl with the same hair and eye color as the man who looked similar in age to Xenovia. She had an ohage-like strand of hair on her head, and her hair was tied more like Daniele's, but since it was much longer , She's hair looked more like a ponytail than his style

While the guy had a calm personality, the girl had an energetic and cheerful attitude. Both the newcomers and griselda noticed the turmoil on the field , And he asked Dulio, who was nearby, what was going on.

Focusing on the match with a pop corn in his hand, Dulio roughly explained the events to Griselda and returned to watch the match, occasionally passing the corn in his hand Kiyotora next to him.A few nuns and some exorcists next to him are watching nervously.

The newcomers also focused on the match, but the first thing that caught their attention was different.

"golden lion!!!" (Irina) " Highness Strada!!"(Touji)


Return To Fight

Regulus and xenovia attacked as before

Vasco decided to finally end the fight, first dodging Regulus and then swinging his sword with such force that it instantly sent the adult flying.

Just when Xenovia was about to fly

" NOT YET!!!!!!!!"

Her left hand went to her waist and pulled out another light sword from there. That's right, it was Daniele's sword. Meanwhile, he secretly (hidden from Vasco) hid his own sword in Xenovia's waist. (The light sword quite small when closed)

She applied pressure with all her strength with both hands.

"I won't give up, I won't give up !!!!!!!" In the end, Xenovia barely managed to resist Vasco's blow.

At that exact moment, a certain object that Vasco kept in his space storage began to fluctuate, causing Vasco's eyes to widen.

But he didn't have much time to focus on that. On both sides of his left side, there was Regulus jumping on him on one side, and Daniele with a fire ball same size as a basketball ball in his hand on the other.

Flame blast in close range and basically being ripped by extremely sharp claws and teeth

He swung his left arm back hard towards the regulus, But unfortunately he couldn't see Daniele's growing smile, just as the fist was about to touch Regulus, the fist suddenly passed through him and was dispersed in golden light.

Through the scattered light, a golden axe flew towards Daniele

He raised the ax over his head while in the air, swinging it towards Vasco, who was holding the handle of the ax with both hands.


" Why can't I use your golden aura? " He asked the golden lion lying on the grass in the garden opposite him.

[Because to do this one needs to master the axe form ]

[ For example, my avatar form should normally be unlocked after the golden aura, but after your use of the ax was stopped and you were looking for new alternative ways to fight, Regulus Nemea sensed your desire , So first of all it allowed you to open my avatar form]

"Then we try to shorten the time between transformations? "

[It depends on you. The more you desire it and work towards it, the more it becomes possible]

Current Tıme

[Puhahahahaha you really did it I can't believe it, *instant change* well then what are you waiting for, swing me towards the opponent in front of you with everything you have,Now let's go, just like you did when you first woke up my longinus..... Partner!!!! ]

"You don't even need to say it!"At that moment, a powerful transparent golden aura exploded around Daniele, giving off an extremely strong feeling of power and almost unbreakable defense.

He swung his ax from top to bottom with all his strength, towards the to the now exposed left chest of Vasco.

As the ax came down with a golden aura, the place where Vasco,

Everyone from the resulting force had to cover their eyes and Touji stood in front of his daughter Irina and protected her.

Dulio summoned a wind and blew away all the smoke covering the crater

The view inside surprised everyone , Vasco stopped Regulus Nemea with one of his big hands.

Disappointed when he saw the result, Daniele could do nothing but whisper "I'm sorry, Via" In the end, despite all his efforts, he was not successful.

"Why are you apologizing Dany? I increased my strength far above the given limit to stop the attack earlier. In short, you are the winner."

With his mouth parted, Dany couldn't say anything, but he just staggered a little, said the words "damn old man" and started to fall.

But before he could fall to the ground, Dulio immediately grabbed him with a wind and placed him next to Xenovia, another person who fainted. After all, they were both exhausted in this fight.

"Was there really a need to go this far?"

When he heard Dulio's question, Vasco did not answer, he just showed his palm to Dulio.

Dulio was shocked when he saw the wound on his palm.

In the end, Vasco's strongest parts were his hands, with which he used his holy fist, and Daniele seriously managed to injure those hands

"They will be very strong in the future", ohh and yes griselda I want to talk to you later . Privately, of course"

Leaving the room, Vasco started to think, what would be the result if the new heir of that weapon and one of the most destructive longinuses worked together, he couldn't help but let out a chuckle.

All he can say is that they will cause a lot of trouble for the church in the future.

Return Of The Traınıng Fıeld

Almost everyone there was staring blankly at the situation on the field.

Unlike the adults, Irina was looking at the two children, especially Daniele, with stars in her eyes.All in all it was an amazing show for a kid

"*sigh* I'll forgive them this once, After all, they deserved it"

Griselda showed a tender and loving expression on her face that she almost never showed,

Her hands gently caressed the hair of these two children who fainted from fatigue.

After all, even though these two children always cause trouble, they are equally important and valuable to her.