
Highschool AxL: Holy lion

Meet Daniele Berti, a reincarnated person,At least he learned that when he turned 5 But unfortunately the world he is in is more dangerous than he thinks.

Goksumr · Anime & Comics
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26 Chs

Celebrations , An angel and a promise

When I opened my eyes, I had to blink a few more times to get used to the light shining directly on my face.

When my eyes got used to the light, we looked straight ahead and all I saw was a "familiar ceiling" . Seriously, when am I going to say that damn line? I was currently in the church infirmary and damn it is a really big place.

When I felt someone to my left, I turned there and found xenovia very close to my face, our noses almost touching.She's seriously cute but to be honest I'd rather see her older version, after all I'm not a fucking lolicon

slowly lifted my upper body off the bed, taking care to move slowly so as not to wake Xenovia.

When I looked over Xenovia, I saw a mess of a bed there. Did this girl seriously wake up at night and come to me?

When I looked around a little more, the infirmary was completely empty, heh, this is rare. There are usually a lot of people here, either people who were injured on the job or were injured on duty and came here to recuperate, or just nurses.

I want to shake the hand of the person who designed those nurse uniforms, I couldn't help but think that he was the same person who designed the tight combat suits.

"Daniewlle~" hmmm xenovia was humming my name in her sleep, I was really worried wasn't I? I never understood why you were so attached to me

[Maybe it's because you're stupid, huh, partner]

<Ohh Regulus I forgot you> [Have you forgotten the giant golden lion that talks to you in your head? I don't know whether to admire or despise it]

<Yes, yes, Mr. majestic lion, you are always right.>

[I'm glad you noticed, it means there's still hope for you]




Pffft[*chuckle* ]Both me and Regulus couldn't help but giggle.

I slowly freed my arm from Xenovia's hands and covered her with the blanket.

<What was the result> [You won the bet and by the way, *instant change* occurred and the golden aura was unlocked]

I couldn't help but feel excited. Just as was about to call Regulus Nemea and check, I heard a voice from the door.

The infirmary door opened and Griselda entered. She saw me and quickly approached me. His hands checked various parts of my body, "Do you have any pain?" She seemed to relax a little when I shook my head in a in the sense of rejection

When she saw Xenovia, she pointed her finger at her and looked at me, raising one eyebrow.

I raised both my hands in the air as if surrendering "when I woke up she was there"

Hearing our voice, Xenovia grunted slightly, shifted a little on the bed, and then finally stood up.

When she saw me, she instantly jumped out of bed and hugged me, seriously why is she so clingy today, but I was a little surprised by the slight shaking of her arms hugging me.

Griselda finally clapped her hand hard once, and xenovia, seeing that her protector was finally here, instantly pulled away from me and stood upright.

"You two change into your clothes and follow me." She directed us both to the changing areas When we left I was wearing a hooded cardigan and long sports shorts ,xenovia short sleeve hoodie and short shorts

We finally followed Griselda as she walked ahead. When we entered a room with luxurious furniture, the table was full of food.

* growls* Hey, don't blame us, after all, we faced a giant, we deserved that food. Even though I say this, I can't deny that my face turned a little red, it was a little embarrassing after all.When I looked at Xenovia I saw that her ears were a little red

Cute. wait what???

In the room, there was a little girl about Xenovia's age who was laughing at our expense and a middle-aged man who was giggling slightly.

Once the man calmed down and stood up

"My name is Shidou Touji . I am the pastor of the Protestant Church of England.The purpose of being here is basically to exchange young apprentices for a year between the two church in order to improve relations with the Vatican. "

I wondered who would go from our side, but luckily Mr. Touji didn't keep me waiting too long.

"There was an exchange between Mr. Nero Raimondi from your side and my daughter Irina Shido from our side."

Nero Raimondi?I think it was the guy with the Sturdy Saint

"Hello, I'm Irina Shido" The girl introduced herself cheerfully, showing off her energetic nature.

"I'm Daniele Berti and this is Xenovia"I also introduced myself and xenovia because this girl is looking at Irina intently , *sigh* This little battle freak is probably trying to guess how strong Irina is.

"hey hey, can I see that golden lion one more time" close!!! This girl suddenly came in front of me and was looking at me with bright eyes At first I thought of saying no After all, it hasn't even been an hour since we met. "I'm sorry bu-" Just as I was about to refuse, she looked at me with puppy dog eyes..... That won't work on me, you sly little girl.

"*cough* If you don't mind, I'd like to see it too. After all, you can't always see a longinus." What do you mean "always", old man, don't talk as if you see it "sometimes", as if I don't know that you persuaded me just to flatter your daughter.

"*sigh* understood" this is an event to deepen the relationship between the two parties, and if I mess this up, the evil empress behind me may increase my training

<Partner > I called out to my partner before he appeared in a golden light

As always, with his golden mane and huge body, It looks really majestic

If she had been a normal child, they would have run away in fear, but Irina kept circling around him, her eyes shining.

[Partner, this girl... Weird] I'm sorry Regulus, but this world itself is strange.

<Hang on partner, hang>Irina finally decided to walk around him a little more and throw herself on Regulus, or rather on his mane, but she was caught by her father at the last moment.

"That's enough, Irina." Even though Irina pout after her father's words, she eventually did what he said and apologized to us. Regulus immediately stepped aside as soon as the irina left

"I'm just so sorry, I couldn't help but get excited when I saw a golden lion , isn't this a sacred gear? Which ????" Aaaaand once again she approached my face and asked curiously , Seriously, what is this energy? Calm down, you ero-angel of the future.

"this is regulus nemea, that is, a longinus" As soon as I said the name Longinus, Irina looked at me with her mouth open, heh, this reaction is funny

Finally, xenovia, who could not bear to wait, intervened, "Warrior Irina, do you want to spar with me?"Irina was surprised at first but later accepted it, after all, she had also seen the war with Vasco and she was curious about xenovia


They were both facing each other on the training field, although they both had wooden swords in their hands, their stances were different.

Xenovia took a stance more like western swords or knight style while irina took a stance more like Japanese swordsmanship

The two sides began the fight at the signal given by me, who was eventually forced to become the referee.

While Irina uses fast, agile and dodge tactics, xenovia prefers to use strong and hard attacks.

But even though Xenovia had a little difficulty at first due to the training she received from Vasco, she eventually managed to defeat Irina.

"I lost " Irina was looking at the ground slightly, after all she is still 10 years old, wait I'm 10 too

Anyway, since I was the referee, Irina was quite close to me, so I gently patted her on the head.

"You did your best, also, xenovia is very serious about train, even I can't completely trust the victory." (Unless of course I use regulus otherwise hohoho)

Although Irina was surprised at first, she eventually smiled and clapped a fist in the air, confidently declaring "Yes, next time I will definitely win, and I will beat you, xenovia, my opponent."

"Don't proclaiming yourself the rival of others. You are self -proclaiming rival " So that's how this nickname came about

"hey!! What's that nickname?"

"The most suitable nickname for you, and how long do you plan to pattet her head, Dany?" She said the last part with a smile but why does this smile look like Griselda's!!!!!!

[Here begins the parts I've been waiting for the most, someone bring me some popcorn]

Shut up Regulus

After the training fight, xenovia did her usual routine and took a little nap in Regulus' mane. This is seriously starting to become a habit.

Since the weather was nice today, we lay down outside under the shadow of the big tree, or rather, regulus was lying down, and we lay on regulus.

Irina's gaze was moving back and forth between me, xenovia and Regulus, as if she wanted to say something but was holding herself back.

I looked at Regulus lightly, after all, if he didn't want it, I wouldn't let her either.

[come here little girl you can lie down on the other side of partner] Looking at Irina and her hopeful eyes, Regulus finally gave up with a sigh. Heh, hard outside and soft inside kitty

Irina also came and lay on my right side "uwaaaa, very comfortable and also soft" Irina moved a little more to enjoy Regulus' mane.

[know my value partner, you get girls because of me] <What nonsense are you talking about, horny lion>

[horny lion ? Bitch I'm the best wingman]< Wingman? We are about to turn 11, have you had anything to drink >

[then let's call it an investment in the future]<Great, now you have become an investment genius> Felt like Regulus shrugged [maybe]

While we were having our usual discussion with Regulus, a light wind blew from the side, combined with the comfortable place we were in, we couldn't help but fall asleep.

I opened my eyes when I felt someone poking my cheek , When I looked up at the sky, the sky was a shade of orange and the sun was starting to set.

Then I looked at the person who poked me, Griselda was looking at me with slight amusement. Why is she looking at me like that ??Vasco was giggling quietly in the background

Just as I was about to sit up, I felt a force that prevented me from moving.

When I looked to check they were xenovia and irina

Irina hugged my right arm with both arms, Meanwhile, xenovia was almost lying on top of me with one arm wrapped around me and one leg on my legs.

[You're welcome]


"You look pretty happy there young daniele" Vasco said to me as he continued to chuckle lightly.

Grilselda sighed before looking at me with a still amused grin. "Pick up the other two and come to the training ground, Irina will also join the training." Poor Irina, they added another victim

When the two of them went to the training field, I picked them up .While Xenovia was acting as if nothing had happened, Irina was avoiding looking at me, blushing slightly. Cute

See, that's the real reaction you need to make, xenovia


Everything continued with Irina joining the training,

We celebrated xenovia's birthday after 1 month ,As for the gifts , Irina bought xenovia new running shoes, after all, she was using the old ones too much , Griselda is a dress that she hope will be a little more feminine . It was really beautiful by the way. I bought a sword necklace with wings around it, which I bought by saving the pocket money from my family.

When Xenovia saw my gift, she asked me to wear it and I saw no problem. When she stood behind her and pulled her hair aside, I didn't realize they had grown this long. Vasco gave her a large allowance, just as he promised, but he also said that he would give Xenovia her other gift in private.Meanwhile, Griselda was looking at Xenovia with both pride and concern. . ..hmm Curious

When the gift ceremony was over, we ate cake together, it was strawberry cake.

When the celebrations were over, I went for a walk in the garden.

Xenovia goes to talk to Vasco, and Irina communicates magically with her father.

"What are you doing here alone?" Probably the sweetest and most feminine voice I've ever heard asked this from behind me.

When I turned around, in front of me was the most beautiful woman I had ever seen.

In a black nun outfit , Curly blonde hair reminiscent of gold, blue eyes reminiscent of the sea and a very attractive body.


[she's an angel]. <I think so too> [No, lover boy I mean real angel]

.... What!!!!!!!!!!

Since I still did not answer her words, she inclined her head curiously. Cute.No damn

"hmmm, I went for a walk, after all, the weather is very nice."

"Yes you are right "She spoke with a bright and gentle smile

"so who are you "

"I ... Riel. "

"my name danie—"

"I know, after all, your name is well known in the around here, you are both a longinus user and a student of Vasco Strada."

I couldn't help but laugh a little embarrassed , I can't help feeling nervous around this woman

"*cough* so why are you here?"

"I came to see you" please don't say that with a bright smile


"You have one of the 13 most powerful sacred gears, are a accepted disciple of the church's violence, and have a close relationship with the "candidate of the church's most powerful exorcist" (dulio). It's natural for me to be curious about such a person, so tell me what you wish to use this power for."

I opened my mouth and closed it. I could tell all kinds of lies to the woman in front of me, but I felt like if I did that, I would lose something very important.

"I want to protect those I care about, even though this power is great, it attracts a lot of attention, so I headed towards the one closest to me and that was Dulio who saved my life. "

"So you chose the church as a source of protection and empowerment, not out of intense faith or anything like that."

"Don't get me wrong, I believe in the God of the Bible, Regulus is the greatest proof of that, but I don't think he is the most powerful or absolute." It was true, the God of the Bible was certainly powerful and a genius, but he was certainly not the most powerful either, he was not omnipotent. His death already proves it .And I said it in front of an angel...I won't be pierced by lights spears, will I?

While I was thinking with my head down, I felt a warm touch on my head. The beauty in front of me was gently caressing my head and smiling gently at me as if she was consoling me.

"You worked hard, didn't you?" Every word she said felt like it was hitting the hardest part of my heart.

Suddenly she bent her head and


kissed my forehead , <Regulus, my face isn't red, is it?> [Is happening ].

Well, damn

"hmmmm your friend is coming here"

"daaaaaanyyyyyy" I turned towards the voice and saw Irina shouting as she came towards here. Next to her was xenovia, who had a small smile on her face.

When I turned around, Riel was gone

Yet I looked once more at the two girls

Them, my family, griselda, dulio, vasco, kiyotora and everyone who helps me at church

All of them are among the things I want to protect .*Chuckle* Now that I think about it, I think I've become very attached to the church.


I was sitting on the plane right now, I took time off to spend my birthday with my family

The problem was the people sitting next to me

"Xenovia! İts was my cupcake!!! "

"If you are late, you lose"

"Dulio, how many more snacks do you plan on asking for? You might even have eaten up the stock for the next flight."

"Come on Griselda, don't be so harsh, relax a little."

"Have you seen that man? His arms are thicker than my neck."

It's definitely going to be a very long birthday

When I arrived at the place I call home, a wave of nostalgia hit me, I seriously love this place!!!!

When I went to knock on the door, the door suddenly opened and a harpie and an orthrus jumped on me.

While the harpy was smothering me in her breasts, Orthrus was jumping around me and occasionally licking my face with his huge tongue.

But then I realized something

Neither Dulio nor I told Griselda that my family was involved in the supernatural world. When I slowly looked at Dulio, he was also sweating coldly.

We both looked at Griselda, our necks making mechanical noises, she had one of her famous bright smiles on her face. If it weren't for the shadow in her eyes we think it was real

"I'll see you two later" " "Yes ma'am / yes ma'am" Both me and Dulio could only say , Irina and xenovia were giggling at our expense

"Dany" came a feminine voice from inside and a pair of arms wrapped around me. When I felt the familiar warmth, I just closed my eyes and surrendered to it.

While my mother was hugging me, my father came through the door, he had a big smile on his face instead of one of his small smiles, and this smile widened when he saw me.

"Welcome little one" "Hello Dad"

After Griselda and the others introduced themselves, we went inside and sat in the living room.

I sat between my mother and father

Dulio sat in the armchair

Griselda sat on the other He sat on the couch with

Xenovia on one side and Irina on the other

I told my father about my life at church, he was very surprised when he saw Regulus' avatar form, my mother even thought of turning him into an familiar, seriously, come to your senses, woman.

Griselda scolded Dulio for not telling her about it.

Apparently my mother had a private conversation with Dulio, I would like to emphasize that with a similar smile as Griselda

The rest was already clear

When I looked at my cake candles, I looked at the people around me, they were the people I considered precious in the world, I hoped to have the strength to protect each of them.

Finally, I blew out the candles, wishing each of them good health.

And the gift ceremony

my mother give an encyclopedia with extremely detailed information about almost familiars, how to tame their weaknesses, what they eat, etc.

I got a brand new set of clothes from my dad, this guy knows fashion

As Vasco promised me, an extremely swollen allowance, and ..... Oh my god, this guy will teach me the holy fist Muuhahaha this will be awesome

An encyclopedia by Dulio, like my mother's but about food

I got a brand new exorcism gun from Griselda, man, it's pretty cool.

As for Xenovia and Irina.

Irina gave me a cross (similar to the one in Rosario Vampire but red parts are gold) and xenovia got me an accessory that looked like the necklace I gave her but was a bracelet instead.


Finally, when the cake ceremony and gift ceremony was over, I found myself in bed with Xenovia on my left side and Irina on my right side.

So how did my bed become large enough to accommodate us? It's simple.When it came to bedtime, my mother magically changed the bed to a bigger one. Stop making insinuating grins!!!!! And also why dad was giving me the thumbs up with his back to me, who are you MC?

Just when we were about to fall asleep

"Mr. Vasco said that I was selected as the new Durandal user."

Xenoviaaa why right now, there is no way I can sleep now

"what ,really!!!" Don't get on top of me, Irina

"Shouldn't this be a secret or something, you know, it's important after all" I couldn't help but ask

"That's right, Mr. Vasco told me not to tell anyone."

"Then why are you telling me?" "You're no anyone, you're Dany."

There she did it again . But this time I can't stand it

"Xenovia, tell me why you care about me so much, don't get me wrong, it's definitely nice, but you can easily talk to me about even your deepest secrets and you always trust me 100%, even if I don't.You overreact when something in particular happens. "

Xenovia looked at the ceiling as if she was thinking a bit

" Well in the beginning everything seemed Grey to me , I wasn't good at talking to people, people were general. They are afraid of me because she was Griselda's apprentice and relative , But then a kid appeared out of nowhere, at first I thought he just had a cool axe, and in our first match he was very weak , But later, as he stayed with me, he became equal to me and surpassed me, but he didn't stop there. Many people came into my life too, like Dulio, mr. Vasco,mr. Kiyotora, others from the church. But I'm afraid, what if it disappears or if it's like it never happ—"

When I saw Xenovia with tears slowly flowing in her eyes, I couldn't stand it and immediately turned to her and hugged her tightly.

"I won't disappear anywhere, neither now nor later " "Promise?" A low voice came from the girl in my arms

" certainly "

"uwaaaaa xenovia I won't get lost either" Irina cried and jumped on me and xenovia from behind.

"I guess you were here too"

"This is so rude " I watched the two argue with a smile on my face

I am determined to keep my promise to Xenovia, and now I will become stronger to protect this life of ours.

We fell asleep hugging each other

What we didn't know was that my mother and Griselda who saw us like this in the morning had a fist bump.

Time has passed

Two Years Later