
High School of Dead: New Evil

Zombies. Carnage. Wonder weapons. All created by him...Edward Richthofen, a German scientist, wanted it all, but for humanity to live an endless nightmare. Nikolai Belinski poisoned his remember-able allies: Tank Dempsey, Edward, and Takeo Masaki to save the universe from the destruction they caused, but... something not right...

Kghost2015 · Komik
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13 Chs

Chapter 1: The Dead Rises

A photo of two children floats in the abyss.

A cosmic hand barrels through a portal grabbing the photo and disappears with it. The Photo was hurled into the clear blue skies as an Airplane appeared.

It hits the windshield and wavers into the sky once more. An eagle takes it by its beak flying through the city of japan. The photo slips from its beak, through the gates onto the roof while a teen is standing on the edge of the roof staring at the sun.

Teen: "Why... He looks down at the massive drop. Does he have to take everything...from me?" His hands shake while he lifts a foot from the edge. He bites his lip while a tear rolls from his face and down below. "Tsk!!"

The teen hits his back onto the roof: sobbing.

"Why...WHY?!!!!" His sobs grew louder while the photo land beside him. "Huh?" He grabs it staring at the back of the photo until he flips it. His eyes dilated.


Zombie: "YEAH!! YEAH!! RAAAR!!!" Zombies sprints down the halls.

Blood splatter on the walls "Don't trust the doctor"

A child laughs sinisterly as the Giant teddy bear stood on a battered bed covered in blood.

President Kennedy: "If we shall, die killing the undead, so be it!" Four individuals held off the horde of zombies on a platform.

"Insta-Kill!!~" A phantom-like voice announced.

Tank: "Hey, player drop the chips and give me some ammo!!!" He shouts: stabbing a zombie.

Edward: "All is forgiven." A gunshot rings.

Nikolai: "I did it because we are the problem for the causes we thought we fixed...This is the end." A girl points a revolver at Nikolai's head with a boy by her side. Nikolai closes his eyes.



Teen: "HAA!!!" He sits up, panting. Tears roll down while red numbers flash everywhere he looked. "What's happening?!" The numbers vanish.

???: "Hey, doctor. Why are we still here?" The teen turns his head back.

"WHO-WHO ARE YOU??!!" He crawls back hitting his back against the wall while the four gaze at the kid.

???: "Boy, tell us. Where are we?" The Japanese man replied while the teen sweats.

The teen: "Y-you not the one to ask the questions here!" He squinted his eyes. "No-you're Takeo Maski!" He points to the Russian. "Nikolai Belinski!! Tank Dempsey, and Edward Richtofen!!!"

Tank: "What the hell..."

Nikolai: "Likewise, comrade..." He glares. "Now, you answer us..." They approach the kid, releasing a deadly aura that could kill thousands. "Where. Are. We?" They towered and cornered the kid.

Marcus: "J-japan in Dojima High! I'm Marcus Knight, an Junior!" Takeo takes in the environment.

Takeo: "I'm...home." He cracks a warm smirk.

Tank: "Grow a pair, ki- WHERE DID YOU GET THAT!!!" He shouts gaining the three attention.

Marcus: "Wh-what do you mean?" Tank boot crash beside his head: frighting kid.

"YOU THINK YOU'RE SMART ARE YOU?!!!" Edward notices a photo in Marcus's hand.

Edward: "Cool off, Dempsey." Tank gazes at Edward shock.

"THAT LITTLE SHIT-" He was cut off by Edward's calm gaze. " TSK! RAAAGH!!" He punches the sky, wandering about while Edward took a knee: eye to eye with Marcus.

" The photo." He reaches his hand releasing bits of a German accent from his lips. Marcus obliged while he gazes at the photo.

???: "Tank? Edward?" Everyone gazed at the children from the photo holding hands. They were in pajamas while the girl carried a teddy bear.

Takeo: "Is this supposed to happen?" Edward sits on his butt by Marcus: gazing at the photo unhinged.

Edward: "This can't be happening! This can't be happening!" He repeats while the girl ran up to Edward grabbing his shoulders with plead pouring from her eyes.

Girl in pajamas: "Calm down, Edward...slow down."

Marcus: "S-Samantha." She gazes back at the teen.

Samantha: "And who are you? I may ask?"

"M-Marcus Knight." He looks to the kid by Samantha's side. "You must be Eddie." He hid behind Samantha. "You know...you look a little like..."

Samantha: "This is not the time." She looks back at Edward. "Ed, do you have any idea what's going on?" She places his hands on his cheeks while he looks up at her.

Edward: "I-I don't know."

???: "Maybe I can help." A cosmic entity gazed at the eight.

Marcus: "Wha-what the hell..."

Tank: "Who are you, shiny?" Cosmic entity smirks.

Apollo: "I'm Apollo, ruler of the Midnight Zone or Milky Way, you humans called it." Everyone stares in shock. "A popular question is going by 'Why are you here?' "

Nikolai: "We all like to know." Apollo nods his head to follow as everyone looks at each other hesitantly, but follows anyway.

They climb the steps of an extra roof, glancing over the railing. Marcus was beside Apollo on his left while the other's on his right.

Apollo: "Look..What do you see?" Eddie's lips quivered.

Eddie: "Samantha!" He points, everyone, followed his guide and grew horrified by the scene.

A woman with blue glowing eyes was eating a corpse as its ribs cages and guts were seen by the world. The woman snaps a rib in half chowing down the fat and meat from the bone.

Marcus: "Oh-" He felt his food coming up, but keep it in. He turns from the scene.

Nikolai sighs.

Nikolai: "Great, our life is on repeat."

Samantha: "Tell me...What's this for?" She glared while Apollo smirks.

Apollo: "You remind me of my daughter Burakku-"

Edward: "TELL US!!! ARSCHLOCH!!!" Everyone jumped but Apollo by Edward's change of demeanor.

"For the end game." Everyone, but Marcus glared while Apollo gazes blankly.

Marcus: "Uh...Mr.Apollo." His blue shimmering eyes land on Marcus. "Why bring them back?"

"I watch you four, and I must say...It was interesting." Nikolai swigs his flask offering Marcus some, but he refused. "You collected powerful artifacts at any means and completely erased five percent of the universe." Nikolai chokes.

Tank: "Five percent?!"

Apollo: "I didn't stop you, didn't I? It was a mindless joke." Takeo and Edward held Tank back.

"A JOKE?! DO YOU KNOW HOW MANY DIED?!" Apollo smirks.

"That's the meaning of life. Everyone live and dies." Tank growls while everyone glares. Apollo glance at Marcus.

Takeo: "You're telling us, you made us go through all that and you could of put the artifacts somewhere less risky or stop it from activating for some godly humor?"

"Seriously, learn how to take a joke. That how you're people say it, nowadays. You should be proud, they made a game out of you."

Tank: "You know, you could officially bite me." He grinds his teeth.

Eddie: "Wait, game?" Everyone ignores, what Eddie just said.

Takeo: "There's nothing we can do is there?"

Apollo: "There is, but it's only affecting this universe." The experienced zombie killers sigh while Marcus's jaw drops.

Marcus: "How is that a good thing?!"

Samantha: "It's not..in a way, but at least it wasn't scattered like the other time." Marcus rubs his head.

Apollo: "You will have your lives back, but for an Easter egg hunt."

Tank, Edward, Nikolai, Takeo: "WHAT?!!!"

Marcus: "There's no time for that?! People are dying?!!" Apollo stares blankly.

Apollo: "There are four-teen artifacts, all hold their challenge...All over the world."

Edward: "You can't be serious?"

Tank: "Without the teleporter, there's no way that's possible." Apollo grins.

Apollo: "So, who's willing to volunteer?" Everyone stares, dazed. "Fine, I'll help myself."

In a flash, Apollo grabs Samantha's head while a blue light flashes.

Samantha: "STOOOOP!!!" She cries dropping to her knees.

Edward: "HANDS OFF!!!"

Tank: "HANDS OFF, BASTARD!!!!" Everyone gathers around the two trying to pry his hands off, but to no prevail. Dempsey pulls a knife and it broke, everyone stood shocked.

Apollo drops Samantha that lay in a ball, sobbing while Eddie checks on her. Eddie and Edward glared menacingly.

Apollo: "Stop being a baby, that's a gift from me...Now, I'll take my leave."

Nikolai: "Wait, you didn't--" Apollo enters a portal and disappears with it. "I hate that guy." He grunts while Marcus took a knee by Eddie and Edward.

Marcus: "H-hey, are you ok?" Samantha looks up at Marcus.

Samantha: "Like a spring trap with live wires." She grunts.

???: "COME ON WE GOTTA GET UP THERE!!!" Everyone gaze from the extra roof to the three teens in Uniform. A kid with a baseball bat, a Girl with a broomstick, and the other running beside them.

They barrel through a horde of blue glowing eyes zombies. The broomstick teen was doing flips, attacking while on the move. They all, but Samantha that was still in pain stared in awe.

Nikolai: "She fights like my wife. Both beautiful, but horrifying."

Edward: "If old me was here. He would require her in his army."

Tank: "Hey, Takeo does every Jap fight like that? I like it.~" He smirks.

Takeo: "Keep your mouth, trapped, Dempsey."

Marcus: "Is anyone going to mention the amount of dead getting on the roof?" He stared in horror.

Edward, Tank, Nikolai, Takeo, and Eddie: "You'll get used to it."

Broom Stick teen: "Kakashi!" They noticed Marcus and the others.

Kakashi: "Hey! Barrier up the Stairway!!" They race up the stairway towards them.

Marcus: "Uh-Y-yeah!" He races into the closet while the Zombie experts, prepared with their knives out.

Tank: "Move it twinkle toes, I'll show you how's it's done!" He stabs a zombie climbing the steps with four others, but they all faze through. The zombies continued to the top while surprising them. "N-no, way..."

Kakashi: "How's it's holding up?!!" He cracks a skull against the wall while The broomstick teen stabs two in the head and kicks another down the steps.

Marcus stares around in confusion and rush, jumbling chairs and supplies on the floor.

Teen: "There!" He pushes Marcus aside grabbing the fire holes. He pulls the lever, while water barrels into the zombies pushing them all off the stairway. "Come, help me with this!"


The horizon sets while the stairway was boarded with tables and chairs.

Hisashi: "Ugh!!!" He leans forward on his knees grunting.

Rei: "Hisashi?! Tell me, what's wrong?!"

"WAA!!!" He vomits making a puddle of blood.

" Don't make her see this!" Marcus and Samantha grew surprised while Hisashi looks up at Samantha with bags under his eyes.

Hisashi: "I-I'm sorry, little one." He gave a weak smile.

Samantha: "L-little one?" She looks down at herself while Rei glares at Marcus.

Rei: "What's wrong with you?!" She shouts.

Marcus: "Me?"

"She's a little girl! You can't-"

Kakashi: "Rei..." She glances at Kakashi that's back was turned. " There's no way, she can unsee what's she saw...especially in this world."

Hisashi; "M-Marcus." This gains his attention. "I-I know we just met...can you do me a favor?"

Marcus approach Rei and Hisashi. He took a knee while he slowly nods.

"There..." He points to a railing: edge of the roof. "I want you to carry me over the railing...The impact will destroy my head."

Rei: "What?! NO!!"

Marcus: "Y-you can't be serious?!" He looks at the railing.

Kakashi: "If not... I will." He turns around and grips his bat. "He will turn infected...like the others."

"T-this is not fair!! It's just a bite! " He glances at the bite on Hisashi's arm.

Rei: "Right, He can make it! He will make it!"

Kakashi: "Marcus..." He slowly approaches them while his shoes click the floor. Hisashi closes his eyes shut.

"PLEASE!! KEEP HIM AWAY FROM HIM!!!" Rei cried, pleading with Marcus while Kakashi inch closer. Marcus looks to Samantha that glances back, sadly.

Samantha: "There's nothing we can do."

Kakashi: "GET AWAY FROM HIM!!!"

Rei: "NO!!!" Marcus noticed Hisashi's eyes open, but he was blind. "HE ALL I HAVE LEFT!!!" Kakashi grunts.

Kakashi: "REI!!!"

Hisashi: "Ah!" His mouth hunger for Rei neck, but Marcus pull his hair back. RAH!!

Rei: "STOP!!!" Marcus drags (Zombified) Hisashi across the roof by his hair. "MARCUS!!!" Kakashi holds her back.

Kakashi: "He's gone, Rei!"

"NO, STOP!!!!" Marcus lets go, while(Zombified) Hisashi stood to his feet.

(Zom) Hisashi: "Ah!" He moans and goes to tackle Marcus. Marcus dodges as he flips over the railing, but Marcus grabs his hand: looking down Hisashi trying to bite at him.

"PULL HIM UP!!!" She sobs while Kakashi held Rei close.

Marcus looks to the massive drop remembering his suicide attempt. (Zom)Hisashi grabs his wrist with another slowly reaching his hand.

Marcus's lips shake while a tear hits Hisashi's face.

Marcus: "I-I'm sorry." He opens his hand while Hisashi slips from his palms. He plummets.

Rei: "NOOOOOOO!!!" She drops to her knees while Marcus watches Hisashi hit the cement.

Marcus drops to the floor hitting his back against the railing while Rei sobs filled the air. He pants while Kakashi nods to him. Marcus ignores him, gazing at his shaking hands.

Samantha: "Hey." She sits next to him placing his head on her lap, patting his head.

Marcus: "I-I"

"Sssh...relax." Marcus sobs while the zombie experts and Eddie watches.


Tank: "What the hell, happening, doc?" He looks at the Horizon almost falling. They stood near Samantha and Marcus watching Kakashi and Rei sitting doing their own thing.

Edward leans on the wall with his hand on his chin.

Edward: "I hate to admit, but I believe we're dead."

"Go figure."

Nikolai: "Great, I have unlimited Vodka! But, I stop long time ago...Oh well." He chugs his flask to no end. Takeo sweatdrop.

Takeo: "Child, can you still hear us?" He looks to Samantha.

Samantha: "Clear as water, but we should keep it down. We don't want them thinking we're loose screws."

Nikolai: "Dying million times and traveling with the same faces can do that to you." Marcus jumps.

Marcus: "HOW ARE YOU NOT DEAD?!!" Rei and Kakashi stare at Marcus dumbfounded while he looks away.

Tank: "Doing our goose chase. We manage to cross paths with Dr.Monty and his journal. Stating the kill counts and deaths labeling the four of us, during so the Doctor tried to kill us after the Revelation."

"That's sounds serious." The experts sigh.


The Experts= Tank, Takeo, Edward, and Nikolai.


The Experts: "You have no idea."

Kakashi: "Hey!" They turn their heads to Kakashi sitting against the wall. "I'm sorry, about that back there."

Samantha: "We're fine. Thanks for you're concern." Kakashi gets up and approaches them. He took a knee.

"How did you get here? And judging by you're accent, you're a little far from home." He lightly smirks at Samantha.

"My parents and I move here, from Germany..." She looks away. "I haven't seen them since." Kakashi pats her hand while she looks up at him smiling.

"Ok, stick with us, and you'll do fine." Kakashi looks back at Rei sitting in front of the railing. "Rei, we're getting out of here."

Rei:... She stood by the steps: stabbing a zombie while Kakashi sighs.

Nikolai: "Talk about: cold shoulder."

Eddie: "I don't know to be proud or worry since Samantha is a good liar."

Edward: "Both Eddie..both." Edward looks down at Eddie.

The four made it down the rooftop walking the halls as the Experts lightly chat and watch their six while Eddie walked near Samantha.

Marcus: "It bugs me. How quiet and clean the halls are..."

Rei: "..You're right, it doesn't sit with me."

Kakashi: "Let's keep moving. Be on the alert, don't want 'them' chewing our flesh."

???: "AAAAAH!!! AAAAAAH!!! GET IT OFF ME!!!" A power drill and a scream echo down the halls.

Kakashi: "Come on!!!" He shouts. They followed the noise and turn a corner seeing a pink-haired girl with glasses, drilling a drill into a zombie skull until it drops to the floor while she backs up covered in blood head to toe.

They noticed A blonde woman with huge assets and A girl with a wooden sword and purple hair appeared.

Tank: "HOLY HELL ON CHRISTMAS MORNING!!! THERE HUGE!!!" The others nod with a blush while Samantha stood in front of Eddie blocking his view.

Takeo: "In all my life, I never have seen something bigger than my Katana."

Nikolai: "Then my wife..."

Edward: "Are they plants?"

Kakashi: "Who are you, two?" They approach one another creating a small circle.

Saeko: "I'm Saeko Busujima from the Kendo club, the blonde is Shizuka Manikawa: a nurse."

Shizuka: "It's nice to meet you..." She covered herself. "Uh...why I feel eyes peeling me?" Marcus looks back at Nikolai and Tank.

Edward slaps their there heads.

Tank/ Nikolai: "Hey?!!!/ What? Can a guy live a little?"

Edward: "Schwenine's." Zombie's appeared around the corners they came approaching the group.

Kakashi: "Clear them..." He sprints: smashing a zombie to the side. "Out!!!"

Everyone makes quick work while Marcus and Samantha check on the pink hair girl.

Marcus: "Are you-wait...Saya." She looks up at Marcus.

Saya: "No!" She pushes him back. "Not you!" She lightly blushes.

"What wrong with you?! I'm just trying to help!" She towered over him.

"You and everyone know, I'm smarter than all you dimwitted combine!!" Everyone looks to the commotions. "AND YOU!!!" She points to Marcus. "You are just a nuisance!!"

Samantha: "That's enough." Saya's eyes widen seeing her.

"HA! Who brought a child here?!" She panics.

Kakashi: "No, time let's get to the safe room." He kicks a zombie away.


In a teacher lounge while a full moon hits the blinds. The group relaxes while Kohta flips the channels and sighs.

Kohta: "Nothing."

Kakashi: "Then will rest here for the night." Saeko whistles gaining everyone's attention.

Saeko: "Na'uh, you did a lot. Rest."


" This is not a discussion." She smirks while she leans on a table watching the locked door with a shade blocking the window.

"Fine" He sighs while everyone takes a spot. Marcus took the couch from across another with Samantha and Shizuka while Kohta, Saya, and Rei took the one in front of them.

Shizuka; "Aaaah~! What a long day, goodnight everyone." She leans to the left from Marcus and Samantha.

Everyone, but Saya: "Night." Marcus leans his head: looking at the blind raining the soothing white light on his face. He felt Samantha lean her head on his shoulder.

Marcus: 'What should I do?' He closes his eyes.