
High School of Dead: New Evil

Zombies. Carnage. Wonder weapons. All created by him...Edward Richthofen, a German scientist, wanted it all, but for humanity to live an endless nightmare. Nikolai Belinski poisoned his remember-able allies: Tank Dempsey, Edward, and Takeo Masaki to save the universe from the destruction they caused, but... something not right...

Kghost2015 · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

Relic 1: Kino der Toten


A purple light fazes through its roof as zombies outside the snow, notices and slowly walk towards it.

The purple light stops onto a teleporter pad in the lobby. The purple light disappears, revealing Marcus with his eyes close with a silver M1911 in his right hand.

Samantha scans around the lobby beside Marcus and sees a Nazi flag hanging on a wall.

Samantha; "Uh...Marcus." Marcus opens his eyes to see an abandoned lobby in front of them and a soda machine 'Quick Revive' playing, a catchy tune.

Marcus; "HUH?! What's going on?!!!"

"Calm down, there's has to be an examination for this." She approaches him, looking up at Marcus.

"We're in the middle of nowhere?!" His eyes widen while he laughed. "Oh, ok this is a dream. All I can do is wake up."

Tank: "As much, I want to throw you in the grinder. This is no laughing matter." Samantha and Marcus glance at the Experts on the other side of the teleport pad.

Nikolai: "This place brings back memories...bad ones." He glances around.

Takeo: "This was the path our journey has ignited. Be wise and take things slow." Marcus drops to his knees while Samantha checks on him.

Eddie: "Sorry, about this." Takeo takes a knee and smirks at Eddie.

"You're path is not at fault, because it's anew."

Marcus: "Look!!! I ask for none of this!!!" He shouts at everyone. Marcus grabs his head. "Why me?! I'm not ready?! I saw the-" Tank grabs his collar and flashes his fist while Marcus flinches.

Tank: "We didn't ask for none of this." He pushes Marcus back. "You give up, like a princess that asked for everything from her parents. When we get back, you sure as hell don't kill self or I'll strangle you in the afterlife." He glares.

Edward; "I remember, now." Everyone glance at Edward. "Your goal is to find and shoot the radios, scattered across the map while collecting three film tapes.

Marcus; "H-how can I do that?"

Nikolai; "There's a teleporter in the theater room."

"Ok, I can't---"

"AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!" Little girl giggles while smooth, but terrifying music ends.

Zombies shouts and moans can be heard in the background.

Wave 1 500 points

Marcus's hands shake as Samantha places her hand to calm him down.

Samantha; "I believe in you, you got this." She gives a serious, but inspiring look. Marcus nods. "I'll be your lookout since I don't know how to use a gun.

A Zombie near the teleporter pad and between the wooden barrier of wooden planks and lobby slowly pulls them from the door, moaning under his breath.

Marcus nods replied with a shaken voice.

Marcus; "O-O-Ok, stay close to me." He cautiously walks to the door with the planks as Samantha follows, behind clutching her teddy bear.

The zombie instantly reaches out for Marcus as he steps back from his grab. Pulls his arm up and Shots its head as its drops on the broken top half of the barrier door.

+ 250

750 points

Marcus pushes it's body from the door and turns to pick up a plank, but it floats and nails itself on the wall, scaring Marcus and Samantha both.

The Experts; "You'll get used to it." Eddie held Samantha's hand, but it fazes through. Samantha felt it, and thanks to his comfort.

Marcus: "Whooo...you got this." His pistol shakes.

Marcus runs around the room, upstairs, and down while killing nazi zombies still scared of the environment that is given off. Killing, six in total with the addition of repairing doors.

2700 points <Creepy Music dilates and sounds off>

Wave 2

Tank; "You're doing good, kid." Tank pat his back, but it's fazed through as Marcus felt it and nods.

Takeo; "Don't praise him yet. The Battle still rages on."

Marcus; "Ok, Samantha where are you?" He calls from upstairs.

Samantha walks from behind the counter beside Quick Revive.

Samantha; "Right here. How are you---"

"SAMANTHA GET OUT OF THERE!!!" Marcus pulls his M1911 to shoot, but it clicks.

"What?" She looks behind her, a zombie trip on a cord and falls on her.

Everyone; "SAMANTHA!!!" Marcus race downstairs pushes the zombie off of her and punches it, but he stabs it with a combat knife out of thin air two times until it dies.

Samantha; "Marcus, I'm ok." She gets up with blood on her bear and her pajamas.

Marcus sighs wiping the blood on the zombie he killed.

Marcus; "Ok, I thought you--" Marcus was dragged into the ground pulled by two zombies as they try to bite him while Marcus screams for help while he held them back with his hands on their necks.

Samantha; "MARCUS!!!" Samantha sprints to him to pull off the zombies, but they didn't bulge.

Marcus; AAAAAAAAAAHHHH!!! Marcus loses his grip as a zombie rips his throat out while the other clawing into his stomach. Samantha cries as she drops to her knees watching the carnage while the others look away, sadly. "AAAAaaaah...." Color loses his eyes.

Samantha; "N-no." Tears pour down her bloody face as her lips quivered. "MARCUS!!!!!" She shouts while music plays ending the wave.


-Wave ends. Survive wave 2-

Suddenly a purple light engulfs the teleporter pad as Clean Samantha and Marcus lying on the teleporter unconscious appears as the light disappears, and Marcus shots from the ground Hyperventilating holding his throat and stomach. Samantha slams into Marcus pushing him into the ground crying into his chest.

Samantha; "OH! THANK GOD!!! MARCUS...oh, god..." She sobs into his chest as he looks around seeing this room again.

Nikolai; "So, you're just like us. Thank heavens." Nikolai sighs happily.

Tank; "That's just the beginning. We suffered many more deaths it's not, funny."

Marcus; "What?" Marcus looks at them with horror in his eyes.

-Wave 5-

Marcus runs upstairs, scoring headshots with an M14: he brought from a wall with a chalk design of it by the door he killed his first zombie as the zombies follow.

Samantha: "On you're left!!!" Marcus dodges a zombie that tumbles down the steps.

Marcus: "Thanks!!!"

He runs to the other side of the stairs to makes his way back down to the lobby: shooting the remaining six coming at him.

Marcus sidesteps moving too fast, missing the steps, completely.

Marcus; "Aaaah!!! UGH!! UGH!!!" He tumbles down, the stairway and lands on his legs snapping the two making it bend the other way. "AAAAAAAAAAH!!! FUUUUUCCK!!!!" He cries in pain crawling from zombies slowly approaching downstairs after him.

Samantha; "LEAVE HIM ALONE!!!" She runs into the group punching and kicking with no effect while they ignore her, and devour him.

"HAAAAAA!!!" Samantha gazes horrorifed.

115 Elena Siegman Call of Duty Black Ops- Kino Der Toten Easter Egg (Sound Cloud)

-Wave 15-

He purchases a few doors and two perks Quick revive and double-tap, he got from an alleyway by the theater, and it has good taste.

Marcus and Samantha approach the Foyer that has a classic stereotype of nazi zombies with banners everywhere and the unactivated sentry on a table downstairs.

Marcus: "A sentry!!!" He races towards it looking around it with interest. " I wanted to see this when I was a kid!"

Samantha: "Marcus, focus!"


Phantom- Voice: "AHA!!! Fetch me his soul!!!" A phantom voice echoes around the theater as everything went foggy, but his vision is still clear.

Marcus: "Samantha!" He aims his Ak4u around, duo steps.

Samantha: "Be careful!" She hides behind a counter, near the sentry.

BARK!!! BARK!!! BARK!!! He and Samantha hear barks from Hell Hounds.

"Please, don't make me regret it." Marcus activates it.

5937 points


4937 points

Hell hounds appear charging from upstairs to downstairs.

The sentry and Marcus mowed them down as they explode in a fiery mess.

Marcus: "AAAAHH!!!!" His Ak4u clicks and swaps to Mp90. One manages to get a drop on him, as it chews on his forearms. "AAAAAH UGH!!!" He burns the bullets into its skull, but it was playing hard to kill.

BEEP! BEEP! The sentry detects the hell hound on Marcus and it shots it as it exploded taking Marcus down as he sees firey words appeared in front of his eye stating.

Marcus is being revived.

He smirks as the sentry was on a murdering spree. Marcus gets up after being revived but loses his perk.

Marcus: "DAMN!!!"

Samantha: "Not important, focus!!!"

Marcus helps the sentry, which soon deactivates leaving Marcus to defend on his own.

"Crap! You got this." He got five, but the last one sneaks up on him and bites his head off.

-20 Deaths later and Marcus questioning he's insanity-

Marcus improved a lot. He mastered almost all the weapons available on the map since he backtracks his steps, buys weapons from walls he thinks he needs, experiments with, and train with techniques that the experts taught him with a live zombie sparring dummy while Samantha thinks it's dangerous, but they all said, except Marcus 'It's men stuff and you won't understand.'

Samantha was baffled but didn't do anything otherwise.

He found pickups like Max ammo, Instant Kill, Carpenter(repairs every door in the map), and Time stop. The Experts was confused because they never came across that before and it is op while it stops time for 5 seconds, letting Marcus either escape or think of the game plan, but since it's op it only comes once in the while making a one out of ten chance, it will appear again.

Wave 106 293935853 points

Quick revive, double-tap(increase damage), speed cola( increase speed reload), Juggernaut( increase endurance), and Mule-Kick( Additional slot for a weapon).

He also collected all radios, has one theater tape on him while he collected all the meteors since Dempsey was pasturing him about it and he found out why.

Now, Marcus was on the theater stage killing an endless horde of zombies coming from the entrance of the theater room with a sentry on a podium beside him. He was waiting on the teleporter to cool down. A river of zombies barrels through the main and into the theater room.

"AHA HA HA!!!! I FEEL SO ALIVE!!!!!" Marcus was popping head shots using burst mode with his pack-a-punch Commando as zombies tried to climb the stages.

Marcus; AH HA, Look at that, you can't touch me! Should I slow down for ya?!!! Marcus screams having a time of his life as Samantha, The Experts, and Eddie stood in a projector room staring down the war between the undead, and a one-man army, Marcus.

Eddie; He sounds like you, Tank. Eddie looks to Tank behind him as he hovers over him with a smirk looking down on Marcus.

Tank; Yeah, but that was him, Ed. Tanks rub his head.

Nikolai; I can't lie, I miss all that if it weren't all dead, Deaths, and exploring the universe to stop our selves. He took a sip of his vodka as he shares his unlimited flask with Dempsey.

Richtofen smirks, pressing his hands on the wall by the other side of the projector.

Edward; I can imagine if it weren't all that, we in a simulation kill the undead, in every map at dusk screaming of joy releasing our anger and frustration, burning, shooting, blowing up, and STABBING!!! WHAT JOY!!! AAAAAAAAAaaaaah.~~ He shouted the last word and sighing happily, while everyone stares at him, worried.

Takeo; Should we be worried you will pull a Richtofen like last time? Edward looks at Takeo of the right of him as Samantha was by Takeo.

Edward; No, my Japanese Freund. He looks back at the battle while Everyone sighs relieved.

Samantha; Still, it's scary to see someone, dying in front of your eyes, endlessly. Everyone nods.

The battle below.

Marcus finishes his clip, and pulls his Zeus Cannon (Pack-a-Punch, Thunder gun) out of thin air blows the river of zombies using two cartridges, left four in it as he backs them from getting to close on stage.

Four zombies appear sprinting behind him as Marcus hears this, and pulls his Pack-a-Punch dual python dodges the first one attempts and pulls the trigger killing the one he dodge and the other approaching.

Two came after, but Marcus kills the last one and other attacks. Marcus gun-fu against the last zombie as he pulls his triggers shooting it limps if tries to reach him or bite him while he spins his revolvers like a gunslinger he points his weapon into the mouth of it as its eyes widen.

Marcus: Boom. A futuristic-like shot echoes the theater while the zombie body hits the stage, dead.

Marcus pants looking around the pile of bodies around the room.

-Song ends-

Wave 107

Hand's barrel from the ground grabbing the corpses: starting another round.

Marcus; "Welp, I had fun...but I want to get back." He walks to the teleporter, it activates, teleporting him into the Projector room with the others in it. "Hey, guys. Will I go crazy if I continued doing this?" He walks up to the projector between them.

Edward; "Depends, will you give up?" Marcus smirks radiating his newfound confidence.

"I won't." He approaches the projector. "And thank god, I thought I'll become a crazy lunatic, no offense." He places the final film in.

The Experts; "None, taken." They said in sync while it played.

The theater screen burns into ash as the projector opens itself a golden orb floats to the middle of the room.

Everyone cheers and Marcus grabs it while a portal opens by them seeing Apollo floating out.

The Experts, Samantha and Eddie glare.

Apollo; "Marvelous work. Thirteen to go." Marcus nods, but asks.

Marcus; "I have a question- two, I mean."

"And that is?"

"Are there others like them out there?" He points to his team.

Apollo; "Good, questioned. Yes, there are, but they are not dead like those six." The Experts, Samantha, and Eddie grew shocked. "They are out there in your universe either reincarnated or the same as before but don't remember from their previous experiences."

Marcus; "Last, question. What will happen to them, when this is all over?"

Apollo; "I can't answer that until you get another." Everyone grunts. "When you returned. The Relic will return to your soul, and anything you got here will not be with you." Marcus sighs. "But, for every two Relic's, you'll get a random perk to bring into your world." (7 in total)

Marcus's eyes sparkle.

"From here, I'll speak to you in your conscious when you get a relic." Marcus nods. Samantha steps up.

Samantha; "What did you do to me?" She glares while Apollo opens a portal as he looks back at her.

"The zombies from both that and this will see no interest in you, and the reason. You and Eddie are dead." Everyone grew shocked.

Eddie; "THAT CAN'T BE!!! WE ESCAPE THE DARK AETHER!!!" Apollo laughs insanely as the room shakes scaring everyone. It stops as Apollo took a deep breath.

Apollo; "When you arrive in the new world...the new world Monty put a bullet in your two heads before you step foot on it." Everyone grew furious as Samantha and Eddie grew depressed.

Edward; "HOW IS HE ALIVE, TELL US!!!!!" Richtofen booms at Apollo as he stares.

Apollo; "Happy hunting." He turns and walks into the portal. It closes as Marcus comfort Samantha and Eddie.

Tank; "I SERIOUSLY HATE THAT GUY!!! RAAAGH!!!" Tank booms grabbing a table and throws it aside.

Edward looks at Marcus calmly as Marcus sees this.

Edward; "When we get another relic. Ask him where this 'new world Monty is' I'll murder him." Marcus nods and a purple light gulf them.


A bright light shines on Marcus's face while he slowly yawns. He noticed everyone doing their thing while he felt a poke on his shoulder.

Samantha: "This is only the beginning." Marcus smirks.

Marcus: "I'm counting on it."